Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1411: , Innocent big eyes

"Finally, it's done..." Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly disconnected the connection that communicated himself with an ultra-large magic circle in the sky. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

At the same time, the huge magic circle in the sky began to fade and dissipate slowly.

It is also very difficult for Zhang Xiang to maintain such a huge magic circle.

The gray clouds in the sky began to gather slowly, but the original gloomy and thick feeling is no longer there. Through the thin gray clouds, you can even vaguely see the sun shining on it. Light.

After'Cong Yunya' was destroyed, the place covered by the yellow spring began to fade, and this one had accumulated a suffocating anger for many years, and was destroyed by Zhang Xiang’s unreasonable and devastating blow. After now.

This place is very difficult to maintain its previous appearance.

I'm afraid that after hundreds of years, the accumulated evil spirits will gradually dissipate, and this place will be restored to ordinary land.

However, at that time, this place may have become a basin.

Because, the thickness of the ground of this area has been cut by at least five meters.

Standing in this place and looking around, I still don't feel it.

But when people stand high in the sky and look down, they can see clearly.

At least, the whole process of watching the whole process of the rocket torrential rain is the whole process of the platycodon, it is completely clear how the circular basin in a large area is formed, it is clear.

At this moment, the young golden dragon seemed to know that there was no danger, flapping its wings and flew towards the gray ground below. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The gray soil rain formed just by the heavy rocket bombing has not yet completely landed.

The entire sky below 300 meters is shrouded in a layer of gray color. If you don’t have a good look, you can’t see through the gray hazy “drizzle”. .

A few minutes later, the golden young dragon carried Platycodon to the place where Zhang Xiang was.

And in front of him, there was a swamp that occupies about the size of a pond, and the whole body is made up of pitch-black mud.

"What is this thing?" As soon as he saw the dark swamp in front of him, Kikyo couldn't help but show a nervous look on his face.

You know, she just tried to help the golden young dragon expel the intrusion of that malicious force, but she had conflicted with this malicious force of the same origin.

Therefore, she is also the clearest that these seem to be dark silt.

But in fact, it is an energy body condensed from incomparably pure malice, what kind of destructive power it possesses.

If it is contaminated, if there is no special power, I am afraid that I will never want to get rid of it.

Moreover, this bit of malice will swallow the malice in your heart and create more malice to grow yourself.

And why is there no malice in the human heart?

Even an angel who only follows mechanical actions, I am afraid that darkness and malice are hidden in his heart.

Looking at the nervous look of Kikyo, Zhang Xiang just shook his head slightly.

"Don't be afraid, it is just a high concentration of malice." Zhang Xiang said with some rejoicing and some helplessness.

"It's just?" Kikyo pulled into a voice and said, with a puzzled look on his face.

Well, it's a skeptical look.

Because she can really feel what kind of malice is carrying in the dark mud pool in front of her.

She felt extremely uncomfortable just as she approached.

If it is really touched, I am afraid that it will be pulled in and assimilated into a puddle of black mud in an instant.

Therefore, she will doubt Zhang Xiang's relaxed words.

"Don't worry, it won't take the initiative to attack anymore. Because the malicious aggregate that it gathered together and relied on the negative souls of the half-demon city lord as a base has been wiped out by me. In other words, It no longer has its own consciousness...what, you stop it!" Zhang Xiang slowly explained to Kikyo.

However, in the middle of speaking, Zhang Xiang suddenly flashed a trace of tension on his face? Or with a tangled expression, he burst out in a certain direction.

The loud shout made Kikyo suddenly become nervous.

But in the next moment, she realized that it was just a false alarm.

Because she followed Zhang Xiang's gaze, she saw a scene of dumbfounding.

Not far away, the golden young dragon, who started to move freely after carrying the platycodon, did not know that from this place where there was no hair, it found a branch and turned towards the dark mud pool. Poke away the pitch black mud.

This action suddenly made Zhang Xiang and Kikyo highly nervous.

But fortunately, under Zhang Xiang's explosive drink, the young golden dragon stopped.

However, in its big cute golden eyes, there was a light of incomprehension.

It’s like saying: ‘didn’t you say there is no danger? 'general.

And this meaning was definitely conveyed to Zhang Xiang.

"Well, I mean it has no consciousness of its own, and there is no danger. However, this has a premise. That is not to stimulate the other party, even if it is a single-celled organism, you will be able to stimulate it. There is a reaction. What's more, is this still a malicious fusion into everything formed?!" Zhang Xiang warned the golden young dragon somewhat severely.

However, it seems that the golden young dragon already knew this in advance.

Because, the golden young dragon that hides behind, but is the front part of the branch that is not tightly hidden, has completely disappeared, leaving only a bit of stubborn darkness that is constantly eroding upward.

It seemed that he had noticed Zhang Xiang's gaze, and the young golden dragon also took a peek behind him.

Then it found that what it had done had been completely exposed.

However, in this case.

It still remained calm and continued to stare at Zhang Xiang with innocent big eyes.

Then, a silent golden flame quietly ignited, completely burning that branch into ashes, even the dark existence is no exception...

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