Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1390: , Start, find!

And not far away, Kikyo also took a complicated look. After defeating the human-faced spider monster, the body slowly collapsed to the ground, revealing the black fishy venom from the seven orifices. Hundreds of soldiers still alive. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

But in the end, she sighed and gave up treating these people.

Because even if it is cured, these people will become useless.

Not to mention, these people are still enemies.


Two days later, outside of Kikyo Village.

"Sister, big brother, and Xiaojin, have a good journey." Xiao Feng waved her little hand and said goodbye to Zhang Xiang and others.

"Well, Xiao Feng should be obedient in the village, and learn what his brother gave you." Zhang Xiang also stretched out his right hand and said goodbye to Xiao Feng.

That's right, after two days of rest and exploration, Zhang Xiang finally planned to set off.

However, Zhang Xiang's goal this time was to search for'Cong Yunya' to destroy it from the beginning, and to collect the scattered fragments of the Four Soul Jade on the way to search for'Cong Yunya'.

But there were still two people who followed Zhang Xiang on the road. No, it should be said that one person and one dragon.

Looking for the fragments of the jade of the four souls, of course, it is indispensable to perceive the fragments of the jade of the four souls from a long distance.

Otherwise, with Zhang Xiang's mental perception that can only perceive within 10,000 meters, it is really difficult to find the fragments scattered in the Neon Warring States Period.

As for the golden young dragon to follow, it was purely to make up for the merits. Whoever told it to break the jade of the four souls with excitement.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Feng also nodded quickly, showing a happy expression on his face.

"Well, I will work hard, big brother, please don't worry, before you come back, I must be able to successfully release a ninjutsu!" Xiaofeng seemed to have made a certain determination, toward Zhang Xiang Nodded seriously.

As for people who are not from the Naruto World, how to practice Chakra is quite simple.

Because, Chakra is purely composed of a certain ratio of spiritual power and physical power.

Although, people from other worlds, because they are not from the Naruto world, it is very difficult to cultivate Chakra like people in the Naruto world.

However, for Zhang Xiang, who owns ten-tailed chakras, it is quite simple. (Ten-tailed chakras sealed in the scroll)

Because, Ten Tail itself represents the origin of Chakra of Naruto World.

When Zhang Xiang instilled a trace of Ten-tailed Chakra, who had eliminated the tyrannical attribute, into Xiao Feng's body, everything became simpler.

It can even be said that the effect is far beyond Zhang Xiang's expectations.

Because, after that trace of Chakra entered Xiao Feng's body, it unexpectedly began to absorb the surrounding natural energy to supplement itself.

Moreover, because the amount of the ten-tailed chakra was too small, the natural energy attracted was also very rare, but it magically did not cause any impact on Xiao Feng's body.

On the contrary, it promoted the growth of Xiaofeng's spiritual power, which had been growing unnotably.

Because, in a sense, spiritual power is just a single attribute of natural energy.

And that naturally increased spiritual power has in turn strengthened Xiao Feng's spiritual energy and physical strength.

Under such mutual growth, the growth rate of Xiaofeng Chakra is far beyond Zhang Xiang’s imagination. Even in just two days, he has completely mastered the extraction of Chakra. Skills.

As long as a while later, she might be able to independently display the ninjutsu level of the Three-King Technique.

Don't think that this speed is very slow compared to the protagonist in some fans.

But in reality, this speed can also be regarded as a genius-level speed in Naruto World.

Don’t you see, the ninja school that has been studying for several years in the reserve ninja, is mostly just three-kids art.

Don't think that each of the Twelve Xiaoqiangs has their own special ninjutsu, just think that C-level ninjutsu is a bad street in Naruto World.

But that is for the identity of each person, the twelve Xiaoqiang who have a source.

Other civilian ninjas who came out of the civilian school, even if they were promoted to the lower ninja, usually can use the most ninjutsu that is C-level, and more often rely on physical skills to defeat the enemy.

So, overall, Xiaofeng's talent is still very strong!

After bidding farewell to Xiaofeng, Zhang Xiang officially followed the bellflower and the golden young dragon on the road.

Of course, Zhang Xiang and others would naturally not rely on walking to find the fragments of the jade of the four souls that had escaped to unknown places.

Zhang Xiang and Kikyo were riding on the golden young dragon's body, and they began to search for the fragments of the jade of the four souls and the whereabouts of'Cong Yunya'.

In order to redeem the merits, the young golden dragon was also carrying Zhang Xiang and the others very hard to find the traces of these two things.

And let alone, on several occasions, although Kikyo was the first to perceive the vague location of the jade fragments of the Four Souls, in the end it relied on the golden young dragon's extremely sensitive sense of smell to target the monsters, and obtained those pieces of the Four Souls. The monster of the jade fragment was found.

It's just that, after spending less than half a month, Zhang Xiang and others have almost found nearly half of the fragments.

Almost, nearly twenty pieces of fragments fell into the hands of Zhang Xiang and Kikyo.

As for the process of the magic horse, it is omitted here.

In short, along the way, Zhang Xiang relied on a pair of iron fists and the ‘empty blade’ with broken hair in his hand to find the jade fragments of the four souls.

As for the fate of the monsters who got the jade fragments of the Four Souls, it was naturally self-evident.

If there is any talk, it will naturally be persuasive by virtue, but if there is no talk, it will naturally rely on the sharp blade in the hand to talk.

However, among the monsters of the Warring States Period, how many sensible ones can exist.

Most of them didn't even talk, they were already launching an offense, when Zhang Xiang and Kikyo rushed forward as if they were food.

In the end, it naturally became the food of the scarlet light remaining after the "Shadow Demon Blade" was broken.

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