Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: , Devil Architect!

This ending made Zhang Xiang feel a little boring. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, what followed was an eye-opener for Zhang Xiang.

"The art of magical architecture!" Maou Sadao, who had turned into a demon, stretched out his hands, and powerful magic power radiated from his body.

If it was just a powerful magic power, it would not make Zhang Xiang curious at all.

Because, according to Zhang Xiang's estimation, even if the opponent's strength is fully restored, at best, he has the strength comparable to his normal state, and it is impossible to cause any danger to him.

Therefore, if it was just this one, Zhang Xiang would not be eye-opening at all.

The thing that really made him feel eye-opening was to count the things that happened after the other party shouted that word.

That's right, it's the change that happened when he shouted out the ‘magic construction technique’.

The overpass that collapsed began to rise upward again, and then in Zhang Xiang's incredible eyes, the overpass that had been torn to pieces by the sharp magic blade turned out to be gradually changing.

Even some damaged cars that were hit by the impact are beginning to recover.

"This is unscientific!" Zhang Xiang almost didn't shout such a sentence.

However, seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang's eyes widened.

"Hello! How did you do this?!" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes wide, looking at Maou Sadao who had repaired all the damage, couldn't help running to his side and asked. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, the other party obviously didn't know what Zhang Xiang was asking.

"What?" Maou Sadao's eyes showed doubts.

"Don't pretend to be natural, dear! What I asked is, how did you repair all these broken things? Could it be that magic alone can reverse time and restore everything?" Zhang Xiang said with eyes wide open.

If he can master this technique, he will undoubtedly be able to let go of his hands and feet in the future.

After all, with his current combat power, once he takes action, it will not destroy two streets. If they can be restored to the original state when others respond, then even if a small number of people find the abnormality, they will only be able to I feel like I remembered it wrong.

Under Zhang Xiang's questioning, the other party also understood.

"Oh, did you ask me how to repair these things that were destroyed by us? It's very simple, as long as you exude the magic, make subtle manipulations, and have enough materials to do it!" Maou Sadao It seemed to say simply.

"It's that simple?" Zhang Xiang asked with eyes wide open.

He didn't believe that things would be that simple.

"Yeah, it's that simple. The repair I just made was not a reply in time, but to refill the damaged materials and change some of their connecting structures. I have the qualifications of an architect in the devil world. Man! By the way, the huge castle in the Devil’s City in Ant Isola was built by myself. It took me three days. Of course, doing these things requires a lot of magic. "Maou Sadao said lightly.

However, Zhang Xiang is a little tired and doesn't love it anymore.

Because, he remembered that he was in the underground of Xiaoniaoyoujia, and he had been busy for more than half a month before he had set everything up in the basement.

Moreover, the basement is not beautiful at all, it just squeezed a lot of soil together, and engraved magic circles and runes by the way.

Although sturdy is very sturdy, unless it is a tail beast level attack, don't want to threaten it.

However, with that degree of viewing, it can only be ha ha ha...

In short, if everything is moved away, there will only be six lights left, which can act as a mirror wall.

However, in comparison, Zhang Xiang feels pale.

However, he still asked the other party ‘ashamed to ask’.

The other party was also very popular. Zhang Xiang was very interested in his technique, and he began to explain some related knowledge to Zhang Xiang.

Under the explanation of the other party, Zhang Xiang also gradually felt the difficulty of this technology, not as simple as the other party said.

At least, some related knowledge already involves knowledge about space.

Even for Zhang Xiang, who has a foundation in space research, it is a bit difficult to chew, and Zhang Xiang's confidence has been somewhat blown.

However, in the subsequent conversation with Shiro Ashiya, Zhang Xiang knew that the so-called ‘Devil Architect Qualification’ was not that easy to take.

At least, as far as the entire Demon Realm is concerned, the existence of this qualification is nothing more than a feather horn.

It is said that there are only three such existences in the current demon world.

And one of them happened to be Maou Sadao who was very talented for this one.

However, these are not important things.

The important thing is that Zhang Xiang finally watched from a close distance with his own eyes how people from the other world Ant Isula opened the gate of crossing the boundary.

Just as the other party began to open the door to pass through the boundary, a scarlet light flashed in Zhang Xiang's slightly lowered head.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to take a slower beat, turning into a gray-white background, filled with a lot of colored particles and lines.

——He not only opened the eyes of the writing wheel for observation, but also activated the ability of the ‘realm of consciousness’, and all his mental power was concentrated within a radius of five meters.

So, he saw and saw the macroscopic trajectory of all the energy particles when the gate was opened. He also "seeed" the curvature of the space and the coordinates of the other party. The existence that penetrates a certain point and resonates with a certain world.

"It turns out that this is the case..." Zhang Xiang slowly condensed the scarlet light in his eyes, and said slowly with a voice that he could only hear, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. .

However, even though Zhang Xiang said so, his mental power was still continuously observing what happened on the scene.

Because now he only knows a rough idea and needs to collect more data.

Tired and not loving... So sleepy... I want to sleep... Don't want code words...

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