Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1382: , The little girl next door

And in the golden young dragon's account, Zhang Xiang also slowly understood how much things had happened during the period of his departure. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

As he expected, after the news of the jade of the four souls was passed on, not only the monsters, but even the human beings were tempted by many people.

This includes not only those wandering warriors or half-slapped onmyojis.

There is even a human name in it.

Of course, in the neon Warring States era, even a castle with only a few hundred troops and a few surrounding villages can be called a small country, and thousands of troops are already the backbone of the battle for the position of the orthodox name. Exist, such a thing as a daimyo is really worthless.

However, this time the daimyo who stared at the jade of the four souls did not have thousands, or even tens of thousands of daimyo.

However, there are several big names who have just been established not long ago, but have more than one hundred to three hundred people as the army, and are eyeing this village.

I don't know if there are wise men among the monsters spreading this, or how it is.

Not long ago, there were actually three armies marching toward this village at the same time, just to get the jade of the four souls.

For humans, the spiritual power of Doraji is greatly weakened.

Not to mention, no matter how strong she is, with her character, it is impossible for her to fight against the possibility of the village being destroyed.

Plus, Kikyo is not a bloodthirsty person.

Therefore, after learning this news, Kikyo was caught in a dilemma for an instant. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because, she knew that even if there were mountains around, some monsters would stop her.

The time required for the three armies to arrive here is at most seven or eight days.

However, at this moment, the golden young dragon shot.

It actually didn’t do anything. It just let the golden young dragon spit out the flames at will, and blocked the opponent’s path. Shooting the opponent's leader, let the opponent retreat.

Of course, according to the golden young dragon's statement, it wants to burn all the opponents with a flame, so that it can be considered once and for all.

However, the kind-hearted Kikyo stopped its practice.

Listening to the golden young dragon complaining to himself, although Zhang Xiang didn't quite agree with Kikyo's idea, he was not willing to let the golden young dragon be so tyrannical. Like a monster, he would kill all the opponents as soon as he shot.

Therefore, he had no choice but to comfort the young golden dragon.

"Okay, okay, I see, it’s the help of our family’s Xiaojin to protect Sister Kikyo’s village, right?" Zhang Xiang’s right hand stroked the head of the young golden dragon, smiling and comforting it .

But at this moment, a burst of "cluster" sound rang from not far away.

For an instant, Zhang Xiang felt that the golden young dragon's body was a little stiff, and he moved his body slightly behind him.

However, Zhang Xiang hadn't waited for some doubts to ask.

A figure emerged from the trembling jungle not far away.

"Ah, big brother, you're back." A joyous voice rang from the jungle.

And at the next moment, a girl who was about seven or eight years old wearing yellow floral clothes, got out of the green grass and ran towards Zhang Xiang with a surprised face.

The other party has a black short and medium hair, which is **** with a red butterfly at the back. His face is very cute, especially the **** eyes, which are as pure as a chick.

Obviously, when you know Zhang Xiang, you will call out the little girl Zhang Xiang's'big brother' comes, and that's only Kikyo's younger sister Xiaofeng.

The sound of "Chu Tu" was clearly the sound of Xiao Feng walking through the jungle, his clothes rubbing against leaves.

As Xiao Feng's voice fell, Xiao Feng's young body had already flew into Zhang Xiang's arms.

There was a happy expression on her small face, and the black eyelashes were also bending into the appearance of Crescent Bay as she squinted and laughed.

And after Xiao Feng threw herself into her arms, Zhang Xiang also embraced her and half-turned in a circle.

"Ah, Xiaofeng, do you miss your big brother?" Zhang Xiang hugged Xiaofeng's body and said with a smile on her little nose.

"Well, I miss Big Brother" Xiao Feng nodded without hesitation and said.

"How much do you think?" Zhang Xiang continued to ask with a smile.

"I think every day, every day, Xiao Feng will miss Big Brother" Xiao Feng said with a pleasant expression on his face, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, I think about my brother so. But if I think about my brother so much, how come my body is fatter?" Zhang Xiang pretended to be a little dissatisfied, and said with his right hand gently scraping Xiao Feng's small nose.

"Well, I haven't gotten fat yet" Xiao Feng suddenly reacted and retorted.

The appearance of the teeth and tiger claws really made Zhang Xiang have to sigh with emotion, whether it is a girl from all over the world, ancient and modern, they are very concerned about their weight.

However, Zhang Xiang did not make a mistake.

When he just hugged Xiao Feng into his arms, he already realized that Xiao Feng had gained weight at least a few kilograms.

However, this is not a bad thing, but on the contrary, it is a good thing.

Zhang Xiang still remembers how thin Xiao Feng was when he first saw Xiao Feng because of lack of food and clothing. Although he was not as skinny as his bones, his cheeks still collapsed and his hair was yellow and withered. Yes, it is obviously very nutritious.

However, at this time, Xiao Feng still had the original unhealthy posture.

On the delicate little cheeks, there are two sweet dimples when smiling. The body is neither fat nor thin, just like a willow branch that has just sprouted, and a lotus leaf that has just bloomed. , The little chest bulged slightly.

Coupled with the plain floral yukata and kimono, she looks like a cute little girl from the neighbor’s house.

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