Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1282: , Dark jagged!

But when Zhang Xiang was thinking about the countermeasures, the pitch black beast took action. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

The opponent started to approach Zhang Xiang actively for the first time, and the speed was unexpectedly fast.

It was just that the black mist around the dark behemoth shrank slightly. The dark behemoth appeared to be tens of thousands of meters away from Zhang Xiang as if it had broken the distance of space.

In the squirming black mist, a pitch-black claw suddenly shot out from it, and shot towards Zhang Xiang.

It is a whole body constructed from a pitch-black data link, which is nearly the size of dozens of trucks, and has petal-shaped steel serrations like blood drops. Each serration is a sharp claw, but At this time, these claws were continuously rotating, and the sharp edges turned into invisible afterimages during the high-speed rotation.

And behind this peculiar claw, there is also a steel chain connected to its body, which seems to be used to control and recover this steel jagged claw.

And it was just a blink of an eye, and the jet-black steel claws that ejected had already arrived in front of Zhang Xiang.

The edge of the super high-speed steel claw that turned into an afterimage had already arrived in front of Zhang Xiang.

With that super dynamic observation vision, he could even observe how sharp the pitch-black jagged edge was.

At this time, Zhang Xiang was able to react from the opponent's unreasonable movement speed.

"Not good!" This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's heart, and his body quickly moved backwards.

But time was too late, and the attack speed of the steel sawtooth claw was much faster than Zhang Xiang had imagined. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The edge of the sharp sawtooth is already worthy of touching Zhang Xiang's chest. The sharp aura from the high-speed rotating sawtooth has even made Zhang Xiang's chest appear unnamed scars, and a lot of data flow begins. Dissipate from it.

Then, at the moment it touched the dark claws, it suddenly shattered into smaller pieces.

This scene caused Zhang Xiang's eyes to shrink suddenly.

If his chest is really cut apart, then his entire body may become countless data fragments under this kind of weird attack.

At that time, if he wants to regroup and come back, I am afraid it will be too late!

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but flashed a word in his mind: ‘Abandon the car to keep you handsome! ’.

No one hesitated. At the moment when he thought of this word, Zhang Xiang made a choice.

His body quickly dodged to his left in the process of retreating.

And as just said, it is impossible in terms of time to completely dodge the past.

So, at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's right arm, which was connected to the energy gun, swiveled and flew out towards the rear. A large amount of data flow escaped from Zhang Xiang's sudden right shoulder fracture, just like the massive eruption in reality. The blood is average.

Then, the right arm that flew out was suddenly restored to the purest data under the closed bite of the pitch-black steel jagged claws like petals.

And a dark color also appeared on the fracture of his right shoulder, preventing the data stream from repairing there.

However, none of this affects Zhang Xiang. What really affects Zhang Xiang is the number of negative emotions that suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiang's perception, as well as the intense pain that he really felt.

It was like in reality, his right shoulder had been cut off.

But he clearly knew that there was nothing on his right shoulder in reality.

Unprepared, even Zhang Xiang, who had suffered a lot, couldn't help frowning slightly and let out a muffled sound.

"Why? Can virtual data also affect reality?" Zhang Xiangqiang endured the pain, taking advantage of the moment when he recovered, and under the dangerous and dangerous situation, dodged the dark steel that came back and forth. Serrated claws.

But at the next moment, Zhang Xiang reacted.

"Is it the virtual data that affects my spirit, causing my brain to send out the wrong signal? It's terrible! If it weren't for my firm belief that my real right hand is fine. Now my right hand has been sent by the brain. The wrong message that came out has created a similar wound!" A cold sweat flashed on Zhang Xiang's forehead, and the caution in his eyes became thicker.

Because he thought of a deeper level.

"If I am killed in the virtual world, or if that piece of virtual data can be transformed into mental fluctuations and corrode my mental power..." Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang has already raised his vigilance. It's the highest.

"No, I can't play anymore. Then, let's solve the opponent at once!" Zhang Xiang gritted his teeth abruptly.

At the same time, he raised his left hand in the virtual world, turned it into a sharp blade, and immediately cut off the wound on his right shoulder.

In an instant, a sharp pain struck.

But after the wound corroded by the pitch black energy was removed, the pain signal that had been shielded by Zhang Xiang also disappeared at the same time.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang was to unblock the signal of his mental pain.

If you want to fight as hard as you can, the masked mental pain is undoubtedly an obstacle.

That will affect his perception of anything delicate in the space!

However, when he was determined to kill the opponent, his body did not hesitate to turn around and flew towards the void world behind, penetrating through various ports.

It's like... a bereaved dog?

But if everyone saw the solemnity that emerged in Zhang Xiang's eyes, then everyone would not think that he was really running away.

And that seemed to be the pitch black behemoth with wisdom. The moment he saw Zhang Xiang running away, it made his own roar for the first time.

It was like an angry roar from an ancient abyss, resounding through a small virtual world, and even some computers in the real world that had not entered the scope of the battle were instantly frozen.

But at the same time, its huge body seemed to be wandering in the void, and before suddenly disappearing and appearing, it had already shortened countless distances.

Then, the pitch-black steel jagged claw shot out and caught Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, they were all escaped under Zhang Xiang's increasingly flexible movements.

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