Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1355: , The devil also wants cos!

However, this time, when Zhang Xiang wanted to rush over again, the other party's voice rang in time. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Wait a minute, if you still want to take care of this girl's life..." Lucifer, who was beaten up by Zhang Xiang, and even a little uncomfortable to speak, suddenly opened her hands.

A crimson complex magic circle suddenly appeared in the air, and then this one magic circle was duplicated into two and separated towards the two sides.

Then, a comatose girl gradually appeared in the middle of the two scarlet magic circles.

However, before the other party had finished speaking, Zhang Xiang was already a mouthpiece.

"Okay, not only did you dare to destroy my breakfast gentleman, but you also dared to abduct a girl from the Liang family. It's a crime! Look at my serial shadowless feet" Zhang Xiang suddenly rushed towards the other side.

"Wait a minute, you really don't care about this girl..." Lucifer, who has the dark wings of a fallen angel but actually looks like an otaku, stretched out his hands and showed a panic on his face. The look came, and the girl who was standing in front of him was to be captured and used as a shield.

However, Zhang Xiang's figure disappeared from his eyes once again.

Moreover, this time it really disappeared.

The last time Zhang Xiang's disappearance relied on the super fast speed, the opponent couldn't react.

But in fact, based on the eyesight of the other fallen angel, it can still be caught in a haste.

But this time, the technique used by Zhang Xiang really disappeared.

——Used the Art of Flying Thunder God!

Don't forget, although Zhang Xiang's technique of Flying Thunder God is not more powerful than the fourth generation.

However, it couldn't be easier to attach the coordinates to someone who has never seen this trick before attacking the enemy. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Of course, this reflects Zhang Xiang's superb control skills.

When Zhang Xiang appeared again, he had already appeared beside Lucifer at a super close range. When the other party didn’t react at all, it was as promised, Zhang Xiang’s right foot In less than a second, he kicked out more than dozens of kicks.

The feeling of rushing to the flesh, really makes people feel comfortable!

Of course, it was also because Zhang Xiang knew that the other party was resistant, otherwise he would not use this trick.

It takes dozens of kicks in one second, which is easy to say, but the speed required to do this is undoubtedly fast.

And speed is usually linked to power.

After being kicked dozens of feet by that kind of force, I am afraid that King Kong is coming, so I have to kneel down!

Not to mention, the power used by Zhang Xiang is still an enhanced version.

So, in the next moment.

Just under the continuous flying kicks of Zhang Xiang's right foot, which turned into an afterimage, the other person's figure was deeply embedded in the stone pillar of the overpass, like a ‘gold inlaid jade’?

After kicking the opponent completely into the two-meter-diameter stone pillar, Zhang Xiang was able to retreat towards the back, and the whole person came to the middle of the two scarlet magic circles that blocked the coma girl’s actions. .

"Do you want to stop me with something made of such inferior magic power?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands, grabbed the magic circle that blocked the girl's body, and slammed it into pieces. The fragments.

As for the magic circle under his feet, the scarlet rays of Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed by, and his right foot lightly touched.

A secret powerful magical power burst out, also blasting that magical circle from a relatively fragile place to pieces.

Then, Zhang Xiang hugged the girl who was slowly falling, and embraced it in his arms.

I didn't feel it during the battle, but when he actually embraced it, Zhang Xiang realized that the other party was really expectant.

Just look at the other person's face, which is obviously only a high school student, and if she is a little older, she can be comparable to Laixiang and Kaoru's Opie.

Zhang Xiang had to let out a sigh: How do high school students grow up now, and let other women live? !

However, these are obviously right regardless of Zhang Xiang.

He slowly descended from the mid-air, and handed the girl in his arms to the other side and drove over. Among the content he heard, it seemed that he was called the "Brave", also called "Yuza Emi". The woman's arms.

As for why the brave is a girl, but the devil is the boy with black hair who looks harmless to humans and animals, Zhang Xiang also expressed his curiosity.

Could it be that now popular girls act as brave men, and harmless teenagers act as the reverse cospy of the devil?

However, at close range.

Zhang Xiang definitely felt a weak force from the opponent.

Although faint, there is a sharp feeling.

Moreover, the black-haired teenager not far away, as the panic in the surroundings increased, the purified negative magic power in his body was indeed growing.

"It seems that you guys are really not playing cospy yet" Zhang Xiang quickly spoke out his thoughts.

"What is cospy?" The woman asked with some curiosity, and with some guard, she hugged Sasaki Chiho in Zhang Xiang's arms.

As for why Zhang Xiang knew that the girl's name was "Sasaki Chiho", it was very simple.

When the fallen angel named Lucifer “transformed” the **** the opposite side, the “brave” Yusa Emi and the “devil” Maou Sadao in front of him Has yelled its name.

Therefore, even in battle, Zhang Xiang, who is watching from all directions and listening to all directions, naturally knows it.

And at this moment, the "Devil King" Maou Sadao also responded.

"Why, as a brave man, don't you even know this one?" the black-haired man Maou Sadao said triumphantly.

"So, do you know?" The burgundy-haired woman raised her eyebrows and asked back.

"Of course, I have visited it once. There are many cos monsters inside, but none of them pretend to be like them." The black-haired man's face was full of triumph.

However, he did not see it.

The white-haired man behind him who was carried on his back, when he said these words, some gloomy black appeared on his body.

"Mao-sama...In other words, did you spend precious money on entering the cospy exhibition?" Shiro Ashiya, one of the four masters of the demon king, was carried behind by the demon king Maou Sadao. I had to ignore the injury of the body, obtained the infinitely superimposed BUFF of "Envy, Envy and Hate", and instantly resurrected with blood.

So, at the next moment, the screams rang along with the begging for mercy.

This really proves that saying, if you don't die, you won't die!

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