Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1391: , Huangquan Road!

Two days later, Zhang Xiang, Campanulaceae and the Golden Dragon arrived at the westernmost position of the Western Kingdom. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Kiji, are you sure?" Zhang Xiang's face looked a little solemnly at the yellow sand land in front of him.

If you look at Zhang Xiang's eyes, there is already a piece of Gobi in front of you. A large amount of sand is already close to yellow sand, and the air is filled with a dry smell.

However, this is not the point.

The point is that this is a fierce place where the dog family suppressed before.

The name is: "Huangquan Road".

And the atmosphere on this side is exactly what the name suggests. From this side, there is no trace of human presence.

More importantly, Zhang Xiang could perceive the evil spirit revealed in the ground.

After a large number of soldiers died, it was difficult to vent their grievances, even if most of their souls had disappeared, the bit of resentment in their hearts still remained on the ground on this side.

Moreover, the further forward, the evil spirit that was originally hidden under the earth began to gradually reveal itself.

Ordinary people can't see it, but in the eyes of Zhang Xiang and Kikyo, who has spiritual power, there is a twisted phenomenon in front of them. A large amount of gray-black aura began to gradually seep out from under the ground, turning into a sky of resentment.

Obviously, this is an ancient battlefield that was unknown how many years ago.

Moreover, the scale of the war must not be small.

At least, if you want to form such a cruel zone, it is impossible without the bones of one hundred to eighty thousand soldiers buried in the ground. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

What makes Zhang Xiang more puzzled and cautious is that in this place where resentment is soaring, it is not known why there are no ghosts or monsters, and no monks or the like come here to slowly resolve the grievances. It was suppressed by the dog family.

This point made Zhang Xiang more cautious and made him not want to step into this land.

After all, although his strength is high and strong, he has not even reached one-thousandth of the "self" in the broken memory.

The once "self" can fall, let alone the current one.

Not to mention, in the memory of "self", it is recorded that "self" once suffered a dark loss in a seemingly ordinary world, and almost died.

In addition, from the relevant knowledge left to him by the three holy monks, he also seemed to mention the existence of this place among the forbidden areas of this world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang didn't dare to underestimate this forbidden area that was once suppressed by the dogs.

He didn't feel that under normal conditions, he would be stronger than the three saint monks in his memory and the power of the dog clan.

However, the news that Kikyo told Zhang Xiang, but it made Zhang Xiang feel slightly disappointed.

"Well, it's already confirmed. All the remaining Four Soul Jade is already inside." Kikyo also nodded towards Zhang Xiang with a slightly solemn expression.

You know, Kikyo’s maiden inheritance is also from a famous family.

The famous masters usually represent the ancient and long heritage.

Kikyo knew that this place was not simple, nor was it strange.

However, Zhang Xiang and Kikyo both had serious faces.

However, neither of them came forward with any retreat.

Now that they have already come here, there is no reason to shrink back.

Kikyo is to gather all the lost jade of the four souls, and Zhang Xiang is for the possible chance to repair the'Shadow Demon Blade'.

With the loss of the "Shadow Demon Blade", his combat effectiveness has dropped by more than one level in the normal combat state!

Although entering that deification, even when the power of death erupted, the'Shadow Demon Blade' could not increase his strength.

However, it is impossible for Zhang Xiang to enter that state in every battle!

You know, these powers surpass Zhang Xiang's ability to withstand, and each burst out is not without cost, just like the Eight Doors Dunjia, each burst will bring a heavy burden to the body.

It's better to say deified words, after all, he has completely refined that ‘status’.

Although because there is no source of faith, power is not comparable to true angels.

But the same was the case, the pressure he was under was barely able to withstand, and he was still quickly adapting to the burst of power.

However, the power of death is too high.

At this height, if such power bursts out, Zhang Xiang doesn't know whether his body can withstand it, or whether it will even be transformed into something strange.

It's like Zhang Xiang's heart, now it only beats gently once every few seconds.

He didn't know whether he was still alive and healthy now.

Therefore, repairing the'Shadow Demon Blade' is a very important thing.

Of course, Zhang Xiang can also use the "Sora no Taiblade" or the "Beheading Broadsword" to hold it temporarily, but after all, these two swords are still not suitable for Zhang Xiang, who has special attribute power.

"Then, let's go." Zhang Xiang nodded to Kikyo.

"Well, let's go. I'm already ready." Kikyo sorted out the things on his body, helped the quiver behind him, and carefully sorted out each arrow before facing Zhang. Xiang said.

After all, she also knew that since the rest of the Four Soul Jade had gathered.

Moreover, the opponent is still in this fierce land, and a fierce battle is inevitable!

After speaking, the two looked at each other and stepped into this ancient battlefield with solemn eyes.

After stepping in, in an instant, a cold breath pounced on his face, as if suddenly entering into a cold mist.

An inexplicable coldness also penetrated into the body suddenly, and was about to impact in the direction of the brain.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly let out a cold snort.

"Scatter!" Zhang Xiang yelled, a strong flow of blood, and instantly collected and dispersed the cold from the attack.

At the side, the well-prepared Kikyo used spiritual power to disperse the coldness that had invaded the body.

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