Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1316: , Shy? so cute!

"Segawa...Uncle...Are you Yuri's younger brother?" Miss Sa Xia's face suddenly glowed, and she suddenly leaned out to observe Zhang Xiang's face. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The sudden movement made her come closer to Zhang Xiang, which was less than two centimeters away.

If Zhang Xiang had just leaned forward in shock.

Well, the scene at this time is bound to become very embarrassing.

"Indeed, the eyes are very similar to Yuri." After carefully observing Zhang Xiang's face, Miss Sa Xia came to this conclusion.

However, she didn't know that her movement to look back and forth from side to side had brought herself closer to Zhang Xiang.

If it weren't for Zhang Xiang to step back in time.

Then, at this time, the opponent's cheek is about to touch Zhang Xiang.

"Ahem, that, the face is too close." Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice to remind the other party.

Because of the other party's enthusiastic action, Zhang Xiang suddenly became a little embarrassed.

However, at this moment, Miss Sa Xia suddenly let out a cheer of surprise.

"Ale, are you shy? So cute!" Miss Sa Xia suddenly moved and hugged Zhang Xiang.

The full presence was pressed on Zhang Xiang's right shoulder, the fragrance of the slender long golden hair was instantly puffed up, coupled with the close face, and the mature woman The taste of Zhang Xiang is really overwhelming for the time being.

Incidentally, he also embraced Xiao Kong beside Zhang Xiang into his arms.

Everyone exclaimed when watching Miss Sasha's move. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Ah, Miss Saxia, please wait, don't, don't be too excited." Xiao Kong was also startled by the other's big move, and couldn't help but struggle.

And Zhang Xiang, who is beside him, is not breaking free at this time, nor is it not breaking free.

If you break free, the plump European pie who is so close to you will undoubtedly collide.

And the smooth face that is so close is also touchable.

But the other party hugged too tightly, if you forcibly break free, I'm afraid it will hurt the other party.

But if you don't break free.

Well, although I feel good now, I am afraid that I will be complained by Xiao Kong later.

I don’t see the look in Zhang Xiang’s eyes now that Xiao Kong is already very angry...

Although it wasn't Zhang Xiang's fault, Xiaokong still pressed the mistake on Zhang Xiang's head.

Ahem, this is a woman's privilege, isn't it...

Moreover, if you don't break free, not only the above question, but even Zhang Xiang's position will become very embarrassing.

After all, he was originally on Meiyu's side, forgiving each other for not supporting her so quickly.

If this is the case, you can imagine what Zhang Xiang's position will become.

Only at this time.

A small figure squeezed in suddenly.

"Ah, my uncle, I want to play Hug Hehe too" Xiao Xiao smiled happily, but he squeezed into the middle between Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong and occupied one side.

And it was the action of the young young bird that made the embarrassment between Zhang Xiang and the other party alleviate, and the other party also slightly released the hug, allowing Zhang Xiang to escape.

"Xiaokong, Yutai...this child, is it..." Miss Sa Xia's face showed a surprised smile, as if she had guessed something.

And at this time, Xiao Kong, who finally broke free from the clutches of Miss Sasha, also introduced Xiao Xiao.

"Well, she is my sister, Xiao Chi, come, Xiao Chi, and say hello to Miss Sha Xia." Xiao Kong took Xiao Chi and introduced to the other party.

And the lively chicks also began to introduce themselves.

"I'm Xiaoniaoyouchi, just call me Xiaochi. I am three years old and I am now in kindergarten." Xiaochi introduced himself to the other party with cute and lively words.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The face was full of happiness, and started rubbing against Xiao Chi's face.

Hello! This action is the exclusive action of my little uncle! ! !

"Just like your mother, do you know your mother?" Xiao Chi's face showed a pleasant smile.

"Well, Auntie knows Xiao Chi's mother very well. By the way, my name is Sa Xia," said Miss Sha Xia hugging Xiao Chi.

"Xia Xia?" Xiao Xiao said, tilting her head in some doubt.

"Well, it's really too cute. Yuri's child is really too cute." Miss Sasha praised her familiarly.

Then, she turned the topic to Mei Yu.

"Now, Miyu, do you think so too?" Miss Sa Xia asked Miyu, who was sitting next to him on a chair and kept silent.

‘Sure enough, are you coming? Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong looked at each other.

However, it was just as Zhang Xiang expected.

Miwa turned her face to one side, and didn't pay attention to her.

Looking at this movement of Mei Yu, the smile on Miss Sa Xia's face gradually faded, revealing a sad expression.

"Sorry, I understand how you feel, Miyu, but suddenly I came here to look for you, and I didn't give you any psychological preparation. Moreover, I have not fulfilled my responsibility as a mother..." Miss Sasha, too It was Miyu's mother who began to gradually reveal her mood.

However, Mei Yu's face remained unchanged, just as a stranger.

And it was at this moment that Miss Sa Xia finally put the young bird down and walked to Mei Yu's body.

" was me who gave birth to you, Miyu." Miss Sa Xia looked at Meiyu tenderly and said.

And hearing this sentence, Mei Yu's expression suddenly stiffened.

Then she stood up abruptly.

"Sorry, elder sister, uncle, I am a little uncomfortable, go back and go to sleep." Meiyu said to Zhang Xiang and the others with a reluctant expression of sorry on her face.

In the next moment, he walked straight out of the living room and walked towards the room.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

And there was a layer of sadness on Miss Sasha's face.

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