Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1394: , Proud


A stern dog roar yelled from the mouth of Sesho Maru. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

It was at a moment of lack of physical strength that was given a chance by a huge canine skeleton.

The pale dog paw bone, which was more than three meters long, instantly left a long blood mark on the abdomen of the Shishengwan transformed into a giant dog, and the blood dropped to the ground.

But Sasheng Maru is not worthy of being a Sasheng Maru, even if it has been hit so hard.

It is also in the impossible, looking for a chance.

Its huge canine body slammed in mid-air, followed by a force rotation, but it was followed by the strength of the opponent's attack. The entire body was more than five meters high, and it was over the other huge canine skeleton. on.

At the moment it touched the opponent's bones, it turned out to be a powerful monster burst out of the impossible.

A turquoise light suddenly ejected from its claws.

Then, the aquamarine **** like a phantom burst out.

The huge dog family with a height of more than seven meters and a bone-like body as hard as steel was dismantled all over the body and scattered into pieces of bones all over the floor.

The bones, like steel, couldn't withstand the aquamarine catch that burst out crazily.

Moreover, the cuts on the bones are quite smooth.

From this, you can see how sharp the crazy catch just now is.

However, such a strong outbreak is not without cost.

Especially for the Sesho Pill, whose physical strength and demon power were nearly exhausted.

Before a trance, it was attacked by another huge canine skeleton.

Its huge body, which was more than five meters high, was slammed into the air suddenly, and blood spilled from his abdomen and sprayed into the air, blurring everyone's sight.

Especially the wound on its abdomen was torn apart once again in the impact.

Moreover, this time it is more serious.

The scar, which was originally only more than three meters long, was already close to its abdomen.

Although it did not hurt the internal organs, such damage was enough to cause any creature to die due to excessive blood loss.


The body of Sashengmaru hit the ground fiercely, and a brilliant gully was drawn on the ground.

The floor of the ravine was also stained with a layer of bright red.

That is the giant dog that Sesho Maru transformed into, blood flowing from the abdomen.

Although, Sashengwan could rely on demon power to temporarily seal the flow of blood.

But it couldn't help but its demon power was already a bit ineffective.

Not to mention, the wounds that were enlarged in the impact are no longer so well sealed.

"Need help?" Zhang Xiang asked, looking at the Shashengwan who was lying down beside him in the gully.

Due to the seriousness of the injury, he has temporarily changed back to a human form.

He has long silver-white hair with moon prints on his forehead. There are two red demon patterns on the left and right cheeks. Hexagon plums are floating on the white kimono, and a demon knife is pinned on his waist. Who has such a heroic posture.

However, at this time his state is a bit bad.

Even if he changed back to his body shape and saved the loss of demon power, he also reduced the wound in disguise.

However, this does not mean that the wound will disappear.

On the opponent's abdomen, a hideous wound was visibly infiltrated and blood, and the white fluff on his right shoulder was all stained red with blood.

However, there was no pain in his eyes, just a slight frown.

In the opponent's line of sight, there were only two huge canine skeletons left in the distance.

As for the other huge canine skeleton that he disassembled, it will take a long time to reassemble it.

Only part of it was demolished, and the difficulty of restoring it when it was completely dismantled is not the same.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Shashengwan just glanced over.

There was an indifferent look in his proud pale yellow eyes, and his face showed a cold look that was a thousand miles away.

Just when he discovered Zhang Xiang, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes, and he returned to his original indifferent appearance.

However, when he looked at the two huge canine skeletons coming in the distance, an angry light flashed in his eyes.

His ancestor's skeleton was played with by unknown people, which naturally aroused his anger.

And the one looking at Sesho Maru didn't say to ask him for help, or didn't want him to help, even if he was seriously injured, he still looked cold and proud.

Zhang Xiang already understood what the other party meant.

As a canine royal family, he has his pride.

At the same time, it is his responsibility to bury the enemy who dared to awaken his ancestors.

As long as he didn't really fall, no one would be allowed to intervene in this war about the glory of the canine!

Dog tribe, it has been thousands of years to suppress this land!

Feeling this, what reason does Zhang Xiang have to intervene in this battle?

That is a war of men and glory, and no one has any excuses to get in!

And at the next moment, looking at the two huge canine skeletons that came running, Shisheng Maru rushed up again as a demonized giant dog.

Moreover, in order to burst out all his strength, he also entered a state of complete demonization.

In this state, although he possesses the most powerful power.

But at the same time, it also means that his sanity will be completely lost.

For such a proud Sesomaru, he has to defeat the opponent if he loses his mind.

This is what an incredible thing he once said.

But now he has done this.

In order to protect the glory that belongs to him, belongs to the canine family!

"The glory of the dog clan is guarded by me!" Saisheng Maru let out a proud roar for the last time, and rushed up...

Guiqiu all kinds of 555

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