Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1410: , Destroying Magic!

In the field, the half-black jade of the four souls was also walking quickly, trying to find a body that could provide it with attachment. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But it’s a pity that no matter where it flies, it is one meter in diameter and looks like a rocket. The whole body is like a rocket rain made of various rays of light. It will completely cover that place and cover the land. All the skeleton soldiers above were bombarded to pieces.

The earth is roaring, countless mud splashes away, the distance between the sky and the earth is filled with countless light and mud.

Moreover, behind it was followed by an unusually bright fiery red rocket magic light.

That is a special fire attack magic constructed by Zhang Xiang specially using the magic power gathered by that huge magic circle. Its attack power is probably capable of overturning a mountain.

Of course, it is still very difficult for such an attack to destroy the half of the jade of four souls that contains the malicious aggregate.

It’s just that such a shadowy attack can guarantee that this half of the jade of the four souls containing the malicious assembly, even if it finds a skeleton soldier that may have survived, it will take the opponent’s body without recovery. To be destroyed again.

In fact, it was precisely with this kind of attack that Zhang Xiang had already disturbed the opponent's rebirth many times.

Every time the opponent wanted to rebirth from the attached skeleton soldier, it was bombarded into fragments just when the dark silt came out and was about to form organs such as internal organs and muscles.

Moreover, because it uses fire magic that is harmful to malice, it can further consume the opponent. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Although, this kind of consumption is just a waste of money.

And this kind of attack that seemed to destroy the world lasted for about half an hour.

During this period of time, the gap between the sky and the earth seemed to be opened up, and countless rays of light connected this piece of heaven and earth.

Before the tumbling mud fell below the ground, it would be lifted into the air again by the next wave of offensive.

It's like the ground facing the sky rising up to a distance of tens of meters, but the middle is hollow, filled with countless tyrannical magical energy, even those withered bones that have not been awakened by the other party and are sleeping under the ground. They were all blown into powder.

When the last rocket torrential rain fell, the gray-yellow ground had already been trimmed off by a layer, and it had sunk for a distance of more than three meters.

And the mud that was lifted up into the sky dissipated to the surroundings, slowly falling down, like a continuous drizzle.

However, the drizzle was just gray sand.

Moreover, because of the violent magical energy sweeping all around, the yellow spring breath that was originally caused by the cover of the yellow spring opened by the "Cong Yunya", constantly seeping from below the ground, was temporarily suppressed. Up.

And in the gray drizzle that escaped, there was half a pitch-black orb full of cracks, which was hiding in it and flying quickly, trying to hide in the cracks of the cracked earth.

However, this is the time.

A magical light that opened up to the sky suddenly bombarded from the sky, and in an instant it bombarded into the cracks of the cracked earth, and wiped it from the side of the half-black four soul jade that was escaping quickly. Let the cracks increase by adding a bit of length.

"Do you want to escape? Give up, now in front of this world-destroying level of magic, no matter where you escape, I will find it." Zhang Xiang slowly floated in the air, A bright moonlight shone directly from the center of the moon, and shrouded Zhang Xiang's body through the crystal clear'frame' that was rotating in the sky.

After this World Destruction Technique was launched, the magic power in his body was not consumed much.

Even because of the radiance of the moon, his magical power and angelic power are still recovering at an extremely fast speed.

As mentioned earlier, the ‘status’ that Zhang Xiang swallowed is a symbol of the power to control the water and the archangel Gabriel who shines with the moon!

Where there is water, she is absolutely in control, and at the full moon, her magic power is unlimited.

This is the powerful effect brought by the position.

And now, after Zhang Xiang had perfectly plundered the'position', these abilities were transplanted to Zhang Xiang's body accordingly.

Of course, because he is a ‘human’ body, not a god’s body.

The two abilities he acquired are greatly discounted.

But it is impossible to consume his magic power!

At the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice fell, Zhang Xiang's thoughts were suddenly bombarded by a beam of light that soared into the sky like a laser.

Moreover, this time the beam of light definitely hit the half-black jade of the four souls.

Perhaps it was because the jade of the four souls was broken for too long, or the broken jade of the four souls could no longer bear the heavy malice. This time the carrier of the malicious aggregate, the half of the jade of the four souls in darkness was Did not break free.

"No, it's impossible, I, I'm about to break out of this, how can this...I, I can't possibly lose..." The stern spirit fluctuated from the darkness. The jade of the four souls passed out casually.

Then, the half of the dark jade of the Four Souls suddenly shattered.

Countless dark silt rushed out of the broken four soul jade fragments, but the inexplicable spiritual fluctuations disappeared completely.

In other words, after that malicious assembly, the final malicious assembly formed by infecting the half-demon City Lord's negative consciousness has been completely shattered.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that the next thing was really troublesome.

Under the bombardment of the skylight beam, the pitch-black silt showed no signs of reduction.

Because, what is presented now is no longer the malice of the entity state.

It is the malice that lies above the ideology, between the real and the illusion.

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