Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: , Doctor Explosion

The next morning, on the street outside of Dr. Aka's house. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Zhang Xiang walked slowly towards the house of Dr. A Li.

However, the first thing that caught Zhang Xiang's eyes was not Dr. A Li's home that often spread the sound of explosions, but a very luxurious mansion next to it?

Well, forgive Zhang Xiang for using the term mansion to describe Kudo Shinichi's home.

Because, from the outside, his home is really luxurious, not to mention the gothic roof, and the elegant design concept that combines neon local and western style, that is, the area occupied Well, it's more than twice the size of the two houses next to it.

Moreover, the courtyard with a fountain is large enough to allow people to play football in it!

God knows how Kudo Shinichi's father made so much money to buy this house comparable to a luxury villa.

Moreover, this place is close to the center of Tokyo, where every inch of land is rich in money!

Every square meter here, if you add decoration, I am afraid it will be close to the point of one million yen.

And the floor area of ​​the entire house, if calculated carefully, I am afraid that even if it does not have 1,000 square meters, it will be 800 square meters.

In other words, not to mention the construction cost, the area of ​​the land alone is close to 100 million.

If coupled with the cost of the harsh style of westernized architecture.

In total, Zhang Xiang is not surprised that it would cost 150 million.

And, more importantly, Kudo Shinichi's family don't know if they will live here for a month.

This is what makes people envy and hate even more!

"This is the real local tyrant...!" Zhang Xiang said with emotion. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, he just sighed.

If he wanted to, with his current wealth, it would take two or three months to find a place to build a more luxurious house without any problems at all.

But does this really make sense?

In Zhang Xiang's view, it would be meaningless at all if there were no family members that he wanted in such a big house.

On the contrary, although there are so many people in Xiaoniaoyou's home.

However, if he didn't feel crowded at all, he felt a burst of liveliness and warmth.

This is the difference.

What Zhang Xiang cares more about is the feeling of home.

And this thought just flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

Then, he knocked on the door of Dr. Ari's room.

How did he come to find each other early today, but he was not here to look at other people's houses, but to have real business.

Ding Dong

Zhang Xiang pressed the door of Dr. A Li's house.

Only at this moment, a booming explosion sounded at the same time. Zhang Xiang was so startled, he became vigilant in an instant, and he almost didn't use the instant technique.

Because, in such a peaceful environment, there will be explosions.

This made him have to think about revenge, or about assassination.

After all, when he combined to form the "Future Technology" company, he caused the bosses of fourteen companies to have some accidents!

Not to mention, he has encountered many unscientific things in this world.

But at the next moment, as a puff of smoke came out of the gap in the door, and a figure wearing a white coat rushed out of the suddenly opened door, even his beard was blackened.

Zhang Xiang just barely understood what happened.

Let me talk about it again, even in the process of escaping, I still don't forget the muttering in my mouth: "Is there too much H3 reagent? There is no reason to explode..." Dr. Aha.

Zhang Xiang understood everything.

The explosion sound that just happened was obviously the result of the failed experiment of Dr. A Li.

Because it is true that Dr. A Li is a great inventor and invented many things that surpassed current technology.

But at the same time, he still has another name in the mouths of neighbors around him.

That is ‘Doctor Explosion’.

This name is used to describe that almost every experiment conducted by Dr. Ari causes an explosion.

The reason why it is every time is because of some physical experiments, there is really no way to cause an explosion...

From this, we can see the talent of Dr. Ari in ‘explosion’.

And seeing Dr. A Li, who was immersed in his thoughts as he walked past in front of him, obviously not seeing him, Zhang Xiang had to cough a few times.

"Ahem, Dr. A Li, hello." Zhang Xiang whispered to him.

However, Dr. A Li continued to walk past ignorantly.

Well, calling him softly in front of the scientist who is stuck in the horns is really irrational.

"Dr. A Li." Zhang Xiang ran to Dr. A Li and called him aloud.

It was at this moment that Dr. Ari suddenly woke up.

"Ah, who's calling me? It's you... Are you... You Taijun (Zhang Xiang)?" After thinking hard for a while, Dr. A Li cried out Zhang Xiang's face as if he had just woke up from a dream.

"I thought you really couldn't hear my voice anymore" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Dr. A Li couldn't help but blush.

"Excuse me, Yu Tai-kun, I got a little distracted as soon as I fell into scientific thinking. So, I was embarrassed just now..." Dr. Aka scratched his head and apologized.

"It's okay, I came to see you for one thing." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly and said he didn't mind.

It was at this moment that Dr. Ari suddenly remembered that the two of them were standing outside now.

"Is there something? By the way, it's not appropriate for us to stand outside. Let's go inside..." Dr. Aka wanted to continue.

However, looking at the house where the white smoke was still smoking, he suddenly realized that someone had put his friend in the smoking house to talk.

In that case, it's a conversation, and I still want to kill people!

Thinking of this, his face was not only embarrassed...

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