Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1414: , The pitch black dome!

However, it is at this moment. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The pitch-black swamp, which was originally just rolling slightly, suddenly surging up like a stimulus.

One by one, the pitch-black waves that were meters high began to wave from the other end of the swamp, and when they passed to this side, they had already turned into pitch-black waves that were tens of meters high.

Standing in front of the tens of meters high wave, feeling the deep malice emanating from the wave, just like feeling the panic of the end of the world alone.

Even with a pure heart like Doraji, a sense of powerlessness can't help but spring up in his heart.

However, at this moment, a thick hand was pressed on her shoulder.

"Kanji, bellflower, wake up..." Zhang Xiang's voice passed from far and near to Qiji's ears, making her awake slightly.

Then, she suddenly woke up.

Then, she saw that Zhang Xiang was holding her shoulders with both hands in front of her eyes, looking at her with a trace of worry on her face.

On the other side, the big head of the golden young dragon also came close, and there was a light of worry in the big golden eyes.

This is no wonder, because besides Zhang Xiang, he is the closest to Kikyo.

After all, the golden young dragon has spent the longest time with Bellflower since its birth.

"What, what's wrong?" Kikyo was still a little unconscious, and asked Zhang Xiang with some doubts.

"When the malicious waves swept over, because you watched too carefully, you were evoked by those malicious negative emotions and fell into hallucinations." Zhang Xiang explained to Kikyo. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

In Zhang Xiang's words, Kikyo also gradually remembered what had happened.

Just when the dark waves tens of meters high came in violently, she seemed to be in a trance, and she fell into an extremely real world, which made her forget the desperate illusion that she had ever experienced.

Although the specific content, she forgot because of the brain's self-protection mechanism.

But she still remembers some of the general content.

It was like the end of the world, all people were dead, and only one person was left alone.

When I think about it, she still feels that her body is still cold.

However, just when she was about to fall into another hallucination, Zhang Xiang's warm voice rang again.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're already safe..." Zhang Xiang's soft voice rang in her ears, causing Kikyo to slowly regain his calm.

When Kikyo calmed down completely, it was already a few minutes later.

However, when she completely recovered her calm, she suddenly discovered that she was lying in Zhang Xiang's arms.

This discovery made her face suddenly flushed.

However, in the next moment, her sight was attracted by a huge pitch black dome ahead.

She could clearly feel the evil wave from the dome.

"Then, what is that?" Kikyo left Zhang Xiang's arms in shock, and looked at the pitch-black dome not far away.

She was very afraid of any changes in the dark malicious swamp, and once again a malicious aggregate was born.

That's why she was so nervous.

"Don't worry, they are just three fierce dogs. After absorbing the full pool of malice, they are evolving." Zhang Xiang explained to Kikyo.

"Is it really evolution? Isn't it swallowed up?" Kikyo's face was a little nervous.

It would be a disaster if the malicious combination was resurrected and then allowed to appear in that crowded place.

"Don't worry, everything is under my control. Otherwise, look..." Zhang Xiang said seriously to Kikyo.

While talking, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the dark dome.

This move made Kikyo slightly surprised, but watching the golden young dragon next to her looked indifferent, she did not exclaim.

As a result, nothing happened.

Zhang Xiang's right hand seemed to be touching a strange eggshell.

However, Kikyo is still a little worried.

"But, if there is any accident..." Kikyo said worriedly.

Looking at the worried look of Kikyo, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, if that's the case, don't worry." Zhang Xiang turned his head, the scarlet light flashed through his eyes, but a huge spatial crack suddenly appeared, and one mouthful The pitch-black dome was swallowed in and disappeared in this space.

"This, this is?" Kikyo's face showed a look of surprise.

"I transferred the pitch-black dome to a special alien space. Moreover, there are no creatures in it, so don't worry." Zhang Xiang smiled at Kikyo.

When listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Kikyo was a little embarrassed.

"Well, am I going to be a little too worried..." Kikyo's face showed a little embarrassment.

However, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Nothing, I know the burden that the Miko's identity brings to you. Moreover, you are so kind because you are so kind..." Zhang Xiang also smiled and stretched out He touched the opponent's head with his right hand a few times.

Then, before the shy Kikyo hadn't resisted, Zhang Xiang suddenly changed the topic.

"Next, it's the last thing...find out what kind of palace exists...!" Zhang Xiang cast his gaze to the dark palace in the distance.

This palace makes Zhang Xiang very concerned.

Because, in the attack that would pear the forbidden area to one side, the pitch-black palace still stood in place.

Even a brick was not damaged.

Moreover, that malicious aggregate obviously appeared from that direction.

This also makes Zhang Xiang very concerned.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's gaze, Kikyo also understood why Zhang Xiang cared about everything that happened.

Not to mention, in the mouth of that half-demon Dead City Master.

They gathered the most powerful force in the entire continent at that time, and the channel opened was in that place!

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