Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: , The data torrent!

As his words fell, his mental power flooded in like a flood, and flowed into the computer through the external computer port. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Then, through the temporarily typed code, it was quickly converted into an electrical signal, and through the infinite device, it rushed toward the battlefield thousands of miles away.

At the same time, the electric meter, which was originally jumping slowly, also jumped at a rapid speed.

That is the electrical energy consumed when Zhang Xiang's mental power is transformed into electrical signals.

However, the huge amount of electricity consumed was exchanged for that powerful flood of attacks.

Zhang Xiang closed his eyes slightly, and the electrical signal transformed by that mental power rushed into the silent battlefield like a flood.

Then, like a huge wave rolled up, it slammed into the enemy's attack torrent.

A loud, silent bang rang out in the online world.

The rushing torrent that was originally rushing towards Zhang Xiang was like a small stream meeting a big river. It was smashed and scattered into waves of the sky, and scattered towards the surroundings.

In an instant, centered on the network location where Zhang Xiang was fighting with the opponent, the computers of an unknown small country all went black.

Some computers even emit black smoke.

In this country, all computers connected to the Internet have been forced to go on strike, whether it is automatic production controlled by the computer or other things, all have stopped.

Even the traffic lights of the entire country stopped moving in an instant.

This is the power of the Internet torrent.

The shock wave that concentrated four supercomputers could be blocked by a country that did not invest a lot of money in cyber defense.

Just being affected, almost half of the computers in the entire country are scrapped. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, the offensive and defensive battle between Zhang Xiang and the opponent has not stopped yet.

Inside the Pentagon, at the moment Zhang Xiang's impact torrent arrived, the screen that was originally filled with a green light suddenly turned red, and the harsh sirens began to sound.

"Alarms, alarms, and supercomputers are floating too large, please confirm whether there is an external connection for data flooding attacks..." Amidst the harsh alarm sound, the automatic software of the supercomputer began to sound the alarm.

At the same time, the short and squat white man who was only watching the show suddenly changed his expression.

"How could this happen?" He suddenly sat upright from half-lying on the computer chair, and even the hot coffee spilled on him, he didn't feel any pain.

And looking at the situation in front of him, the man in black who was waiting for the result with peace of mind also stood up.

"What happened?" he asked the short, fat white man.

However, in his heart, he didn't know why a feeling of uneasiness emerged.

On the other side, the chunky white man was hurriedly manipulating something, still saying something.

"Impossible, impossible, a flood of four supercomputers, unless it is a country's computers, it will definitely be impossible to block..." His face was a little pale, and he was rushing to catch it. The flood of attacks converged again.

As for the country that got shot, he didn't even think about it.

Now in his heart, there is only a wave of fear hidden in his heart, and more and more fear is occupied.

Because he already felt it.

The power that can block all the attacks of his four supercomputers must be much higher than his original estimate.

Even, it was far beyond his expectation.

In other words, a big loophole appeared in his plan.

However, at this time, it is impossible for him to stop.

Because once he stopped, it was tantamount to giving up.

And if he admits defeat in this position, then he has no chance to comeback.

Because losers will not be employed by a country that only deserves winners.

Coupled with the small country that misplaced the lieutenant, he could even see what would happen when that small country discovered that the torrent of impact came from the American Pentagon.

He will be backed up with a huge fine, ruined, and even sentenced to life imprisonment.

Any kind of punishment, he felt terrible after thinking about it.

‘Victory him, only by conquering him and pushing all the faults to him, I can save it! Such a vicious plan flashed in the heart of the short, fat white man.

However, he did not hesitate to agree with this plan.

At this moment, the man in the black suit couldn't help questioning again.

"What happened?" The middle-aged man in a black suit asked a bit violently.

Because the anxiety in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, the short and fat white man also woke up.

If you don’t coax the other party, you won’t be able to carry out your next plan. Then wait until tomorrow’s question from that small country...

He could already imagine that he would end up being devoured by his boss.

Therefore, he suppressed his fear and pretended that it didn't matter.

"No, it's okay, it's just because the enemy has been attacked and started a counterattack. That's why the warning will be issued. However, the opponent will never turn over, please rest assured." The short, fat white man said with a strong smile.

Sweat stained his back.

And listening to the explanation of the short, fat and white-hot man, the man in the black suit, although very upset, did not believe it.

However, even if he didn't believe the other party at this time, he had to stick to it.

Because he just borrowed the four supercomputers from the military and universities, not for the benefit of the United States of America.

But for more political capital, and also about the next election.

If he caught the hacker and stabbed this matter out.

Then, the current government will undoubtedly be questioned.

At that time, he will be able to rely on this feat to gain popular support in a high-profile manner.

This is his plan.

However, if he fails, he will not only become a laughingstock, but may also be attacked by political opponents.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth abruptly and believed the other person.

"Well, then, speed up the attack and find the opponent faster!" The man in a black suit said word by word as if to strengthen his momentum.

However, he didn't know that this was the beginning of his entire political career...

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