Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1271: , Link it, mental power!

However, it was when Zhang Xiang was carefully manipulating the precision instrument and processing the barrel. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The alarm sound of ‘di, di, di...’ actually sounded from the big computer in another district.

"Alarms, alarms, and reverse detection with heterogeneous data have broken through the first direction and are continuing to attack towards the second line of defense... Request to turn on the automatic counterattack system, request to turn on the automatic counterattack system..." , Rang throughout the entire basement in an instant.

Even Zhang Xiang, who had been operating the machine precisely like a machine, had a moment of stunned time.

Because of this, there was a trace of damage to the barrel that he was supposed to be able to manufacture successfully.

"Oh, it was backtracked?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes, put down the barrel of the failed barrel in his hand, and walked toward the area where the computer was.

At this time, on the screen of that big computer, there was a torrent of data refreshing like a waterfall.

Although Zhang Xiang's intrusion technique is not so superb.

However, Zhang Xiang could also see how superb the technology used by the other party.

Even the computer used is not inferior to Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, isn't it? It's very interesting." Zhang Xiang showed an interesting smile at the corner of his mouth. He gently sat on the chair in front of the computer and began to tap some complicated codes.


At this time, it was a thousand miles away. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In the Pentagon in the United States of America, a man in a black suit is also standing in front of the Pentagon’s supercomputer.

"How is it? Have you tracked it down? I dared to invade the Pentagon supercomputer and directly intruded into the internal confidential research institute through this jumping platform. It is really bold!" The middle-aged man in a black suit violently A slap of anger appeared on his face when he patted the tabletop.

But not long after his words fell, a white man who looked a little wretched and a little chubby opened his mouth.

"Don't worry, boss, the other party is just a small character. Last time we were because the other party's computer was too powerful. That's why the other party ran away so arrogantly. Otherwise, relying on the other party's three-legged cat's skill, How can we not escape our pursuit. This time, we not only used the three supercomputers of our military, but also borrowed the "Prophet" supercomputer from the highest institution with the world's second computing power, plus Go to the masters on our side, we must guarantee that we will not let the other party escape. You just wait for us to defeat the other party and trace the other party's specific location. I want him to know, the most powerful hacker, It's only us white people, those yellow-skinned monkeys don't want to beat us," the chunky white man said arrogantly.

"Very well, just to have this aura. If I know who he is. Then. I must send out and arrest him. After torturing him into a human form, he will be thrown into prison. During this, I was scolded in front of the president." The middle-aged man in a black suit showed a smile on his face and started to laugh.

"Then, let's start, find him out and crush it into pieces!" The man in the black suit said with a big hand.

"Okay, BOOS!" The short, fat white man saluted somewhat funny.

Then he pressed a button.

"Let you have a taste. The internet explosive bomb I made is amazing." The short, fat white man, with a winning expression on his face, pressed the button in his hand.

In an instant, the calculations of the four supercomputers gathered together and turned into wave after wave of shock waves, crushing the rough bait that Zhang Xiang had set outside into fragments and following the track. The ground followed Zhang Xiang's plane.

At that time, it was when the big computer alarm sounded.

And looking at the large amount of operating data that appeared on the computer, the short and fat middle-aged man's face showed a win-or-loss smile.

"Look, I know that the other party's strength is not worth mentioning except that the computer is better. It's really a waste. Even sitting on such a powerful computer, it can't resist even for a while. Sure enough, those yellow-skinned monkeys are yellow-skinned monkeys, with no IQ at all." A mocking expression appeared on the face of the chunky white man.

You know, he is a standard racist!

As long as it does not belong to white people, it is no different from garbage in his eyes.

Even if he was also white, he felt he was superior.

Because he feels that his computer skills are the strongest in the world

It's just that he didn't know that Zhang Xiang still had an existence against the sky in this world.

Although his computer ability, even if he learned a lot of future technologies, he still couldn't compare to his opponents who have experienced many battles.

However, just because of this, trying to defeat Zhang Xiang is completely impossible.

And on the other side.

"Okay" Zhang Xiang stopped and pressed the final enter key.

On the screen, a piece of code is rapidly executing.

That is a special code used to transform Zhang Xiang's mental power fluctuations into electronic signals.

After all, he is not like Misaka Mikoto's existence, who can rely on his electromagnetic energy to invade the network all at once.

However, he has a special method.

That is, isn't it good to use a special code to transform one's mental power fluctuations into electrical signals?

Zhang Xiang did that in the past.

However, since today's computers are not as advanced as later, he cannot directly use mental power to quickly convert them into electrical signals.

Therefore, it is necessary for Zhang Xiang to type out that piece of code.

Looking at the defensive layers that were broken down, Zhang Xiang showed a more interesting smile on his face.

"Then, let me play with you" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.


"Link it, mental power!" Zhang Xiang said softly.

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