Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: , Uncle, I like...


As Zhang Xiang hugged Meiyu and jumped out suddenly, Meiyu couldn't help closing her eyes and screaming. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

The violent wind is blowing on the face, like a typhoon, constantly trying to pull people and follow it to the surroundings.

But at the next moment.

Miyu felt the shock of being pulled by the wind when she just jumped out, and it has slowly disappeared.

Feeling this, Miyu couldn't help but slowly opened her eyes.

It was at this time that Miyu realized that she was slowly surrounding another building and was gradually landing.

The wind was blowing in, trying to break Zhang Xiang's paraglider made of crude materials, but under Zhang Xiang's control, it was extremely gentle, and even the bumps were hard to feel.

"No, are you okay?" Meiyu's expression was a little scared in rejoicing.

Especially when she accidentally shifted her gaze to the ground and saw the crowd as small as ants.

Because, seeing this scene, she can imagine what the result would be if her body fell from such a high height.

Even if she is still a primary school student, she has not learned relevant physics knowledge yet, but she knows that if she falls like this, she will definitely die.

Moreover, it is the kind of death that is very miserable.

However, at this moment, a gentle voice rang in her ears.

"Don't be afraid. Although this paraglider looks very crude, it was made by your uncle after all. The sturdiness must be undoubted. So, don't be afraid that the wind will bring this one The paraglider broke up." Zhang Xiang's confident and gentle voice sounded in Zi Meiyu's ear, which made her feel relieved.

And what Zhang Xiang said is true.

The paraglider made with his cautious character, although simple, is indeed very strong.

Moreover, in order to ensure its strength, there are some places where only special materials can be reinforced.

When he jumped out with Miyu, he had already activated his calculation power, turning the silver USB flash drive into a silver liquid, making up for all the shortcomings.

However, Miyu didn't even know about this matter.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words that clearly saw her through her mind, Meiyu was a little bit ashamed and angry.

"Hmph, I won't be afraid. Moreover, you mentioned these specifically because you want to make me afraid, so I won't be fooled." Mei Yu turned her face away and looked angry.

But in reality, Mei Yu felt warm in her heart.

I didn't feel it when I was in extreme panic, and when I was thinking about it.

However, when she came back to her senses, and remembered that the fire had already diffused, I don’t know how many floors, and it was obvious that the passage of the sixty-sixth floor had already been lit, she already understood that Zhang Xiang was What kind of danger came to find her.

He also understood his position in Zhang Xiang's mind.

Under such moved, Zhang Xiang's figure that had already walked into her heart, but it became more profound.

Regardless of her being a small adult, she seems to be enthusiastic towards everyone she knows, even her classmates.

But in fact, the people who can really walk into her heart are only the original family of Xiaoniaoyou.

But at this moment, she definitely felt that Zhang Xiang had already walked into her heart.

Even when he was leaning against Zhang Xiang's chest at this moment, he could feel his heart pounding and accelerating, and there was a warm feeling on his cheeks.

"This kind of feeling...this kind of feeling I have never felt before...could it be that..." Meiyu's face was flushed, her right hand stroking her chest, feeling all that, and speaking softly.

However, she hasn't waited until she finishes.

She suddenly felt another bump.

It turned out that Zhang Xiang had already circled the Twin Star Building that was not on fire, and returned to the middle of the two buildings again.

A large amount of flames emerged from the windows of the tall building unscrupulously, igniting everything they touched, and blackening the exterior of the building.

And, because the roof just collapsed, there were a small amount of rubble from time to time, and light matter that was ignited fell from the roof.

The fierce flames and the falling gravel, because the two buildings are closer together, it feels like they are close to you.

At least, the crimson light emitted by the fierce flames had already irradiated her cheeks red.

Even, I can feel that the night sky that should have been cold and cold is now becoming hot.

From a distance, there is a huge torch burning violently.

This shocking scene made Mei Yu a little stunned.

At this time, Zhang Xiang's voice also rang.

"Shock it. It is rare to see a high-rise building burned to the ground. If this time passes, I am afraid I will have no chance to see it. However, this building was burned down, even if there is Insuring, I'm afraid the Tokiwa Group will also be bleeding heavily." Zhang Xiang said slightly, shaking his head.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Meiyu did not respond to any words.

Instead, he turned his head, and the big beautiful light brown eyes looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Uncle, I, I like..." Meiyu shouted out her own heart.

However, it just so happened that at this moment, a strong wind was blowing again, and the ‘huhu’ voice temporarily concealed the words behind Miyu.

At the same time, it also made Zhang Xiang control in a hurry.

After all, although he has strong control, the paraglider controlling the two is the first to return.

By the time Zhang Xiang came back to his senses, Mei Yu's words had already been finished in the noise of the violent wind.

"Miyu, what are you going to say?" Zhang Xiang's face was a little confused.

However, the response to Zhang Xiang was only a sweet smile.

"Nothing, but I have already decided. Uncle, I will call your brother in the future. Also, there are some things you will gradually feel."

Meiyu was smiling softly with her mouth in her mouth, with an unprecedented relaxed expression on her face.

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