Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: , Not biological!

Listening to Xiao Chi's doubting voice, Xiao Kong, who was beside her, quickly comforted her. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"No, it's okay, Xiao Xiao." Xiao Kong barely smiled on his face, comforting Xiao Xiao.

And looking at Xiao Chi's confused look, Miss Sha Xia, who was not far away, quickly wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Xia Xia, it's okay. Xia Xia was only hot with peppers, and she was fine soon. Xia Xia didn't dare to eat peppers." Miss Sha Xia pretended to be hot peppers and wiped the corner of her eyes. The young chick who was opposite said with a smile.

However, everyone present knew that Miss Sa Xia was very daring to eat spicy food.

Otherwise, how could she cook so much spicy soup in the morning?

Fortunately, Xiao Hina didn't realize this.

"Ah Xia Xia, it's so inferior, Xiao Xiao dare to say spicy food" Xiao Xiao came with a relieved smile on her face, and said happily to Miss Sha Xia.

"Yes, the little chick is much better than Xia Xia. What a great kid." Miss Sha Xia looked at the little chick who was eating Russian dumplings happily, with a happy smile on her face. .

Xiao Chi's innocent and lovely look is really the best elixir to heal the soul.

However, although Xiao Hina still doesn't know what happened.

But if she stayed here all the time, with Xiao Chi's cleverness, it would not be difficult to guess related things.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang made a decision, that is to let Xiao Chi leave the table temporarily.

"By the way, Xiaochun, isn't your favorite rabbit animation going to be broadcast? Shall we go and watch it together?" Zhang Xiang knelt down slightly and asked Xiaochun. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi's face couldn't help showing a pleasant smile.

"Ah, really? Uncle? But, uncle, didn't you say that you can't watch TV while eating?" A puzzled expression appeared on Xiao Chi's face, those pairs Doubts gleamed in the **** eyes.

This sentence made the smile on Zhang Xiang's face stiff.

He didn't expect that his words not long ago had brought himself into the ditch.

However, fortunately, Zhang Xiang's reaction was fast enough, and the stiff smile was just a flash, and it didn't make Xiao Chi suspect anything.

"It's okay, today is special. After all, Xiaochun helped everyone make such delicious Russian dumplings. So, in order to reward Xiaochun, today I will treat it as an exception." Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face. He touched Xiao Chi's soft hair.

By the way, she also picked up a tissue to help her wipe off the sauce from the corners of her mouth.

"Ah, really? The young chick is going to see it" Xiao Chi's face showed a happy expression.

"That's good, my uncle will help you get down." Zhang Xiang put his hands around the chicks' armpits, and hugged the chicks' small body from the special chair.

At the same time, he also filled a bowl of Russian dumplings in front of her, and helped her get it into the hall.

And Xiao Ai and Hua Huo Xiao Lori also understood the atmosphere of the room, using the excuse of watching anime with Xiao Chi, they left the table together, and accompanied Xiao Chi to watch TV in the lobby.

"Then, I'll leave it to you." Zhang Xiang, after helping the young bird to make all the bowls and spoons, whispered to Xiao Ai and Hua Huo.



Xiao Ai and Hua Huo both nodded.

Soon, as Xiao Chi’s favorite rabbit cartoon was shown on TV, Xiao Chi’s lively voice accompanied the sound of the cartoon, and it was also vaguely passed from the hall.

However, Zhang Xiang followed Xiao Chi and walked towards the dining room again.

However, while walking halfway, Zhang Xiang had already heard Miss Sa Xia: "Miyu, I am really sorry that I did not live with you. But from now on, I want to live with you."

And after Xiaokong's sentence: "Miss Saxia, although I know what I want to say is too much. But what I want to say is that Miyu is my sister. We will always be together!"

Listening to Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

‘Is that so? Does Xiao Kong think so too? ’

He never knew what Xiaokong was thinking about, and thought she would support each other.

Then, Xiao Kong's voice also began to ring gradually.

"Ms. Sasha, we... Since Aunt Yuli and the others are missing, we have been helping each other, and we finally became a family with our brother... We have been working hard like this... So, I, Miyu, and Hina , None of our three sisters will be separated...We will be together forever, with our brother." Xiaokong said firmly.

And listening to Xiao Kong's words, Zhang Xiang's footsteps couldn't help slowing down, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Because, Xiao Kong had already helped him say what he wanted to say.

"Sister..." Miyu's words were full of complicated emotions, and a touched expression appeared on her face.

Although she knew that the three sisters would never leave each other's existence, but listening to Xiaokong's words at this time, she still felt an unprecedented move and strength surging from her heart.

At the same time, she also made up her mind.

She wants to stay!

However, just before she wanted to speak.

Miss Sasha, who had been keeping her head down in front of her, turned paler after being silent for a while.

But at the same time, after biting her lower lip, she said a word that made the atmosphere in the room suddenly become very bad.

"I've been thinking about when and when I should say it. Although I made an agreement with Shingo and the others, I have been annoyed like this... now, let's talk about it. Miwa is not Shingo's child. This It was during the scandal that I lost myself when I was an entertainer. Miyu is the child of that person and I. She is not a sister who has blood connection with you...Really, I am very sorry." Miss Sa Xia said a shocking sentence. Come.

And when Zhang Xiang heard the other party halfway through, he already knew what the other party wanted to say, his face suddenly changed and he wanted to rush in.

However, time is not enough.

Miss Sasha had already spoken out the words completely, and it was meaningless to stop the following words.

"In order to convey this, I only returned to Japan. I will choose to live at home in the future, Miwa, you can choose by yourself... I'm sorry. I've concealed it so far... I'm sorry." The tears on Miss Sasha's face kept falling, covering her mouth. Sobbed softly.

However, opposite her, Mei Yu's face suddenly turned blue.

"...I, I...I'm not my sister...Sister? Lie...I'm a lie." Mei Yu's face turned blue, and her body kept shaking.

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