Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1283: , Selfregeneration!

Ten minutes later, when Zhang Xiang dodged close to countless distances in cyberspace and was scarred by the dark behemoth that was chasing after him, Zhang Xiang was finally in one place. Stopped.

Of course, the road along the road was opened violently, and there was also the reason that the pitch black beast kept getting hurt by accident.

In reality, all kinds of electronic equipment connected to the Internet on that road are constantly sparking.

The least affected was the momentary black screen!

It was a very empty space, which was about the same size as the virtual space that had just fought against the pitch black monster.

"Okay, I finally arrived!" Zhang Xiang looked at the familiar empty space and couldn't help taking a breath.

This is the super-large network space closest to his body and the supercomputer buried deep underground.

Of course, at this time, due to Zhang Xiang's control, a large amount of data that should have existed in this virtual world has been completely isolated.

As for the reality, Zhang Xiang couldn't take into account the feelings of the other party because of the sudden roar of a large number of dropped users in that certain community.

Because the other party is coming!

And as expected, in the next moment, as the space swayed, first a black mist of tens of thousands of meters appeared, and then a black giant beast with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters suddenly emerged from the space. Out of the broken space.

However, in the next instant, a burst of colorful data that was hundreds of meters wide suddenly impacted on the body of the pitch-black behemoth that had just broken out of space.

Due to the rigidity of the shattered space, this wave of attacks finally hit its body in a real way after evaporating a large amount of black fog.

An angry roar suddenly broke out, and the figure of the pitch black beast appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision for the first time.

It was a black body with a regular dodecahedron, and each side had a small pentagonal pyramid, which was like a muzzle, and each had a pitch black connected by a double spiral chain like DNA. Steel serrated claws.

But at this time, as the flood of colorful data rushed past, one of the spiral chains it had was suddenly broken, and a pitch-black steel jagged claw separated.

And a pentagonal pyramid of its body was also shattered in half.

"Damn...human beings...death...rebirth..." A series of human voices in the dark and angry roar actually rang.

"Has it evolved to this level? You can learn human language!" The pupils of Zhang Xiang's eyes shrank suddenly, and the dignity in his eyes became thicker.

At the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice fell, a complete human language roared from the mouth of the pitch-black giant beast.

"Selfregeneration (Selfregeion)!" As this roaring sound spread throughout the small half of the world, the black mist that originally enveloped its body suddenly shrank, rolling its broken black steel claws to shrink. Back in its body.

Then, when the squirming black mist re-dispersed, the broken pitch-black steel claws were connected again, and the pentagonal pyramid was restored.

And at the moment of successful recovery, the pitch black behemoth's offensive began again.

Moreover, this time it was still like a storm.

"Destroy the cannon!" With this roar of the pitch black giant beast sounded.

The dodecahedron began to rotate rapidly, facing Zhang Xiang’s direction, and bombarded with pitch-black shells that were invisible to the naked eye. Numerous fragmented data links scattered in this world were hit This invisible shelling cleared out the open space.

However, how could Zhang Xiang, who suffered a loss once, be so easily caught?

"Data connection!" Zhang Xiang roared into the void.

At the same time, the blue veins on his forehead rose slightly in reality, and a large amount of computing power instantly surged out, poured into the virtual world, and was transformed into the virtual world without any delay. A data link was made and connected to Zhang Xiang's body.

In an instant, with the infusion of that large amount of data.

Behind Zhang Xiang's body in the virtual world, a pair of dazzling wings flashed with colorful rays suddenly appeared.

"Archangel, attack!" Zhang Xiang suddenly shouted on a whim.

At the same time, the colorful steel wings suddenly spread out, spraying out a dazzling colorful light.

And then, Zhang Xiang’s body seemed to have received dozens of times the power blessing, but the whole body went into the supersonic state in an instant, and the whole person dodged to the left for a distance of nearly several kilometers. Dodged one of the silent shelling.

Then, they dodged dozens of subsequent artillery shots at a speed close to teleporting one after another.

And in Zhang Xiang’s rapid dodge, the data that has been continuously infused into Zhang Xiang’s body through the data link is also evolving with Zhang Xiang’s will, and is constantly repairing and growing him. At the same time as his body is evolving.

In the next moment, an oscillating alloy long knife about 800 meters long appeared in Zhang Xiang's hands.

Large-scale armor kits gradually appeared outside his body, fitted outside of his body, and constructed him into a body that looked like a Gundam from the outside.

But in reality, it is more than ten times larger than the Gundam, and it is a huge monster close to more than two thousand meters.

Of course, Zhang Xiang's body can only be regarded as a small man compared to the pitch black behemoth with a diameter of 10,000 meters.

However, that lethality is not weaker than the opponent!

But at the moment when the last red and blue shield appeared in Zhang Xiang's hand, his dodged figure suddenly made a turn.

"Counterattack!" Zhang Xiang roared.

At the same time, the dim eyes of ‘Angel Gundam’ that covered Zhang Xiang’s body also flashed red.

The powerful horsepower burst out from the engine in an instant, and the figure of Angel Gundam under Zhang Xiang's control was already teleported to the side of the pitch-black behemoth while the colorful data flickered.

The extremely sharp oscillating alloy long knife flashed past one of the opponent's faces before the opponent had reacted.

And at the next moment, a huge black space crack appeared on the originally smooth surface, which was close to a thousand meters above and nearly five hundred meters above.

And the serrated claws of the pitch-black steel that had been swung over stopped for a while, and then broke into two halves silently.

The angel is as high as a blow, it is so terrifying!

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