Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1380: , The undead dead!

Zhang Xiang's body slowly penetrated the purple barrier, and walked inside. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Sure enough, in that enchantment, Cong Yunya could not be found at all.

Obviously, "Cong Yunya" has passed through the Well of Bone Eating and returned to the Warring States Period.

However, this time without Inuyasha being controlled by it, I don't know who will pick it up.

Then, be tempted by this ‘Cong Yunya’ to fall into the abyss and turn yourself into something that is neither human nor ghost!

However, Zhang Xiang's first concern was the broken corpses that were splashed out in the purple enchantment, and those splashed corpse fragments were killed and reincarnated into the existence of Huangquan undead creatures.

It was just a while Zhang Xiang stayed.

The animals killed by the splashed corpse fragments have already begun to gradually recover.

However, he returned to reality as an immortal dead.


A sharp voice sounded, and the bird, whose body was already cut in half, sprang up quickly and rushed towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

Its eyes had been replaced by a flush of red at this time.

What is even more bizarre is that the injuries on its body have completely disappeared.

In other words, it healed with a strange gesture.

From the gap in the wound, traces of purple and black ominous blood was also permeating, dripping onto the ground and making a sound of'Zi Zi'.

Obviously, this flying bird is the existence in the barrier that has suffered the most evil invasion. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, even if a bird is strengthened, it cannot become a phoenix.

Not to mention, it was just the resuscitation of the corpse, and the physical strength was not even strengthened.

So, just as the flying bird turned into an afterimage and rushed over, Zhang Xiang just put the ‘Kara no Taiblade’ in his hand that had blown and broken hair in front of him.

The flying bird that rushed was already cut in half from the middle.

However, Zhang Xiang was slightly surprised.

Even if the flying bird infested by evil was cut in half from the middle, the broken body in two halves dragged the purplish-black remnant, leaving two pieces on the ground. The purple and black traces continued to approach Zhang Xiang's direction, as if they were truly immortal.

"The degree of erosion of this evil spirit is really not easy!" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, and waved the "Sora no Taiblade" in his hand once again, and took the two remnants who wanted to continue to approach. The body was divided once again.

However, this time Zhang Xiang was attached to the power of an angel on the "Blade of the Sky".

The aqua-blue light gleamed along the blade of the "Sora no Taiblade".

After a slash, the two broken bird corpses that dragged along with the remains completely turned into fly ash.

After all, to a certain extent, the power of angels can be said to be a collection of sentient beings' aspirations, which naturally restrains those evil things.

Although, in another world, this kind of power has been suppressed to a certain extent.

However, to a certain extent, angels are already gods.

For the evil spirit carried by "Cong Yunya", he was born to be higher.

"However, using the power of angels to kill is a bit too wasteful." Zhang Xiang looked at the range of evil within 20 meters, but he had a headache.

Although it is difficult to see with the naked eye, I just feel some depression.

But in fact, the powerful evil aroused by the explosion of the corpse has completely filled everything within 20 meters.

In such a large area, being infested by evil spirits to all creatures, I am afraid that whether it is dead or alive, I am afraid that it has already undergone an abnormality.

In layman's terms, it means that the appearance of the flying bird is changing.

Therefore, in order to prevent these things that might cause a crisis of transformation, Zhang Xiang must purify all evil within this range.

By the way, get rid of the creatures that are already abnormal.

For Zhang Xiang to purify all the evil spirits within a radius of 20 meters, it is actually not difficult.

You only need to make yourself angelic, and the escaping angelic aura is enough to purify this evil spirit inside and out.

However, that would be too dynamic.

"Then, just change it one way!" Zhang Xiang made a decision in an instant.

Because, he also remembered.

In the original work, the scabbard seemed to say that these evil spirits seemed to be expelled by fire.

And those recovered corpses are also very afraid of fire.

After knowing this information, all developments are easy to handle.

Don't forget what ninjutsu Zhang Xiang is best at!

Fire escape ninjutsu, but Zhang Xiang's expertise comes.

So, in the next moment, a great fire swept through most of the enchantment.

Under Zhang Xiang’s control, the strong flames that spewed out were like the most obedient children, split into several parts, and burned all the places that were infested by the fragments of the corpse. Those corpses that were undergoing abnormal changes were also burned to ashes.

It only took two minutes, and there was no trace of evil in the entire enchantment.

Of course, when facing the Bone Eater Well, Zhang Xiang didn't use fire to burn it, but directly used the angel's power to get rid of those evil spirits.

After dealing with these things, Zhang Xiang stood in front of the Bone Eater Well, but was a little silent.

He was thinking about how dangerous this trip is.

There are also some things about the plot of Inuyasha.

Because, according to the information he currently controls, Inuyasha's plot is obviously not yet developed to the point where Kagome seeks the jade of the four souls.

Even Zhang Xiang wondered if Kagome had ever been to the Warring States Period.

Therefore, he is completely unable to grasp where the current plot has reached.

Of course, what worries him most is whether Kikyo is already dead like the original book.

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