Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: , Reunion

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang made a decision. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

'go with!

How can we not go!

With my strength, even if'Cong Yunya' summoned a corner of Huang Quan, what can it be! ’

This thought flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

In the next instant, he jumped into the well of bone eating.

However, what makes him feel strange is that in the process of his jumping, there is no time and space channel that he expected to appear.

His feet are firmly on the ground.

But at the next moment.

The fragments of the jade of the four souls hidden in his pair began to emit a bright light.

At the same time, under his feet, a colorful passage suddenly appeared, causing him to fall into it suddenly.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang's eyes were shrouded in countless distorted light spots, as if a large galaxy surrounded him, moving away from him quickly.

However, this kind of time does not last too long.

It was just a few seconds, and the starlight in front of Zhang Xiang had already disappeared.

When Zhang Xiang came back to his senses, his feet were already not far away in the dry well, and then he landed firmly on the ground.

It's like, the experience of passing through time and space just now was just an illusion.

However, Zhang Xiang actually knew that it was not an illusion.

You know, the time Zhang Xiang entered the Bone Eating Well was close to noon.

However, on this side, it was still morning.

This can be heard from the sunlight shining in from above the Bone Eating Well, as well as the birds singing against the morning sunlight.

At the next moment, Zhang Xiang jumped out of the Bone Eating Well.

Sure enough, a soft ray of light passed and shone on him.

The bright sunshine just jumped out from above the horizontal line of the eastern forest, and it was gradually strengthening its sense of existence.

Moreover, the temperature on this side is not in the deep winter like that on the other side, but in the season of spring, and the warm spring breeze with the smell of the forest is blowing on the face, on the ground around the well , Overgrown with a lot of lush green grass, the forest not far away is sprouting robustly against the sun.

All this is not a spring scene, what else could it be?

However, at this moment, a small black spot was quickly approaching this side from not far away, and was flying quickly against the rising sun, still reflecting a bright golden light.

Take a closer look, who else is it besides the golden young dragon?

A cheerful voice came from a distance.

However, before the sound fell, the golden young dragon, with a body over six meters tall, had already rushed to Zhang Xiang's front.

And, just slowing down with his wings, he swooped directly into Zhang Xiang's arms, like a nestling returning home.

However, the return of the nestling is the return of the nestling, and the flutter of the golden young dragon is more like an attack.

Don't forget, the body of the young golden dragon, although it is not a fully stretched body, is still very large compared to Zhang Xiang, who is just over one meter and seven.

At least, the body of more than six meters is already close to two stories high.

With the force of the six-meter-high body flying over, even if it has slowed down, it is probably no less than some speeding large trucks.

However, looking at the golden young dragon’s golden eyes, the gleam of joy, the big eyes whose corners were slightly moist with excitement, and the joyous sound of listening to the chicks coming home, Zhang Xiang did not leave the place.

Instead, he stretched out his hands and hugged the big head of the golden young dragon into his arms.


A slight vibration, accompanied by a large amount of dust, scattered around.

When the body of the golden young dragon finally rushed into Zhang Xiang's arms, it used his feet to transfer most of the impact into the earth, making the earth feel as if it was shocked.

But at the same time, even the remaining power cannot be underestimated.

At least, when Zhang Xiang hugged the head of the golden young dragon, the ground under his feet was due to the remaining impact of the golden young dragon and there were two scratches over one meter long, reaching a depth of nearly ten centimeters. depth.

From this, we can see how much strength Zhang Xiang has endured.

However, Zhang Xiang, whose physical fitness has soared after his body reorganization after experiencing the tail beast battle, has completely ignored the impact of this point.

The impact of this point, for him, is an impact, it is better to loosen his bones slightly and massage his body.

"Uuu...uuuuuuuuu..." The Golden Dragon is like an aggrieved child, telling Zhang Xiang his longing for Zhang Xiang.

However, these complaints only lasted for a while.

After the complaint was over, the young golden dragon started to tell Zhang Xiang what happened here when he was not there.

"Yeun, is that so? Xiaojin is awesome, he helped Kikyo repel the attacking monster... Oh, and when humans want to attack here, you still pretend to be a monster Go and scare them... Yeah, Xiaojin is awesome..." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and slowly stroked the golden young dragon who was obviously happily talking about something.

With Zhang Xiang's encouragement, the golden young dragon's face also showed a happy face, and the big golden eyes revealed all happiness.

Occasionally, under Zhang Xiang's praise, he would bend into Crescent's eyes.

Even sometimes, because of Zhang Xiang's excessive praise, he would show embarrassed eyes.

One person and one dragon, under the shining of the morning sun, although he has a body and a high degree of awareness, and even the language is not the same, but it seems so unusually harmonious.

It's like a father who came back from working out all year, listening to his children's thoughts of him.

Although the golden young dragon possesses great power from birth, at the same time, it is also a child...

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