Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1293: , The collapse of the two-dimensional space is complete!

When the ‘strongly formatted’ space collapsed to the extreme, swallowing all the virtual space with a radius of approximately 100 million kilometers in diameter, turning it into a pitch-black spot. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over..." Zhang Xiang said with a sigh of relief.

Now he is in the virtual world, his body is no longer restored to a thousand meters tall, but only the size of an ordinary person.

Even, due to the relatively scarce data composition.

Occasionally, a chain of data links flashed across his body.

This fully shows his weakness at this time.

However, when the dark dot disappeared into the void, Zhang Xiang was also about to leave here and return to the real world.

He accidentally scanned an area after the black dot disappeared.

Then, he felt a cold air irrigating from the top of his head, almost freezing his whole body.

Even his virtual body suddenly collapsed into a data state for a moment.

If Zhang Xiang hadn't recovered in time, then his body would have returned to the state of the data link.

Because, in that endless void, a silver-white thing floated silently in the air.

If Zhang Xiang had the memory of that short, fat white man, then he would find that the silver-white thing was his silver USB flash drive that disappeared without a trace after plugging it into the computer.

"How is it, how is it possible!" Zhang Xiang's pupils shrank to the extreme.

Even in reality, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of incredible light. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

He has never seen anything that can survive the space collapse caused by ‘strong formatting’.

Although he had never tried it before, the firm data theory, as well as the data he analyzed from the dark fragments, were all proof.

Even the pitch black behemoth is unstoppable when the space collapses.

However, what appeared in front of him now was undoubtedly left from the formatted space by the ‘strong formatting’.

Because, after turning off the link on both the data and the physical.

After this void space, only the virtual space where the pitch black sarcoma existed was left.

As for the data wandering outside that virtual space, it is impossible to exist at all.

This is the result of Zhang Xiang scanning thousands of times.

Otherwise, he would not start ‘strongly formatting’ the entire virtual space without any defense.

You know, in that state, as long as the impact of a data stream, all his previous preparations will be invalidated.

This cannot tolerate his carelessness.

Not to mention, the silver USB flash drive still appeared in the center before the virtual space was completely swallowed.

Looking at the silver USB flash drive floating in the void, Zhang Xiang couldn't help tensing his whole body, always guarding against the possible attacks.

With his constant supply of computing power, his body began to gradually recover.

However, he didn't choose the body shape that was a thousand meters high, but compressed the extremely huge data stream into his body.

If there is an attack coming, the smaller the body when you run away, the more attacks you can avoid.

This is the law.

Not to mention, the smaller the same data stream, the larger the volume, and the defense strength will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

However, one hour passed, and two hours passed.

The silver USB flash drive just floated in the air, without any vision.

It just floats quietly in the air, like a dead object.

‘Could it be that this is just the residue after the ‘strong format’, just like the hard drive’s existence after formatting, it must occupy a certain amount of space? Or is it the product of the materialization of the unknown energy data stream? Various speculations flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

Then, he slowly controlled the Rainbow Angel to move in the direction of the silver U disk.

The closer he gets, the higher his level of security.

However, nothing happened until he got closer to within one meter.

‘It seems that there should be no danger. What's more, the things that can survive the "strong formatting" must be very precious! A brilliant light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes, slowly controlling a bunch of newly infused data to form an illusory claw, and grabbing the silver USB flash drive.

At the same time, he also raised his alert state to the highest level.

He already provided all the power to the defense, as well as the kinetic energy system of the colorful wings behind him.

If any accident happened, he would emerge as a shield as quickly as possible, and flee towards the distance without looking back, and then directly return to the real world.

However, when his virtual data claw touched, nothing happened.

The silver USB flash drive was like a real dead thing, slowly approaching Zhang Xiang's direction.

Then, finally stopped in front of Zhang Xiang.

Then, after being irradiated by colorful light, and scanning in various ways.

Zhang Xiang finally confirmed that there was no remaining data link of the pitch black giant beast in this silver USB flash drive.

This silver USB flash drive is just a product of some special data links.

"Is this something that can survive the'strong formatting'?" Zhang Xiang showed a hint of curiosity on his face, he relieved the rainbow angel outside of his body, and reached out to touch the existence with his right hand. .

Cold, full of metal texture, this is Zhang Xiang's first feeling.

Then, just when Zhang Xiang wanted to conduct further research.

The silver USB flash drive melted suddenly and dived into Zhang Xiang's body.

This sudden change caused Zhang Xiang to throw away the silver USB flash drive immediately, and the entire data figure suddenly collapsed, bringing his spirit back from the virtual space to reality.

But in the next second.

When Zhang Xiang opened his eyes in reality, as a data link emerged, a silver USB flash drive suddenly appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand in reality.

A light of horror and incomprehension appeared in Zhang Xiang's eyes...

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