Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1284: , Destruction and decomposition!

"No...Kill..." A vague roar came from the opposite side of the space fault intermittently.

And it was in the next moment, with the self-repair of that space, the voice of the pitch black beast officially passed over.

"Destruction and decomposition!" The roar of the inky behemoth resounded throughout this space.

As it roared, its remaining eleven dark steel serrated claws connected by double helix chains slammed out, like an existence with self-consciousness, and reached ten in an instant. At several times the speed of sound, he crossed the repaired space fault and grabbed Zhang Xiang in this direction.

But the key is not this one. On top of the pitch-black steel serrated giant claw, there is a layer of incomparable pitch-black existence, which diffuses out to form an illusory enlarged pitch-black giant claw.

And everything that was touched by this pitch-black giant claw was all annihilated into the most basic data fragments, and then directly turned into nothingness.

What was even more frightening was that the place where that black giant claw passed by must have been covered by black mist.

Everything that exists within this range will be slowly decomposed into the most basic existence.

The other party is actually expanding the scope of his control!

From this, it can be seen that the degree of danger of the giant claw is really strong.

What was even more terrifying was the number of the eleven pitch-black steel giant claws and the speed.

It was as if an unknown acceleration force was being blessed, but the speed of the eleven pitch-black giant claws was getting faster and faster. Following Zhang Xiang's attack and dodge, they were gradually accelerating the speed of reaction. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Looking at it from a distance, it’s like countless dark tentacles shrouded in a space almost completely shrouded by that dark mist. Every second in every space, there is a dark tentacles waving from the side. Pass, wipe out everything it can touch.

However, under such circumstances, in the dark mist, there is still a ray of colorful light shining in it.

Occasionally, there is also a burst of colorful rays of light, suddenly bursting out, purifying all the black mist along the way.

However, under such circumstances, Zhang Xiang's range of action was gradually restricted.

From the beginning, he dodged around this entire space of unknown size, until he was restricted into an area with tens of millions of square kilometers, and in the end, only a few million square kilometers were left.

If you want to describe it vividly, then Zhang Xiang can dodge the chasing and killing of the black giant beast on the earth.

However, later it was only able to chase and kill the pitch black beast in the ocean.

In the end, they were only able to chase each other in a playground.

And if the opponent ran away, the attack would be enough to cover a small half of the playground.

Under such circumstances, there are naturally fewer and fewer places Zhang Xiang can dodge.

‘No, if it is delayed like this. Then, the battle will fall into a scene that is extremely unfavorable to me. It just so happened that the amount of data I got was enough to support me to make some changes. A light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

After coming to his own home court, the strength of both sides was changing quietly.

If the opponent wants to get enough computing power, it will undoubtedly have to cross nearly hundreds of levels like Zhang Xiang before.

In that situation, it would naturally be consumed a lot by those hundreds of levels out of thin air, and it would naturally take a long time to accumulate if you want to burst out enough power.

However, if you are in your home court, as long as the data can come to this space, it will naturally be able to become Zhang Xiang's help.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang is still directly connecting the data link to himself, and he is continuously increasing his own data reserve!

"It's achievable, the energy I have accumulated is enough for me to support the protective cover for two seconds. By that time, I have successfully evolved!" Zhang Xiang quickly calculated based on the gap between the enemy and us, and The opponent's offensive force immediately made a plan.

"Then, let's start, evolve!" Zhang Xiang stopped dodge abruptly and let out a loud shout.

Countless data torrents burst out of Zhang Xiang’s body, forming a circle of colorful data torrents outside his body, illuminating this space as bright as the moon is reflecting light. .

But at the same time, the eleven pitch-black giant claws of the pitch-black giant beast's offensive came at the same time.

The opponent who had nearly fifty times the attack speed wanted to mobilize his eleven pitch-black steel giant claws in a short time, but it didn't actually take one and one second.

However, the accident happened at this time.

A bright protective shield appeared outside Zhang Xiang's body, and when Zhang Xiang's body was shrouded in the evolutionary data chain, it blocked the opponent's unstoppable offensive.

The claws transformed by the pitch-black mist stopped outside the shield.

The dark data chain and the colorful data chain are constantly colliding with each other, bursting out dazzling light, as if that place has become a purgatory existence, and the temperature has soared to the point of close to thousands of degrees.

Moreover, the temperature is still rising upwards indefinitely.

It is true that those black mists and the pitch-black giant claws themselves possess extremely strong ability to decompose data.

However, don't forget, the data that has been decomposed are just some temporarily aggregated data.

But what if these data are compressed to the extreme? !

The shield outside Zhang Xiang's body was constructed using this principle.

Although, such a shield will also be disassembled.

However, it will undoubtedly take a lot of time for the opponent to disassemble such a shield.

And that period of time was enough for Zhang Xiang to evolve to a higher level!

However, the other party also seemed to perceive this.

"Infinite bomb!" The eleven tentacles, which were about ten kilometers long, shrank suddenly, and the dark giant claws suddenly stretched out.

Then, the bombs with at least hundreds of thousands of levels were shot out from the hole that suddenly appeared among the eleven tentacles like an endless stream, turning into dozens of torrents and surrounding Zhang Xiang. The outside of the protective cover suddenly exploded!

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