Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1337: , Don't think too much

"Really, really? Am I really that important?" Meiyu's eyes were red, and tears filled her beautiful eyes. There was a look of longing in her eyes, hoping that Zhang Xiang could give her one. The answer is yes. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Even though, she already believed it from the heart.

However, she still needs an excuse, an excuse to rekindle her hope.

Without hesitation, Zhang Xiang gave her a satisfactory answer.

"Yes, you are so important in my mind and in everyone's mind." Zhang Xiang said firmly to Mei Yu.

"Uncle...!" Hope emerged in Mei Yu's eyes, and she hugged Zhang Xiang's waist with both hands, buried her head in Zhang Xiang's arms, and shouted.

Then, tears like pearls already slipped from the corner of her eyes.

Along her smooth cheeks, it dripped onto the dry ground, moistening a little bit.

And, with the passage of time, and Miyu's low cry, the wet marks on the ground are still expanding.

Miyu cried happily in Zhang Xiang's arms, exploding out the pain that she had suppressed in her heart since her parents had crashed.

And seeing Meiyu crying happily, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He stretched out his right hand and gently patted Mei Yu's back, gradually soothing her emotions.

Because he knows that the most difficult level is over.

Now that Miyu had regained her confidence, she would no longer be overwhelmed by those sad emotions with her character.

The crying now is just that she burst out the emotion she had been suppressing all the time. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

As long as they all burst out, her mood will return to normal.

Sure enough, after crying in Zhang Xiang's arms for nearly two or three minutes, Miyu had gradually stopped crying.

However, as soon as she stopped crying, the character of the little adult resurfaced.

"Really, I blame Uncle, if it weren't for Uncle, the makeup on my face would not have been spent." Because of crying, I broke the pale Meiyu on my face, and wiped the corners of my eyes with both hands. Tears, complaining to Zhang Xiang.

However, it is said that it is a flower, but in fact it is not.

Because Mei Yu’s skin is inherently good, she just wiped some skin care products on her face and put on a layer of foundation. It did not "cover" her face like some girls go out. Put on a thick layer of cosmetics and use these to dress up.

And listening to Miyu's complaint, Zhang Xiang had to give a wry smile.

"Speaking of me, I just call you plain makeup. It's just a primary school student. What kind of makeup. Moreover, some cosmetics also contain some bad heavy metals in it..." Zhang Xiang was conscientious beside him. To persuade.

However, it was Meiyu's small white eye.

"Hmph, uncle won't know. For our girls, the importance of going out to make-up is important. If you go out without make-up, everyone will laugh." Meiyu wrinkled her nose and said to Zhang Xiang.

"Who dare! In my opinion, every girl in our family is the most beautiful without makeup. Especially our Meiyu, if anyone dares to talk nonsense, let me not kill him!" Zhang Xiang Some arrogantly said.

However, apart from the latter words, what he said in front of them was true.

Because, in his opinion, the unfaced Xiaokong and Miyu are the most beautiful.

Now they are in their teenage years, and no one can replicate their natural every move.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, there was a trace of shame in Meiyu's eyes.

However, soon, this shame was concealed by Miyu who was good at concealing.

And a smile appeared on his face again.

"Really? Uncle?" Meiyu's hands were behind her back, but her little face showed the mischievous smile that she would often show when she mischievous.

Looking at this smile on Mei Yu's face, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a hint of foreboding in his heart.

‘Oh, what is Miyu doing for me, right? "Zhang Xiang's heart was somewhat speculative.

However, the arrow is on the string, but I have to send it!

"Of course, our family's Meiyu is the most beautiful without makeup" Zhang Xiang closed his eyes and said with a gesture of generosity.

And as expected, Miyu's successful prank laugh already rang.

"Haha, uncle, I have already recorded your words. When I go back, I will show them to everyone, especially Sister Xiaokong. They must be very interested." Miyu showed a mischievous smile on her face. .

And Zhang Xiang's face also showed a wry smile.

But no matter what, Miyu returned to her usual appearance. This was a time to be thankful.

However, Zhang Xiang couldn't let out a sigh of relief, but continued to pretend to be what he should have been.

"Hi, I really lost to you" Zhang Xiang touched his head and said helplessly.

However, it is at this time.

However, Miyu suddenly stood on her toes and kissed Zhang Xiang on the cheek.

He seemed to have seen it. When Miyu stood on tiptoe and kissed her cheek, there seemed to be a shy look on her face.

However, Zhang Xiang at this time was somewhat confused by such a sudden incident.

"This, that?" Zhang Xiang's words were a little confused.

Even in his heart, there was a flash of thought: "Does Miyu like me?"

However, at this moment, Miyu recovered from her tiptoe and head down slightly after the kiss.

"Uncle, don’t think too much about it. This is just a thank you gift to me for coming to save me. Don’t think of going elsewhere. Otherwise, I’ll tell my sisters and say you want to treat a girl under fourteen. When it comes time to start, even if it's uncle, I won't be soft." Meiyu raised her small fan fist, demonstrating to Zhang Xiang.

However, it is better to say that it is a demonstration than acting like a baby.

At least, that deterrence is gone.

In addition, even though it was concealed in time, there was still a hint of shame.

Well, this situation really has to make people think a lot.

However, it was at this time that an accident did happen.


From the next floor of the building, there was a sudden explosion...

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