Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: , The channel is blown up!

And after bringing Miyu and Miss Saxia to the corresponding floor and watching them line up at the elevator door under the command of the staff, Zhang Xiang rushed into the building again. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Because, in Zhang Xiang's perception, it seems to be in chaos.

Xiao Ai and the members of the juvenile detective team dispersed, and were rushing towards the transparent passage leading to another building.

On the other side, in his perception, on another building close to eighty stories high not far away, the gin with guns seems to be using the remote The sniper rifle is looking for something.

Obviously, the other party had been making frequent calls since Xiao Ae, and it was analyzed that Xiao Ae had attended this banquet.

That's why the other party stays on top of the tall buildings.

"Is it finally over?" Zhang Xiang raised his head as if he had thrown it over the wall, and saw the gin on another tall building hundreds of meters away.

Then, his figure turned into a phantom, and quickly moved towards Xiao Ai's direction.

And at this time, it seemed that Gin had also discovered it. If the transparent passage of the thirty-three floors continues to exist, the chance to find Xiao Ai will drop to an unacceptable level.

Therefore, just after he thought about it for a while.

He pressed another button to detonate the bomb again.

Shortly before the police arrived, the two-way transparent passage on the 33rd floor suddenly exploded, and a large number of super-strengthened tempered glass fragments came out of the sky hundreds of meters high. It fell down and smashed a lot of things. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Especially when the main body of the passage crashed to the ground, the strong impact force could be clearly felt even hundreds of meters away.

As for the popping sound, it resounded even more within a kilometer radius.

In this prosperous city, I want to spread the sound to within a kilometer of a radius. From this we can see how powerful the impact is.

If someone is standing under it, regardless of whether the subject and fragments will attack him, the shock wave alone is enough to cause a severe concussion.

Moreover, it was different from the scene in the theater version, after bursting the transparent passage on the thirty-third floor.

The gin still seemed to be dissatisfied, and another button was pressed.

"If you come, don't even think about leaving!" After speaking, he suddenly pressed down.

In an instant, the exit passage that was originally on the first floor was filled with fire caused by a sudden explosion.

From then on, only the last two passages left for this building.

That is the passage that can go straight to the ground, and the transparent passage that is on the sixty-sixth floor.

Gin is confident. If Xiao Ai (Shiho Miyano) appears in front of him, no matter how the opponent dodges, he will kill the opponent.

Relying on his super long-range sniper technique.

At this time, Zhang Xiang finally found Xiao Ai.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Xiang looked at the little sorrow who was leaning on the wall and seemed to be talking to someone, and couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Ai in the hall also gave Zhang Xiang a white look.

"Did you say that I have something?" Xiao Ai said somewhat irritably.

"By the way, why did you separate from Xiaolan and the others?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

You know, when Zhang Xiang just left, Xiao Ai was with the members of the Junior Detectives and Xiao Lan.

With Xiaolan's responsibility, she would not leave anyone in the Junior Detectives behind.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang was a little curious.

"I was originally together, but when I was in the elevator, I was squeezed into the elevator by an unruly uncle. I followed Ayumi who was holding my hand and they dispersed and were squeezed out. . But it’s okay, anyway, it’s not far from the 66th floor. The passageway to the 66th floor may be faster." Xiao Ai said as if nothing had happened.

Then, she pressed the talk button of the detective badge again.

"Have you heard? Everyone? I'll go to the 66th floor and walk through the passage. Don't worry. Anyway, it's only two or three stories away from the 66th floor. The fire is still far from here." Xiao Ai said through the detective badge to everyone in the juvenile detective team.

And after Xiao Ai finished talking, everyone's relieved voice came from the detective badge.

"Okay, then I won't talk about it, let's go back to the following, let's talk about it again," Xiao Ai said, and closed the detective badge.

However, after turning off the detective badge, Xiao Ai's face became a little serious.

"They're you know?" Xiao Ai's face was a little unclear in the gloom.

She looked at the night sky outside the hall. It was very dark, with only a few dim stars in the night sky.

And listening to Xiao Ai's words, Zhang Xiang was also slightly taken aback.

Then he understood.

Although the development of the plot, because of Zhang Xiang's chaos, it has become different.

However, when Zhang Xiang went down that day and left, he did not delete all the data in the original Jiaming computer, leaving some things in it.

Perhaps Conan has analyzed a lot of things from these things.

In addition, the black organization once personally came to this twin star building.

Therefore, Conan has already analyzed the person who blew up the electrical machine room and computer mainframe room of this building. He is a black organization.

However, listening to Xiao Ai's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile instead.

"It's just for them to come, so that's good. Only then can you avoid future troubles forever." Zhang Xiang said in a relaxed tone, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

However, it is at this time.

Xiao Ai was suddenly excited even if a button was suddenly pressed inside her head.

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