Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1336: , The crying Miwa...

As the door opened, a cool wind suddenly poured in from outside, which made Zhang Xiang, who had been in the sea of ​​flames, still feel refreshed.

What made Zhang Xiang even more relieved was that although Meiyu's figure was a little embarrassed, it seemed that there was nothing at all.

However, Zhang Xiang keenly discovered that the position where Miyu was standing seemed a bit too far forward.

Since the top floor of each building is usually locked, the roofs of these buildings are usually not equipped with railings or the like.

Therefore, the position where Miwa is standing now seems to be a bit too far forward, only a mere half a meter away from the edge of the building.

In reality, this distance is very unsafe.

Because if there was a strong wind blowing from east to west at this time, it might blow her down toward the edge of the building.

Don't think the wind on the roof of the building will be as calm as the wind we usually stand on the ground.

In the high altitude, due to the absence of trees and the influence of human buildings, the wind is usually very powerful.

Especially at night, when the strong wind blows from the direction of the sea, the intensity of the wind is exaggerated.

In some special places, the rooftops at night can be regarded as being surrounded by small typhoons all the time.

Although Nishitama City is behind the mountains, the strong wind from the sea is mostly blocked by the mountain, but at night, the wind is definitely not small.

"Miyu, uncle is here, are you okay?" Zhang Xiang quickly moved closer to Meiyu, trying to hug her into his arms. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, at this time.

An event that shocked Zhang Xiang happened.

"Don't come, uncle, don't come!" Meiyu's voice was a little low, and her head that had been slightly lowered was also raised.

At this time, Zhang Xiang realized that Mei Yu was crying, and her beautiful light brown eyes were already red.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but become anxious.

"Miyu, are you okay? Did you hurt somewhere?" Zhang Xiang showed a nervous expression on his face, and moved slightly.

However, he was keenly aware that when he took that step, Miyu's face seemed to show a trace of tension, and his footsteps seemed to move slightly to the back.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang suddenly dared not move forward.

"Don't be nervous, everything, everything is still uncle." Zhang Xiang tried his best to maintain Meiyu's mood.

Seeing Zhang Xiang didn't rush forward, Mei Yu also stopped and continued.

Moreover, he spoke again.

"Don't worry, uncle, there is nothing wrong with me or me. I didn't suffer any harm, and the heavy smoke was also because I covered my mouth with a wet towel in time, and didn't inhale much..." Miyu slowly said about her The situation is detailed and gentle, as if talking about ordinary things.

However, the more Miyu put on her little adult, it seemed as if she didn't have to worry about it.

Zhang Xiang became more worried.

Because, he had already learned from Xiaokong that Miyu was actually not as strong as she showed.

And finally, she also finished talking about her situation.

Then, she raised her head.

"Uncle, I want to talk to you, okay?" Meiyu raised her head and said to Zhang Xiang with red eyes.

Looking at the state of Mei Yu at this time, how dare Zhang Xiang say no.

"No problem, uncle has a lot of time. But, can you come down a little bit and go to a calmer place. It's windy here, and it's a bit hard to hear." Zhang Xiang slowly persuaded, trying to get Mei Yu Walk down the dangerous place.

After lowering her head and thinking for a while, Mei Yu also nodded, and walked down from the more dangerous place to a place closer to the wall.

But after retreating to a quiet corner, Miyu fell silent again.

However, Zhang Xiang was waiting quietly.

Because Zhang Xiang knows that some things are not so easy to say.

And while Zhang Xiang was waiting quietly, Mei Yu finally began to speak slowly.

"Uncle, you said, am I the superfluous person..." Meiyu's face was filled with a confused look, as if she could not completely capture her position in this world.

"My mother abandoned me... Before I reached the age of three, I was already left behind... Originally, I thought that the three sisters connected by blood were an inseparable whole... However, not long ago, I knew again that I had no blood relationship with my sister and sisters... If there is no blood relationship... Then, what is the basis of the relationship between our three sisters? ...But I was at a loss...After thinking about it for so many days, I came to a conclusion...that is, in fact, I am the one who is superfluous...If not, everyone's Life is still the same... and even more likely to get better..." Meiyu didn't have any tears on her face, she just kept talking.

However, it is precisely because of this scene that it makes people feel sad and heartache.

Above the exquisite face, the look full of confusion, I believe that no matter who sees this scene, it will feel heartache.

However, when he heard this sentence, Zhang Xiang couldn't help it anymore.

He walked forward two steps abruptly, stretched out his hands, and embraced Miyu, who had not yet reacted, into his arms.

"Stop talking, stop talking... It should be said, I don't allow you to say it again... I'm sorry, I should have discovered something wrong with you earlier." Zhang Xiang hugged Mei Yu and blamed himself with a bit of heartache .

"As for what you said you are the superfluous person, that is simply impossible. Without you, would Xiao Sora and Xiao Hina be happy? If it were not for you, would the three sisters of Xiao Tiao Yu, or three sisters? Without you, do you know how sad your uncle would be? Everyone comes into this world with their own mission, no one will be redundant. Just like you, if But without you, just by relying on Xiaokong, I can match so many beautiful clothes for everyone, can I put on such handsome clothes, uncle? If you are missing, when Xiaoxiao is bored, who will I look for? Huh? If you are missing, there will be less laughter at home...just like everyone in our family, without any one, we will not be able to form such a happy and harmonious family. So , You are not superfluous. On the contrary, each of us likes you very much. If you are missing, everyone will be missing something. Therefore, you are very important!" Zhang Xiang’s last voice was like The general shouted out.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Meiyu finally began to sob.

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