Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1275: , Tianma Meteor Boxing (Fog)

But after Zhang Xiang tore the sphere formed by the data torrent, he didn't hesitate to control the huge figure formed purely by the data stream and waved his fist. Look. Yarn, Chinese website


Zhang Xiang's right fist hit the wall of the library fiercely, and the entire library of millions of square meters suddenly shook.

A crack invisible to the naked eye appeared on the wall of the library.

Although, soon, it was repaired by the torrent of data.

However, it was indeed an effective offense.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't care about this at all.

Looking at the wall that seemed to be intact, a light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Since there has been no fighting recently, he feels that his body is about to rust. It is rare to encounter such a difficult-to-destruct wall. How can he not make him feel bright

So he took a step back and recondensed his body composed of powerful data, compressing it to a level.

"Then, I hope you can hold on more!" Zhang Xiang tilted his head, his neck made a crisp sound, and slightly moved his virtual body.

Then, he began to attack like a storm.

"The Storm Fist, Infinite Flying Kick, Lightning Head Hammer, Pegasus Meteor Fist, Lushan Shenglongba..." Zhang Xiang launched a visual effect in the virtual library. attack.

Since the body is constructed from virtual data, he doesn't have to worry about loss at all. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Not to mention, everything here is virtual, as long as you want, even real lightning fist, and Tianma meteor fist can be displayed.

It's just that the power of the move hasn't changed at all, it's almost the same as your full blow.

So, suddenly.

In the entire empty library, there was a storm first, followed by a series of loud noises, and then the light of lightning, the scene where countless meteors flashed.

In the end, it turned out to be a cyan dragon with a thousand feet in the sky, and hit the ceiling.

And just after the gorgeous scene slowly faded away, Zhang Xiang's tall body once again appeared in the library.

However, his current body is a bit miserable.

Both hands are already in a state of collapse, countless data torrents are in a state of dissipating and converging, one of his feet has directly collapsed, and the head is also in a state of semi-dissipation.

However, after a strange wave flashed.

All the injuries on Zhang Xiang's body were healed, but his body shrank slightly.

However, it seemed more solid.

It's just that Zhang Xiang made his body so miserable, but his face showed a comfortable expression.

"It's really cool. I haven't been able to stretch my body like this for a long time. Moreover, the move that was impossible to achieve in the original expectation, but also took advantage of this opportunity to have a severe addiction." Zhang Xiang's hands were relaxed Unfolding, there was a'cracking' noise all over the body.

That is a sign of vigorous qi and blood after the body's muscles and bones are moving.

Of course, in the virtual world, he doesn't have the word full of energy at all.

The sound that appeared was just a subconscious simulation of him.

"Then, let me leave this broken library" Zhang Xiang said in relaxed words after stretching his body.

However, he was not talking big.

Because, as he said, this confined virtual space that originally trapped him has now become a broken space.

Hundreds of thousands of cracks, which are hundreds of meters wide and thousands of meters long, appeared in the huge library space. No matter the ceiling, the walls, or the ground, they were all densely packed. The cracks are covered.

Moreover, those spaces at the edge of the cracks are gradually collapsing.

A large amount of data escapes from the edge, dissipating towards the unknown virtual space.

As long as Zhang Xiang worked harder, it wouldn't be difficult to crush this space.

"Okay, the last blow" Zhang Xiang squatted down, his right hand slowly accumulating strength, and his breathing slowed down.

Then, that punch was slowly bombarded out.

However, don't think that the slow fist right now has no power at all.

As mentioned earlier, the form of power expression in this virtual space is actually not important, what matters is just how much power you use.

And this seemingly slow punch contained all the power in Zhang Xiang's more solid body.

He believes that this virtual space can be completely broken with just one blow.

However, at this moment, a weird change happened...


And let us return to reality, just before Zhang Xiang displayed so many brilliant combat skills in the library space.

Because of Zhang Xiang's sudden fierce attack, the harsh alarm sounded even more harshly.

"Alarms, alarms, the'Forecaster' supercomputer has been bombarded by a flood of data overload, and its computing power is already close to the warning line...Warning, warning, the'Forecaster' supercomputer has been bombarded by a flood of data overload, and its computing power has exceeded After the cordon, some components began to overheat...Please cool down as soon as possible, and end some tasks..." The harsh alarm sounded throughout the room.

And right in front of a certain computer, the short, fat white man was opening his bloodshot eyes, typing on the keyboard quickly, and quickly building a lot of defense.

But there is no use, everything is useless.

However, at this moment, a phone ring rang.

After a quick conversation, a certain programmer stood up with an anxious expression.

"Director, the highest school sent a notice saying that our side had taken up too much of their supercomputer computing resources, causing some of their projects to have to stop computing, and some components overheated, and we asked us to stop using them immediately. A wide range of computing resources. If there is no answer, it will actively cut off the connection with this side after 30 seconds." A thin layer of sweat appeared on the programmer's forehead, and his face was sitting there with an anxious expression. Said the chunky white man not far away.

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