Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1340: , Interested eyes...

"Why? And, what do you feel?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Secret" Meiyu said with a small mouth.

And at this moment, the paragliders that Zhang Xiang and Meiyu were riding on were gradually reduced to the point where they could be seen by the people below.

"Come down, down here." A large group of people were raising their heads to look at the paragliders Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu were in the sky.

Obviously, the amazing movements of Zhang Xiang and Miyu just now were either caught by the people sitting in the helicopter, or were seen by Xiao Lan and others holding the telescope underneath.

After all, in order to get first-hand news, they are very nervous.

And Kogoro Mori borrowed a binoculars from the police officer who was close to him. (Sergeant Megome)

And listening to Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu being intact, everyone present was relieved.

Even Xiao Ai, who was cold and arrogant, couldn't help showing a sigh of relief.

And in the air close to sixty meters, Zhang Xiang controlled the paraglider to make a turn, slightly reduced the speed of falling, and adjusted the direction of advancement, heading towards the direction above the square.

Although the distance of 60 meters is very close, it is also above the horizontal plane, or above the vertical.

At a height of nearly sixty meters, Zhang Xiang hugged Meiyu's glide for nearly three minutes before he came to the square in a circle.

Even if Zhang Xiang deliberately controlled the speed, but when he rushed down from an altitude of more than 300 meters, he possessed great momentum. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In addition, Zhang Xiang has not learned the landing skills of the system.

Therefore, when it landed, it seemed a little messy.

However, lack of skill and strength to make up, just when the paraglider wanted to drag Zhang Xiang to move forward, his feet touched the ground and silently launched a ninjutsu that would increase his weight, so that he could stop safely. To the ground.

And it was the moment Zhang Xiang stopped, no, it should be just before Zhang Xiang stopped.

A figure had already rushed out from the side, suddenly hugged Meiyu in Zhang Xiang's arms, and hugged her tightly.

"Miyu, Miyu, you have nothing to do, it's really great..." Miss Sa Xia embraced Miyu excitedly, with a very grateful expression on her face, her eyes are still red, and her The makeup on her face all tells her worry about Miyu.

And looking at Miss Sasha who was so excited, Miyu suddenly felt a little dazed.

However, looking at that unpretentious posture, and in the process of landing, Zhang Xiang had already selected Miss Sha Xia's experience to her.

Therefore, after froze for a while, Meiyu's face recovered, showing a slightly gentle face.

Even though, she no longer remembers the memories of life with her mother.

However, this kind of concern, if you don't really like her, absolutely can't show it.

However, even though she faintly wanted to forgive her mother at this time.

But everything that happened between the two of them made her feel difficult to speak.

And this point was seen by Zhang Xiang next to him.

"Go, let's have a really good chat with Miss Sa Xia." Zhang Xiang untied the rope tied between the two and gently pushed Mei Yu's back.

With Zhang Xiang's encouragement, Meiyu also slightly plucked up courage.

"Sa...Saxia Xiao...No, yes, it's mom... Mom, I have something... I want to talk to you..." Mei Yu lowered her head slightly, although there was embarrassment on her face, it was more firm.

Listening to Miyu's words, Miss Sa Xia's body gave a sudden, with an incredible look on her face.

"Mei, Miyu, what were you talking about just now?" Miss Sa Xia's face showed hope.

It was like seeing a bright light from a distance when suddenly walking in the dark passage, which made her feel extremely excited.

"I, I mean, Mom, I have something I want to talk to you..." Although Mei Yu still couldn't raise her head, she spoke to her mother face to face.

However, after the first call.

Miyu also seemed to be thinking of some things in the past. Although there was still a bit of awkwardness between words, she was able to say it coherently.

" are finally willing to call me mother, great..." Miss Sasha couldn't help covering her mouth and began to cry.

However, there was a joyful smile on her face.

Because this is a good thing.

Then, Miss Sa Xia remembered what Miyu had just said.

"By the way, do you want to tell me something? Come on, no matter what you say, mom will promise you..." Miss Sa Xia showed a joyful expression on her face, and she said with Mei Yu's hands. .

And then, under the leadership of Miyu, Miss Sasha went to a quiet place some far away to talk.

However, Zhang Xiang felt a little strange.

Both Mi Yu and Miss Sa Xia looked in Zhang Xiang's direction more than once.

Meiyu's face kept smiling, but when Miss Sa Xia's face looked at Zhang Xiang, she looked a little complicated. She was very angry and resentful at the same time. In the end it turned out to be Interested light up.

Zhang Xiang had seen this kind of light, it was the expression of Xiaozhu's cat when he was playing with a mouse.

What I saw was that Zhang Xiang couldn’t help but get goose bumps

But fortunately, after Miyu talked with Miss Sasha, that kind of light also disappeared.

Then, Mei Yu walked towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

As for Miss Sasha, she seemed to think of the makeup she had put on her face because of crying, but she was a little nervous and quickly took out a lot of girl's cosmetics from her bag. Some He hurriedly walked in the direction of the women's bathroom in another building.

As for the content of the conversation between the two, even if Zhang Xiang had scrutinized it from the side, he still couldn't get it from Miyu.

This made Zhang Xiang very curious, and all regretted why he didn't eavesdrop at that time...

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