Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1315: , Foreign beauty

Ding dong, ding dong

The sound of the doorbell came from outside the hallway. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Come, come, please wait a moment," Mei Yu's lively voice rang from the hallway.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang is busy helping Xiao Chi change clothes, while Xiao Kong and Hua Huo are preparing breakfast, and Xiao Ai is interested in the smartphone made by Zhang Xiang.

Because I was busy trying to figure out its specific structure last night, and also said the reason for the phone call, I just got up.

Therefore, the only person who came to open the door was Meiyu.

Meiyu walked through the hallway lively and opened the door. As the door opened, a wind with the chill of winter blew in, causing Meiyu to shrink her neck.

Then, the figure ringing the doorbell of Xiaoniaoyoujia appeared in Meiyu's eyes.

It was a woman who wore a beige women's coat, had flowing blonde hair, snow-white skin, and had a superb S-curve figure, and she was a tall woman among women.

"Well, who are you? Is there anything to come to our house?" Miyu asked curiously.

However, at the next moment.

Miwa was surprised by the convenience she did.

After seeing that it was Miyu who opened the door, the other party's expression was nervous from the beginning and became slightly startled, and then suddenly embraced.

"Моймилый Мiu Miu! (Miyu! My lovely Miyu! The blonde beauty hurriedly hugged Miyu, and in Russian, said something that Miyu could not understand.

Moreover, even more exaggerated, there was a tear left in the corner of the other's eyes. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Ah, that... that..." Meiyu exclaimed slightly, feeling a little at a loss under the embrace of this woman.

And hearing the sound, Zhang Xiang, who was already helping the young chicks get dressed, also rushed out immediately.

"What's the matter? Meiyu?" Zhang Xiang hurried to the hallway and said to Meiyu.

The situation in front of him made Zhang Xiang a little dazed.

Because, a foreign beauty who is very beautiful and has an excellent figure with blond hair is hugging Mei Yu and crying slightly, with a surprised expression on her face.

Moreover, the appearance of that blonde foreign beauty is a little familiar.

At this time, Xiaokong and others who heard the sound also ran out.

However, looking at the scene before them, they all have some confusion.

But at this moment, Xiao Kong, standing behind Zhang Xiang, suddenly exclaimed.

", you are Miss Saxia..." Xiaokong exclaimed and said the other person's name.

And listening to Xiao Kong’s voice, Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered something, thinking of the photo album

There was a woman with blond hair, and the picture taken by Miwa yesterday, ten years later.

At that time, Zhang Xiang still felt that Meiyu, ten years later, seemed to be like someone else.

At this point, it is completely clear.

"You are Meiyu's...mother?" Zhang Xiang asked hesitantly...


Didididi, the sound of the second hand echoed in the hall.

The little bird travels home, wrapped in a calm atmosphere different from usual.

In the living room, Zhang Xiang and others silently surrounded a woman with platinum hair.

This tall woman is very slender, with a pair of beautiful big eyes on her small face, and her white blonde hair casually draped behind her. The beige coat she wears can't hide her proud Figure.

Moreover, she has the same eyes and white skin as Miyu.

However, this woman at this time looked very happy and sad, with tears still in her eyes.

Zhang Xiang, who didn't know what words to begin with, looked back and forth.

Xiao Kong left the table to serve everyone.

At this time when everyone had breakfast, Miyu, who was sleek, looked down at her feet silently.

This has been the situation ever since the blonde foreign beauty opposite came into the house.

After meeting this beautiful visitor, Miyu waited silently for the time to pass.

Sitting in silence like this, the two looked more similar.

And Xiao Chi seems to feel something? While being held by Miwa, I watched Miwa several times and compared the two with visiting guests.

Time gradually came to eight o'clock, and Xiao Kong brought the tea up.

At this moment, the other party finally spoke.

"It hasn't changed at all..." The blonde beauty, looking around the living room, said alone with a nostalgic expression.

At this time, the language used by the other party is Japanese.

Moreover, he is very skilled.

"Yes, it hasn't changed since the renovation. By the way, you prefer green tea, don't you?" Xiaokong put the tea cup down nervously and asked the other party.

"...You remember, Xiao Kong." The blonde beauty smiled slightly.

"It's been a long time...Miss Saxia." Xiaokong also sat down and said.

However, listening to Xiaokong's words, the other party blinked and smiled.

"Xiao Kong...Don't treat me like an outsider. In the past, you still called me mother. By the way, come sit on my side." The blonde beauty smiled and said while patting the sofa next to her.

And after hesitating slightly, Xiao Kong also sat there.

However, at this moment, the other party looked viciously in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"By the way, who is this person?" Meiyu's mother looked at Zhang Xiang aggressively and asked.

"Ah, he is..." Xiaokong wanted to introduce Zhang Xiang.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang interrupted Miyu's mother's words.

"Hello, when we met for the first time, my name is Yuta Segawa. I am the uncle of these children and their guardian now!" Zhang Xiang said to each other in a tough tone.

Because the other party once left Meiyu's relationship, Zhang Xiang didn't have that good impression of the other party.

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