Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1413: , Extreme contrast

As soon as the three-headed purgatory dog ​​appeared, whether it was the bellflower or the golden young dragon present, they immediately became nervous.

Because they felt an evil wave from the body of the three purgatory dogs, and their expressions suddenly became tense.

Kikyo suddenly put the bow and arrow on the bowstring, and the pink light of demon-breaking power began to shine again. On the other side, the golden young dragon also spread its wings, ready to spew out flames to meet each other. , Bring Zhang Xiang and Kikyo to the sky.

And it seems that the three-headed purgatory dog, who does not possess too much wisdom, has sensed the unkind gaze. Under this situation, like a irritated beast, he began to show his strength. coming.

A dark green flame suddenly emerged from him and burned raging.

The gloomy and negative atmosphere once again skyrocketed. Although it was far from reaching the once malicious collection, it was still enough to make the platycodon grandiflorum and the golden young dragon feel heavy pressure.

Because they knew, if there was no Zhang Xiang.

With the two of them, it is impossible to destroy the malicious collective.

Because, even if they were lucky enough to destroy one of the other's bodies, the other party could resurrect with the other body, and even the ability to increase again suddenly appeared.

After all, as I said before, the opponent's strength became so weak because it was sealed.

If the opponent is in a heyday, I am afraid that if the opponent is in the field, the malice from the small half of the world is enough to make any human or monster who sees this scene fall into madness.

It's like the ability of mind in the Hunter's World, as long as there is a little bit of malice in it, it is enough to be something that robs the lives of ordinary people. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And that contains the malice of the small half of the world, and it is not difficult to achieve this.

Even because of its density and quality, even the existence of a big monster below the level is something that can make people crazy just by looking at it.

Moreover, malice is also a kind of energy.

If the malicious aggregate can not be restrained and can freely mobilize the malicious in its own body, it will not be difficult to resist the full version of the rocket rain, let alone Zhang Xiang's display. The incomplete version of Rocket is raining.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly spoke.

"Don't be nervous, it belongs to our side." Zhang Xiang smiled and stretched out his right hand to stop the further movements of the bellflower and the golden young dragon, but took a few steps under his feet and walked to the three purgatory dogs. By his side, stretched out his right hand...

"Zhang Xiangjun, don't press it down, be careful..."


Both the faces of Kikyo and the Golden Dragon came with worried expressions.

Moreover, the golden young dragon was already ready to fly over.

However, at this moment, a magical thing happened.

Zhang Xiang's right hand was firmly pressed on the body of the three purgatory dogs.

The dark green flames that burned the soul into ashes, and the body full of malice and evil, did not impress Zhang Xiang at all.

This is not only the reason why Zhang Xiang entered into a contract with the other party, but also because of the existence of the three-headed purgatory dog, which Zhang Xiang deliberately invested in the darkness from the depths of his heart.

And, it also occupies the core of it.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiang wouldn't dare to release the three purgatory dogs with confidence.

It is because the three fierce dogs are indeed under his control that they will be released by him.

And at this moment, the three fierce dogs also slightly lowered the head in the middle of them, and leaned in front of Zhang Xiang, with a pleased look on their faces.

And Zhang Xiang also naturally stretched out his right hand and touched the other's hideous head, making the other party show a comfortable look.

It's like, in front of my eyes is not a terrifying three-headed purgatory dog ​​that is enough to scare children, but a family pet puppy.

Looking at the magical scene in front of them, both the bellflower and the golden young dragon were slightly shocked, and looked at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

"This, this..." Kikyo didn't know what words to use to describe it.

As for the golden young dragon looking at the scene in front of him, he was a little jealous.

"Woo..." The young golden dragon roared dissatisfiedly, and also squeezed his body to Zhang Xiang's side.

Even being extremely close to the body of the three fiendhounds, they almost didn't squeeze the opponent out.

Then, it also bowed its body and brought its head to Zhang Xiang's side, like a child competing for favor.

Moreover, there was a pitiful look in its big eyes.

And watching this scene, what can Zhang Xiang do? Don't favor one another.

He also had no choice but to stretch out his left hand and touched the head of the young golden dragon.

As for Kikyo, looking at the scene in front of him, he became a little bit uncontrollable, holding his small mouth with his right hand to prevent himself from laughing.

The atmosphere was relieved unconsciously.

And after spending about a few minutes getting along with each other, Kikyo and the Golden Dragon also understood that the three-headed purgatory dog ​​under Zhang Xiang's control could not pose any threat to them.

"Okay, let's start now!" Zhang Xiang nodded towards the bellflower and the golden young dragon.

Then, Zhang Xiang also gave an order to the three purgatory dogs.

With dark green flames all over his body, the three-headed purgatory dog, more than eight meters high, also began to take his own small steps and walked slowly toward the dark swamp.

And it seemed that it was because of the attraction of the same kind of forces that just after the three fiendhounds approached, the dark swamp that was originally nothing unusual began to roll over.

A large amount of pitch-black silt rolled out from the swamp, and came to the feet of the three purgatory dogs like running water.

And the three Purgatory Dogs also stopped at the right time, the pitch-black mud slowly passed the soles of the three Purgatory Dogs, and the dark green flames were burning.

The moment it touched the dark silt, it was like a flame thrown into a warehouse full of fuel.

Suddenly, the dark green fire burst into the sky.

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