Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1429: , Seven Star Village!

"Huh, the power is good..." Zhang Xiang looked at the huge ravine bombarded by the "Blood Dragon Break" in the distance, and praised him.

This power, although not as exaggerated as the Hell Dragon Po that can blast out a gully several kilometers long.

However, Zhang Xiang's attack did not kill a large number of creatures to obtain their energy, in order to explode the strongest blow.

You know, in the theater version, Inuyasha was able to strike such a powerful blow.

It is because of the evil spirits that have accumulated for hundreds of years in'Cong Yunya', and the evil spirits infested by the beheading creatures are sufficient to achieve this effect.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Xiang is not able to slash a blow comparable to the strongest "Prison Dragon Break".

On the contrary, Zhang Xiang could even slash out an attack that was several times stronger than "Prison Dragon Broken".

Because, the reborn "Shadow Demon Blade" not only possesses the ability to swing out the "Blood Dragon Break" similar to the "Inferno Dragon Break", but also inherits the power of the original "Shadow Demon Blade".

It is able to save energy by continuously drawing the blood of living things, allowing itself to explode with a more powerful blow.

In other words, if Zhang Xiang had enough patience to kill some more powerful creatures and draw their blood into the'Shadow Demon Blade'.

Then, it is not an illusion that he wants to slash a slash that has spread for more than ten kilometers.

Although, that would consume a lot of time, and at least one-third of the Chakra in Zhang Xiang's body would be consumed.

However, looking at the gully that was slashed out, Xiao Huo Lori, who was originally on the paraglider like Zhang Xiang, suddenly spoke.

"Look there, there seems to have traces of human existence." Little Lori Huahuo suddenly said to Zhang Xiang, her right hand pointing to the direction of the ravine that was bombarded by the'Blood Dragon Break'.

Zhang Xiang pretended to look over his head, but saw that Little Lori Huahuo had already opened her eyes.

Relying on the powerful observation power that the white eyes possessed to observe everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers, she had found some clues ahead of Zhang Xiang.

"Are there traces of human activity?" Zhang Xiang showed a trace of excitement on his face, following the right hand of Xiao Huahuo Lori, she looked forward.

Under the special reminder of Huahuo, Zhang Xiang also successfully found some unusual things.

Within the range of Zhang Xiang's attack, something similar to the cornerstone of a house was revealed.

And these, as Zhang Xiang controlled the white paraglider and gradually approached, they became more and more clear.

"Really, it is a trace of human activities." Zhang Xiang looked at it beside the gully, because it was affected by the'Blood Dragon Broken', and among the distorted woods, he found something similar to the cornerstone of a house. .

After landing, Zhang Xiang even found more things.

In Zhang Xiang's sight, there appeared some broken houses that were completely buried by the jungle and rock-climbed by canes.

However, after scanning these houses, Zhang Xiang radiated his mental power, and after scanning them, he only found a few houses that could barely be said to be complete.

As for the other houses, they seemed to have been razed to the ground in the fierce battle.

Even in some places, some signs of heavy bombing were found.

Zhang Xiang was also in some remote corners and found the bullet shells that seemed to be in a hurry and forgot to clean up.

"Compared to the earth, is the level of civilization development similar?" Zhang Xiang glanced at it. Although it was cleaned up and there were only some debris left, there were still many traces of technology that could be seen. The ruins of the house have judged these things.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang is also sure.

It doesn't seem that I have come to a strange place that looks different from people on earth.

Instead, he came to a country similar to the earth, even most species and development levels are similar, with real human beings.

Zhang Xiang confirmed this after finding a broken cell phone and a photo of a happy family of three from a completely collapsed house.

"It seems that we are lucky enough to come to a world with human beings. Moreover, the level of technological development is similar to that of our world, and may even exceed the world." Zhang Xiang said to himself The judgment was spoken.

And Xiao Huahuo nodded when she looked at the surrounding environment.

However, there was a look of doubt on her face.

"However, looking at the signs of the collapse of these houses, it is obvious that they collapsed within ten years. But the speed of the forest invasion and the signs of these destructions seem very suspicious. If it is a war, what is it? A war of this scale will leave this village with only a few houses that barely stand up? Moreover, the speed of the forest invading this small town is too fast. Want to form an entire village It takes at least twenty years for the buried forest area. In terms of time, it is simply not right..." Little Lori Huahuo is using the ninja knowledge she has learned to quickly judge.

"Yes, the existence of this village seems weird, we need to be more careful." Zhang Xiang also agreed with Xiao Huahuo Lolita.

At the same time, he was watching his surroundings vigilantly.

Because, Xiao Huahuo Lolita also said that it was less.

That is, in this whole village, apart from Zhang Xiang using his spiritual power to find a cell phone and a photo frame about the existence of civilization from a certain collapsed house, there is nothing else.

In addition, there is no such thing as a bicycle, except for furniture.

It was as if it had been specially cleaned, which made Zhang Xiang very concerned.

However, at this moment.

A series of shuttle sounds rang from a distance.

"It's those similar monsters here again. And, the number, a lot!" The little Lori, who opened her eyes, spoke quickly to Zhang Xiang.

Naturally, the amount that Xiao Huahuo Lori can say is beyond imagination.

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