Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1325: ,news

And the time soon came two days later. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In these two days, as if that thing had never happened at all, the relationship between the three sisters still seemed to be as good.

And Miss Sasha, as if she had forgotten that one thing she had said, she stayed in Xiaoniaoyou's house.

However, it seems that Miss Sasha came to Neon because of a job.

Her time at home has become somewhat less since that day.

However, the more the other party is at home, it is indeed a little more energetic.

At least, Xiao Chi has one more person who often accompanies her.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that the current situation was only temporary.

Because, since Miss Sa Xia is here to work.

Then, when the other party's work visa expires, it's time to make a choice and let Miyu decide not to stay.

The current situation is very delicate.

Although Miyu seems to have not changed in any way on the surface, Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong, who are familiar with Miyu, can see that while Miyu keeps the usual behavior, there is a deliberate move in it.

It's like, if you don't do that, something will be exposed.

With this change, Xiao Kong couldn't help but become a little worried.

However, because of fear of irritating Miyu, everyone tacitly did not mention these things first.

And tonight, it is time for Zhang Xiang to be invited to the Tokiwa Group to host the opening ceremony of Japan's first twin-tower skyscraper in Nishitama City in front of Mount Fuji.

Those who officially went there were Zhang Xiang, Xiao Ai and Mei Yu.

Zhang Xiang brought Xiao Ai, specially invited by Zhang Xiang. He wanted Xiao Ai to watch the fall of the gin with his own eyes, so that she could walk out of the shadow in her heart. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

As for Miyu, she requested it.

This surprised Zhang Xiang slightly.

Because, before that, she also said that she didn't want to attend the troublesome opening ceremony.

However, looking at Mei Yu's appearance that seemed to have something to say to himself, Zhang Xiang finally agreed.

After all, as long as Zhang Xiang stayed by his side, Zhang Xiang would definitely not let Meiyu accident.

And along the way, it was calm all the way, Xiao Ai was originally the kind of colder and arrogant character, while Mei Yu seemed to be thinking about things quietly on the side as if she had something on her mind.

So, after an hour's drive, Zhang Xiang finally came to the banquet with Xiao Ai and Mei Yu.

After a warm welcome from the welcoming staff, Zhang Xiang brought Xiao Ai and Mei Yu to the banquet site at the invitation of the other party.

At this time, in the scene, everyone was talking to each other.

Among these people, there are not only friends of the Tokiwa Group in all walks of life, but also various celebrities, as well as various well-known or unknown congressmen.

These people gathered together to form a huge circle after another, driving the atmosphere of the audience.

After all, this kind of banquet scene is very suitable for making friends.

The ability to organize such a high-quality banquet is also a side view of the potential strength of the Tokiwa Group.

Although, due to various reasons in recent years, the Tokiwa Group has a tendency to fall out of the Neon Top Ten Consortium Group.

But judging from the current scene, it can still be seen that the lean camel is bigger than the horse.

At least, in terms of contacts, such an established group is more advantageous.

Of course, there is also a gimmick of Neon's tallest building inside, so many people will come to join in.

This gimmick represents not only the popularity, but also the amount of funds invested by the Tokiwa Group in this project.

If you want to build such a twin star building, or a tall building with the highest height of neon, the capital and the investment in science and technology needed are countless.

At least, from the perspective of the surface, the capital required to construct and decorate the two buildings is already close to 200 billion yen.

This is considered to be a huge project for the Tokiwa Group, one of the top ten neon consortiums, the Tokiwa Group, which is worth ten trillion yuan.

After all, value is value, and the estimation process has a lot of tricks, such as counting intangible things including scientific and technological materials. This is also a common method of these groups.

And the working capital, even if it is the No. 1 consortium of Neon, dare not say that it can come up with 200 billion yen in the first time.

The procedures required by a consortium to mobilize funds are extremely numerous!

Moreover, various other factors are involved.

After all, a super consortium has more than one project.

A super consortium’s project, there are hundreds of projects a year.

A little more funds were allocated for this project, and a little less funds for other projects.

From this, we can see how much determination and effort had been spent on the construction of this twin star building by the Tokiwa Group.

However, if it is successfully built, there will be other benefits in terms of reputation.

If you just collect rent, there will be at least 20 billion yuan in it every year.

Even if it is only the rent, the Tokiwa Group can recover its capital within ten years.

This speed is already very good in the return on investment of large groups.

It also represents the Tokiwa Group, which has the hope of re-emergence.

Therefore, everyone is paying so much attention to this opening ceremony.

However, during the banquet, Zhang Xiang also learned a piece of news that made him a little bit dumbfounded.

That is, just like the original work, Yuan Jiaming, who was rescued by him from the black organization, actually died.

After learning the news, Zhang Xiang remembered what he forgot to do that day.

That is, forgot to close the door of Yuan Jiaming's house.

As for the person who killed Yuan Jiaming, it was not the other people sent by the black organization, but in the original work, the artist who originally wanted to kill Yuan Jiaming, who was famous for painting Mount Fuji, Ru Yue Fengshui.

Listening to other people's talk, the other party directly used the dagger he carried with him to stab the unconscious opponent to death.

Affected by this, Ruyue Fengshui was also successfully caught by the police before proceeding to the next case.

After all, the Black Organization had fired shots in the building.

At that time, it was already attracting the attention of others.

It's just that because the small range of idlers shown by Zhang Xiang dispersed, no one came to check it.

After Zhang Xiang left, with the disappearance of the magical effect, someone finally remembered this matter.

So, the next thing need not be said.

When Ruyue Fengshui was just doing these things, the police were already downstairs...

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