Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1292: , Strong formatting!

As Zhang Xiang's words fell, the entire virtual space surrounded by colorful flames suddenly distorted, as if entering a different space. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In fact, it is also true.

The method used by Zhang Xiang is very simple, that is, to drag the entire space into a three-dimensional space forcefully.

Then, with the help of the huge energy demand required to enter the three-dimensional space in two dimensions, all the energy data in the entire space is absorbed cleanly.

This process is not shifted by human will, as long as it is in this state that you have not been able to rush out in time before the twisted dimensional impact occurs.

Then, the huge suction from the three-dimensional world will wipe out this entire virtual space.

Yes, it's gone.

When there is not enough energy to jump to the three-dimensional world, the two-dimensional world will irreversibly extract all the energy in the two-dimensional world, and then the energy of the entire two-dimensional space.

If even the space cannot be maintained, then the whole world will be swallowed by the nothingness.

The world of nothingness that even has no space, once fell into it, it would never come out.

Because when you fell in, you already disappeared.

And when Zhang Xiang closed the entrances and exits of the entire virtual world, spreading all his body of the virtual world to the periphery of the virtual space, and wrapping it up, the result was already destined.

When the power of the transition is activated, after zero and one second, the entire virtual world will fall into an existence similar to a black hole. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In that situation, even the light couldn't escape, let alone the pitch black sarcoma.

However, the price Zhang Xiang paid was also huge.

His body, which had absorbed unknown data in the virtual world, was also completely consumed during this transition.

Zhang Xiang, who became only the last virtual data body, floated in the void space, watching with his own eyes that the colorful flame that first covered the periphery of the virtual space began to twist, and then suddenly collapsed, forming One after another data chain disappeared into the void.

That was the beginning of strong formatting, and then the periphery of the entire virtual space.

At the edge of the invisible virtual space, a large number of data streams began to emerge, but at the moment they appeared, they all turned into repaired data chains and dissipated in the air.

In the end, the dark sarcoma appeared in the twisted space.

What was unexpected to Zhang Xiang was that it was only a mere two seconds after Zhang Xiang broke free of the virtual space and finally launched the "strong format".

However, the body of the pitch black sarcoma swelled dozens of times within those two seconds, reaching the level of a million meters in diameter.

You know, in the real world, the diameter of the earth is only more than 12 million meters.

The mere black sarcoma has a diameter of one million meters.

In other words, if this dark sarcoma that only follows the desire to swallow data endlessly appears in the real world.

Then, as long as the opponent hits lightly, the entire earth will suddenly deform, the earth will collapse, the atmosphere will begin to disappear, and the surface environment will be destroyed in an instant.

Even if it is only a slight passing, the natural gravity of that huge body will cause earth-shaking changes in the climate of the entire earth.

For example, it is very likely that all volcanoes will erupt at the same time, allowing the earth to re-enter the magma age.

Or, it suddenly changed the rotation of the earth, letting it enter the ice age.

These are things that can be done easily.

And it was at that time that ‘strong formatting’ entered the final process.

The weird twisted space touched the body of the pitch-black sarcoma.

However, as Zhang Xiang had expected, the pitch black sarcoma was suddenly broken down into the purest data stream in an instant, and then engulfed by space did not appear.

On the dark sarcoma, it turned out to be like a irritated hedgehog. A series of dark tentacles about several kilometers, or even tens of kilometers in length, stood upright like hairs or hedgehog spikes. , A mysterious dark power permeated it, and a fierce collision began to occur in the twisted space.

Even some places suddenly shattered due to fierce space collisions, and were shattered into femto-level existences.

This level of existence is an existence that humans cannot observe anyway.

That is, it is infinitely close to the existence of nothingness.

This kind of discovery made Zhang Xiang, who is in a virtual data state without the heart, feel that the heart has stopped, his eyes suddenly widened, and he refused to let go of anything between the courts. Variety.

Because, when the situation develops to the present.

Zhang Xiang knew that if the other party really broke free from the distortion of the ‘strong format’, not only would he lose his virtual data experience.

Even his body in reality will suffer a retaliatory blow from the opponent's tracking.

The lack of wisdom of the other party does not mean that the other party will not retaliate!

It can even be said in an exaggeration that the fate of the entire planet is tied to the power of this ‘strong format’ to distort space, whether it can crush the black sarcoma.

Under this situation, Zhang Xiang started to cry in a low voice.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Zhang Xiang clenched his fists tightly, as if such behavior could add some strength to the'strong formatting'.

Finally, perhaps God heard Zhang Xiang's voice.

The countless pitch-black tentacles that were stalemate with each other following the ‘strong formatting’ began to suddenly collapse into countless pitch-black data chains, dissipating in the air.

That is the result of those dark tentacles using energy output exceeding the carrying capacity.

And when the first wave of annihilation began, even if a large number of dark tentacles were once again shot out of the dark sarcoma's body, it would not help.

Because the power of ‘strong formatting’ comes from the amount of destroyed matter.

When the amount of data swallowed by the space is enough, it is the beginning of an avalanche crash!

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