Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1393: , Shashengwan!

However, it is at this time. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

A stern dog roar came from the other side of this broken city towards this side.

A tyrannical evil spirit swept around.

Even so far away, the small stones on the ground in front of Zhang Xiang's eyes trembled slightly while the opponent's demon energy spread.

Obviously, the level of this monster is already the level of a big monster.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Xiang and Kikyo not only looked at each other, but cast their gazes far away.

But unfortunately, because of the black palace that stood in front of them, they couldn't see the picture across the city.

However, no one can see the horrific level of fighting on the other side of the city.

This can be seen from the constant roar and rumbling of the cruel dogs, and the rising smoke and dust.

Even with the dust that can be seen in this place, it can be seen that the extent of the battle is probably the level of shaking the earth.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the smoke and dust to rise to an altitude of tens or hundreds of meters.

"In this period of time, he has a monster energy close to that of a big monster. He is still a dog...except for that guy, there must be no one else!" A light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes, and he quickly guessed the opponent's Identity.

After all, here is the Western country controlled by the dog clan.

And the monsters left by the dog clan are not like two or three big cats and kittens in the anime. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, there are only two of them at the level of the big monster.

One is Shashengwan, and the other is Shashengwan's mother Ling Yue Xianji!

And what a noble character Ling Yue Xianji is, since she has the word immortal in her name, she is already a godlike existence, how can she leave her palace in the cloud casually. (Attention, because Neon claims to have 8 million gods. Usually the gods point to the position of faith, not some of the so-called omnipotent'gods' in it. Although, Lingyue Fairy Fairy's combat effectiveness is also obvious It's not weak.)

In addition, she is the princess of the canine family, and she is very noble.

How could it be possible to fight here alone? !

In addition, this is a place of repression guarded by the canine generals of the past generations.

Then, the name of the fighting dog monster is self-evident. Who else is it besides Sesumaru? !

"Let's go, he won't be able to hold on for long!" Zhang Xiang looked at the demon spirit that was oscillating in the distance, and said to the Kikyo beside him.

And Kikyo had obviously heard of the name Sashengwan.

After all, the village where Kikyo is located in the country divided by the monsters, but in the west country.

Therefore, it is difficult for Kikyo not to know.

After hearing Zhang Xiang's words, Kikyo also nodded.

However, they did not advance together.

Zhang Xiang used his super high speed to rush directly from above the ground.

The bellflower, sitting on the golden young dragon, approached in that direction.

After all, although Kikyo can use spiritual power to strengthen the body, but the human body is so fragile, it would be better to fight with ordinary monsters.

But now, it was obvious that he was going to fight with the huge monster that could completely demonize the Sesho Maru, or even suppress the general existence.

If you let Kikyo, an existence that resembles a wizard, approach it at will.

Then, Zhang Xiang's head really twitched.

In a short while, after being free from the drag of Kikyo, Zhang Xiang, who had completely expanded his speed, had already arrived not far from the scene.

Zhang Xiang's figure turned into an afterimage, suddenly appeared on top of a completely collapsed house, looking towards the battlefield hundreds of meters away.

However, everything he saw surprised him.

Because, in his eyes, the existence of the three huge skeletons collectively besieged a canine monster.

It was about five meters tall, with blood-red eyes and tyrannical aura. The whole body had white hair. There was a tuft of snow-white hair growing on the edges of its limbs, like a towel-like snow-white hair. Around the front of his abdomen and right half of his body, there is also a canine monster with a powerful snow-white tail.

But the most important thing is that on the opponent's forehead, there is also a crescent curve symbolizing the existence of the canine royal family.

Just as Zhang Xiang had expected, it is a killer pill for convenience!

Already a completely demonized Shashengwan, with vigorous steps, it slammed in the middle of the three huge skeletons.

From time to time, Sasheng Maru would look for opportunities to wave his aquamarine claws condensed with demon energy, leaving scars on the three huge skeletons.

Sometimes it was missed, and the aquamarine claws that hit the ground could at least catch one or two scars of seven or eight meters in length and about one meter in depth on the ground.

From this, we can see how strong the killing claws are.

Even if the steel plate is caught by him so much, he is afraid that he will directly penetrate it.

However, all of this is useless.

Because it was besieged by the three that only had skeletons left, but their stature was at least eight meters tall. They had obviously reached the peak of the big monster before they were alive, and their whole body was once stunned by the spirit of the monster. A dog skeleton that is as hard as stainless steel.

Although these three huge canine skeletons were unable to display their strongest power without a physical body, even the demon power was scarce.

However, with the physical body alone, these three huge canine skeletons have already restricted the Sanshengwan.

Moreover, each time the Shashengwan left scars on the bodies of these three huge canine skeletons.

In the next moment, with the circulation of a secret breath of the dead.

The scraped bone meal will slowly return to the three huge canine skeletons.

Under such circumstances, the demon power and physical strength of the Sesho Maru were rapidly consumed.

Finally, when Zhang Xiang arrived, an accident happened...

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