Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1276: , Seize control!

And after hearing this news, the short and fat white man finally stopped typing on the keyboard almost frantically. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

After stunned for a while, he stood up abruptly, ran to the phone with an almost crazy aura, and started talking with the person in charge on the other side.

However, after twenty seconds.

"Sonofbitch!" Stocky white man suddenly runaway phone to the hands of a harsh and fell down on the ground.

Between countless parts flying around, the short and fat white man roared.

"If I hadn't helped your laboratory withstand the next hacking intrusion back then, you would have been caught in the prison for leaking confidential materials and shady scenes, and you would have been caught in the prison. How could it be your turn to be so beautiful now? Damn it!" The short, fat white man swept everything on the table onto the ground.

However, he finally calmed down.

"Let me test it. When we helped them withstand the hacker attack, did the backdoors remain?" The short, fat white man said in repressed angrily toward the man on the side.

"But, if our behavior is discovered..." The programmer came with a hesitant expression on his face.

"No, but, since they are unkind, we are unrighteous. If I lose, do you think you can make it better?" The chunky white man scanned everyone in the room.

And looking at those bloodshot eyes, there must be madness and hatred revealed from them.

After being silent for a while, everyone moved.

After all, if something really happens, it can be pushed to the other person.

But if the other party is driven mad now, everyone can't help but scan the ground, who is said to be a man in black suit and what kind of huge network of relations he has. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

‘If you fainted like him, I’m afraid it’s not worth the gain. Everyone can't help but think of this.

After the order was issued, the red-eyed, short, fat white man returned to his seat and began to call a special backdoor procedure.

However, on his computer, a window popped up obviously.

It was reminding him that the use time of that "Prophet" supercomputer was only less than 30 seconds in the end.

However, at this moment, the programmer also checked everything.

"Director, the inspection is over, and the backdoor program has not been removed." The busy and sweaty programmer yelled to the short, fat white man quickly.

"Very well, then the good show is about to begin. If the technology is not good, then use violence. Give me a temporary stop of other programs running on the three supercomputers. Also, in I obtained the highest authority of the'Prophet' and launched a data torrent attack together!" The short, fat white man opened his bloodshot eyes wide and ordered to everyone present.

"Director, do you want to..." A certain programmer came with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes, I just want to get the highest authority of the'Prophet', and then kick all other users, and then temporarily borrow the resources of the connected users to bring the power of this world's second supercomputer , To the fullest extent! In that case, I will be invincible!!!" A fanatical expression appeared on the face of the short, fat white man, looking a bit hideous.

"But, in that case, isn't it a crime? If we are caught, the rest of our lives will be ruined." The shock on the programmer's face became even stronger.

"So what?" The short, fat white man showed a grinning smile and looked in the direction of the programmer.

"Crazy man, I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving. I'm going to expose..." The programmer stood up suddenly and walked toward the door.

However, he was only halfway there, and he stopped completely before he even finished his words.

Because, in his chest, there was a puff of scarlet blood oozing out.

A crisp sound is gradually easing.

"Gun, fired..."

"He, how could he come in with a gun..."

"No, how could this be..."

Everyone present showed their expressions of horror. Someone who owns a pistol is not worth fearing. What makes people afraid is that this pistol is in the hands of a lunatic.

And looking at everyone in horror, a satisfied expression appeared on the face of the short, fat white man.

"So, is there anyone who wants to leave now? I can give him a ride." The short, fat white man said with a weird smile.

At this moment, no one dared to say no, they all shook their heads.

"Well, let me act according to my plan." The short, fat white man shouted loudly.

Then, he started to log in to the background program quickly following the original back door.

When I counted down to the last five seconds on that screen, I logged in with a special account and password, and then used a special program to steal the highest authority.

With the power of the other three supercomputers, all this process only took three seconds.

"Then, let's start, the Prophet, and use your original strength!" The short, fat white man looked at the floating above, "Will other plans except the S0154 plan be eliminated?" All other users are kicked out "Whether all resources are pooled on the S0154 plan" Use "Whether to reversely control the computer connected to this machine", the right hand tapped three times continuously on the keyboard.

Then, after a little hesitation, he pressed the last one.

Suddenly, about 20 large companies, more than 300 small and medium-sized enterprises, and countless projects that were implicated in the United States were all suspended by the other side.

A large number of laboratories, as well as other institutions linked to supercomputers, have popped up the words ‘insufficient access to resources’.

Then, the highest authority of the computer was obtained, and the screen of the user who was kicked out appeared on the screen.

Especially in the room of the highest school that covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters, on the big screen, the highest authority is cancelled, and the entire screen pops up with unknown data streams, representing how many connections there are. The computer with this supercomputer was reversely controlled and performed an overload of additional calculations.

This scene caused the entire originally quiet supercomputer research room to become noisy.

"Oh my God, how is this possible..."

"No, how could such a thing happen!"

"Hurry up and inform the professor..."

Voices like this continued to sound.

And there is more to it!

Thousands of architects and programmers were awakened from their sleep and called to major companies urgently.

Nearly hundreds of phone calls were made to the highest school and the White House.

Because, among the 20 large-scale enterprises involved, there are enterprises specializing in manufacturing military industries, which contain the latest research results.

Moreover, there is a launch system that is actually connected to a nuclear bomb...

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