Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1329: , The closer you get, the more fear...

"Aren't you really afraid of death? Are you not afraid to hurt Xiao Kong and Xiao Hina?" Xiao Ai suddenly raised her head. In the darkness, her eyes suddenly turned red, staring at Zhang. Xiang's direction. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly said a word that she hadn't expected.

"Don't be afraid...!" Zhang Xiang seemed to say easily.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Ai was stunned, and an incredible look flashed across her face.

Then, that trace of incredible expression turned into sadness and resentment.

"Not are not afraid..." Xiao Ai lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Then, she was suddenly excited.

"But, I don’t have such confidence as you. I’m afraid, in getting along with Xiaokong and the others, I have already discovered that I have become more and more accustomed to following Xiaokong and the others. Although my reality They are a lot older than them. However, in getting along with them. I gradually discovered that I felt like a sister with them. Moreover, I was still a younger sister under Xiaokong's care. This shocked me. Because, in such a gradual familiarity and ease of life, I suddenly realized with horror that I had already started to forget the hard life with my sister in the black organization. .The more I get better with Xiaokong and their relationship, the more fearful I am. Every time, I wake up from my sleep. Because, in my sleep, I lose everything again and again every time. Moreover, it was me who caused the damage. In the whole world of sleep, I am the only one left...!" At this point, Xiao Ai couldn't help feeling a little hysterical.

And listening to Xiao Ai's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing surprise and apology on his face. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because, in his original view, things are developing in a better and better direction.

Xiao Ai should have gradually forgotten the persecution of the black organization and began to gradually integrate into this family.

Therefore, the other party will gradually reduce the frequency of calling back to his sister's home.

However, he did not expect that it was what Xiao Ai thought in her heart.

‘Maybe it’s because of being too close and having the feeling of home again, that made her more fearful. So I went to make that call. Instead of what I imagined, it was because I missed it. Zhang Xiang thought about it sadly.

However, this trace of sadness only existed for a while, and it made myself feel depressed for a while, and then he got rid of it.

Because he knew that what he needed now was not sadness and depression, but to make Xiao Ai feel at ease.

Therefore, at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang took a step forward abruptly and hugged the little sorrow who was yelling hysterically into his arms.

Tightly, even Xiao Ai's hands hammered Zhang Xiang's chest, he was still indifferent.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I never knew you were thinking about this in your heart. I have always thought that allowing you to gradually integrate into this home is the best thing for you. I have never I've thought about whether you will endure more pressure when you blend into this family... I'm sorry, I've always been... I've always been self-righteous..." Zhang Xiang hugged Xiao Ai tightly and moved towards She apologized.

As he spoke, his eyes were a little red.

In his explanation, Xiao Ai, who was beating Zhang Xiang's chest with some excitement, began to gradually calm down, and the intensity of his hands beating began to decrease.

"As for what I said I am not afraid, please rest assured. Because I am not afraid, not afraid of losing Xiaokong and the others. On the contrary, I value them more than anyone else. Say a bad word Well, if it really puts Xiaokong and the others in danger, I still can’t make up my mind to do so. I say this only because I am not afraid of the black organization at all now. If it is really necessary, I will let the entire black organization disappear in this world!" Zhang Xiang said softly in Xiao Ai's ear.

However, his words are so firm.

Firm enough, a glimmer of extravagant hopes could not help appearing in Xiao Ai's heart.

However, this bit of extravagant hope was quickly thrown out by her.

"You won't understand, you won't know how terrible the black organization is. The black organization you see is just their iceberg side. Do you know? Gin, although he is part of the organization The number one killer. However, his strength is only limited to him, but I don’t know how much. Moreover, the organization’s network of relationships is also deep to the point of frightening. It’s just neon, the power of the organization. There are no fewer than a dozen places. They are all executives and chambers of commerce predators. Moreover, this is only the visible power of neon. What about the power hidden under the ground? Also, the power of organization, Half a century ago, it had already penetrated abroad. Now, except for the leader of the organization, no one knows how powerful the power in foreign countries is." Xiao Ai is trying to persuade Zhang Xiang. A look of horror appeared on his face.

Because, from Zhang Xiang's words, she seemed to have heard something terrifying her.

However, listening to Xiao Ai's words, Zhang Xiang only showed a slight smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I will prove it to you." Zhang Xiang said to Xiao Ai with a smile.

"Don't mess around, if something really happened to you. What should Xiaokong and others do? They finally got a new home. Don't do such dangerous things for me..." Xiao Ai's face It was full of excitement and sadness, and was talking to Zhang Xiang.

However, in the middle of the discussion, Zhang Xiang interrupted him.

"Don't worry, from now on, I won't leave your side. I also promise that I won't mess with the people in the black organization..." Zhang Xiang extended three fingers and assured Xiao Ai.

"Really? That's all right." Xiao Ai was relieved after hearing Zhang Xiang's words.

However, when she breathed a sigh of relief, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Because, even if she knew that her future would be deep in darkness, she still wanted to pursue that glimmer of light that was impossible.

However, she did not know.

When she lowered her head slightly, Zhang Xiang said softly.

"However, they came to provoke me. Then, don't blame me for not being agreed upon," Zhang Xiang said softly, looking at the tall buildings in the distance outside the window...

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