Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: , Lucifer!

Then, the young man with black came out, with a mocking smile that seemed to tell the other party's plan.

Then, I became a little bit angry about the convenience.

Another burst of light red magic bullets shot randomly.

Then, it was reluctant to stop again.

However, at this moment.

Everyone finally found that Zhang Xiang was gradually approaching.

"Don't come close, it's too dangerous here." The woman in the customer service uniform yelled anxiously to this side.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't pay any attention to the place at all. Instead, he continued to stare at the purple-haired kid floating in the air, and continued to move forward.

At this time, they could be considered to have heard the words in Zhang Xiang's mouth: "My Burger...My Coke...and the lovely fried chicken legs...These, I will avenge you...".

Looking at the bag with a big hole on Zhang Xiang's right hand, everything is clear.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone present still felt a little incredible.

After all, no one would get involved in such a dangerous thing just because of a meal.

"You don't leave yet, if you wait for the fight, I can't protect you!" The woman with wine-red hair yelled anxiously towards Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the words of the burgundy woman's hair, the man who was floating in the air on the opposite side, with jet-black wings like a fallen angel couldn't help laughing.

"Haha... he is crazy. Someone was beaten to fly ash by me because of the hamburger set meal, so they wanted to come to me for revenge. It's true that this world is really wonderful!" The purple man floating in the air suddenly clutched his stomach and laughed.

And it was at this time that the one who came out only said a few words, and the old man who resembled some church bishops also spoke.

"Don't waste time, get rid of them all. Lest there are many dreams at night!" The old man, who was already bald on top of his head, spoke suddenly.

And Zhang Xiang continued to get closer.

"Okay, okay. Then, the game will officially start. Let me send them off with a barrage!" The purple-haired man with a hippy smiley face also slightly restored some normal colors and stood back. In midair.

"First of all, let the passer-by who sent us go on the road first." Some of the purple-haired men with hippie smiles pointed in Zhang Xiang's direction.

The peculiar magic circle surrounding him also lit up with a little bit of light, and light red magic bullets emerged from the void from existence to nothing.

Then, just under the finger of the purple-haired man.

Approximately ten light red magic bullets suddenly rushed towards Zhang Xiang at a speed that the retina could only catch lines.

"Be careful."


The black-haired man and the woman with wine-red hair simultaneously yelled in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Even the woman with burgundy red hair appeared on her body, which was called by the old man astonishingly:'Holy Fa Qi', a white gas similar to vindictive Qi, which helped her speed up more than one portion. He rushed towards Zhang Xiang.

In the eruption of the holy magic energy, the opponent's body was suddenly covered with a layer of peculiar women's armor, and a sharp sword appeared on his right hand.

But unfortunately, the light red magic bullet was less than one meter away from Zhang Xiang.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiang was still close to twenty meters away.

However, at the next moment, something that shocked everyone present happened.

The light red magic bullet that bombarded the human body could create a piercing wound, bombarded the ground, and crushed it. When it bombarded Zhang Xiang, it didn’t hurt Zhang Xiang at all. , Dissipated into a broken light.

It was like that magic bullet, completely unable to break Zhang Xiang's defense.

"How, how could it...!" The wine-red woman who rushed halfway widened her eyes in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, it was blocked!" The black-haired man also looked surprised.

"Impossible, unless the body of the demon king restores the magic power, how can ordinary humans be able to stop it?!" Behind the black man, the man who seemed to be called:'Shiro Ashiya' was also full of faces. Surprise.

"Lucifer, what the **** is going on." The bald old church man showed a panic expression on his face and turned his head to look in Zhang Xiang's direction.

But as everyone knows, being called by him as "Lucifer", he was even more surprised.

"No, it's impossible, how can someone take my magic bullet without damage?" Lucifer, who has purple hair and an otaku look, showed shocked light in his eyes.

"So, since you have already made a move. Then, as a person who welcomes people in another world, I have done my landlord friendship. Next, let you feel a little bit. After I was hungry for a long time and a night, I finally got the breakfast. I'm angry when I've been killed!" Zhang Xiang raised his head abruptly, the corners of his mouth cracked slightly, revealing his white teeth.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

"This punch is revenge for my hamburger!" Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly appeared beside the purple-haired fallen angel named'Lucifer', and slammed his right fist. Up.

The remaining scrap tape suddenly jumped tightly, making a sharp sound.

From this, we can see how much Zhang Xiang hates this punch.

In the next moment, with Zhang Xiang's right fist, it was printed on the opponent's right cheek.

The other person's figure was like a torn sack, and was suddenly bombarded onto the ground, hitting a cracked hole about five meters in diameter.

However, it has not stopped yet!

"The next kick is to avenge my coke that fell on the ground!" Zhang Xiang said, while using one of the six navy steps, he suddenly returned to the ground. The place.

The moment the opponent's body rebounded, he kicked out fiercely.

However, this time, the other party was clearly prepared.

A strong sense of obstruction passed from the right foot that flew out.

However, no discussion!


Zhang Xiang's right foot still smashed through the obstacles, and kicked on the opponent's abdomen, kicking the opponent's figure so that there was only an afterimage, and slammed into the overpass not far away. Above the huge stone pillar, there was a bang...

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