Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1363: ,Meow

And just after getting things done on this side, Zhang Xiang also remembered that he had been out for long enough. He quickly bought something from the fast food restaurant next to him, and after filling his stomach, he moved towards Kaoru ran away from home. Look. Yarn, Chinese website


Zhang Xiang gently opened the door of Xunzi's room, and a faint fragrance rushed towards him. The chaos that appeared in the room last night was completely cleaned up by this time.

And not far away, Kaoruko was lying quietly on the bed, falling into a quiet sleep.

Looking at the pajamas she put on, Zhang Xiang knew that after Zhang Xiang went out, she got up and cleaned up the things in the room. By the way, she also scrubbed her body and put on new pajamas before lying on the bed again. go to bed.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang lightened his steps unconsciously, walked slowly to the side of Kaoruko's bed, sat on the ground, and carefully watched Kaoruko's sleeping position.

To be honest, Kaoruko's sleeping position is very quiet, like a sleeping beauty in the legend.

And the other party does have the capital called Sleeping Beauty, elegant and delicate, even in his sleep, it is a sweet face with a slight smile, black eyebrows like willow leaves, rosy lips, all of this Everything constitutes a beautiful picture.

People don't want to destroy such a picture full of quiet beauty.

And Zhang Xiang stayed quietly beside the bed, enjoying such a quiet scene.

It wasn't until the bright sunshine projected in from the window at noon, that Kaoru shook her eyebrows slightly and woke up from her sleep.

At the beginning, she was still a little confused, her light brown eyes were filled with confusion, and she sat up from the bed.

Following her movements, the sheet on her body slipped slightly, revealing her turquoise pajamas. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Of course, with this movement of her, the Oupai on her chest also strongly signaled its presence.

However, what attracted Zhang Xiang even more was the tawny dull hair on her forehead that was tilted up from sleep and was swaying slightly.

It was at this moment that Kaoruko felt something and frowned slightly.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Xiang asked Xunzi softly.

"Meow?" Kaoruko turned her head, still with a dazed expression on her face, as if she couldn't see who Zhang Xiang was.

But more importantly, the other party's unconscious voice was similar to that of a cat acting like a baby: "Meow", but Zhang Xiang opened his eyes slightly in surprise.

Then, a smile appeared on his face.

However, at the next moment.

Kaoru suddenly awakened.

"Zhang, Zhang Xiangjun?!" Xunzi let out a sorrow, as if something ashamed had been discovered, his face flushed, and he suddenly hid his body in the quilt.

Even if it's because of your actions, you get yourself hurt, let yourself utter a whine involuntarily.

She still hid in the quilt and refused to come out.

After a while, Kaoruko looked like a frightened little rabbit, and secretly exposed half of her head from the quilt.

"You, you, have you heard?" Kaoruko's face flushed, and her eyes were full of shyness and embarrassment, as if she was afraid of Zhang Xiang, she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, when she came into contact with Zhang Xiang's sight, she would always avoid her sight like a frightened little rabbit.

In addition, there is a tendency to hide again.

However, at the next moment, Kaoruko heard an unexpected answer.

"No, what did I hear?" Zhang Xiang pretended to be innocent, looked around and said.

"No, no?" A slightly surprised expression appeared on Kaoruko's face.

While talking, she began to gradually put down the sheet covering her cheek.

However, she still had some doubts in her eyes.

"What did you hear? There is nothing abnormal?" Zhang Xiang said seriously.

"Really, really?" Kaoruko asked with surprise in her eyes.

"Really!" Zhang Xiang nodded heavily.

And perhaps it was Zhang Xiang's serious expression that made Kaoru a little bit believe it.

"Really, that's all right." Kaoruko said with a sigh of relief, and completely put down the sheet covering her face.

However, at the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's next sentence made her blush again and let out a mournful cry.

"However, when you woke up, the sound:'meow' is really cute. I like it very much, saying it has a cute feeling." Zhang Xiang seemed to be talking about ordinary things. Tell it.

Unexpectedly, Kaoruko's screams rang again.

"Woo...big heard...I'm not alive..." Kaoruko let out a cute cry, again trying to bury her body under the sheet.

However, she didn't succeed this time.

Because Zhang Xiang already grabbed a corner of the sheet.

However, Zhang Xiang still underestimated the wisdom of a girl who thought she was embarrassed and embarrassed and embarrassed.

Kaoruko actually directly covered her head with a pillow and stopped coming out.

No matter what Zhang Xiang said, he refused to come out.

It's because of the coquettish sound she just woke up: "meow".

However, in the end, under Zhang Xiang's sweet words, some cute Kaoruzi was coaxed out by Zhang Xiang.

Then, it was time for lunch when Kaoruko blushed and was heart-stirring.

With Zhang Xiang's spoonful of spoonfuls personally fed, Xunzi blushed and ate Zhang Xiang's loving breakfast and lunch.

And after eating, I helped Kaoru to tidy up some things in the room, and then accompanied Kaoru for about an afternoon, and by the way, after making dinner.

After getting Kaoruko's understanding, Zhang Xiang finally left.

After all, it is impossible for him to leave Xiaoniaoyoujia for too long.

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