Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1430: , A hundred thousand monsters

And just after being detected by Xiao Huahuo Lolita, the huge number of monsters also entered Zhang Xiang's alert range. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand... until the number exceeds the number of tens of thousands.

It's like, the monsters emerging from three kilometers away are like endless. Almost all the monsters in the entire nearby forest are already attacking.

With this amount, even Zhang Xiang's face changed slightly.

However, don't get me wrong, Zhang Xiang is not afraid anymore.

If he wants it, it is actually not difficult to solve monsters whose combat effectiveness is lower than those strange birds in his perception.

As long as he wielded two or three "Blood Dragon Broken" of just the same scale, trying to clean out the crowd of tens of thousands of monsters gathered together, it would not take much power at all.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know whether he would be surrounded by a larger number of monsters after he killed the tens of thousands of monsters that had already arrived.

This can be seen from the slightly changed face on the side.

Her eyes can see everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Therefore, what she knows is the clearest.

"How do you say?" Zhang Xiang asked Xiao Huahuo Lori.

"There are many, it's already over one hundred thousand. And, it's still hurriedly approaching this side. Moreover, it's all big guys..." Little Lori Huahuo's face was shocked. Said to Zhang Xiang.

After all, the Konoha Ninja Village, the largest village in the Naruto Continent where Spark lives, the total number of people in the entire village is only 50,000 or 60,000.

When has she seen the existence of a hundred thousand giants! ?

And listening to this number, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but be surprised secretly.

Even if it is a hundred thousand pigs standing there and letting you kill it, it will take a lot of time for him to kill it.

Not to mention a hundred thousand monsters?

I am afraid that if he wants to wipe out the opponent, he needs to use some taboo tricks.

Of course, these are all plans established on the premise of annihilating each other.

If you just break out, you don't actually need to spend too much energy, and it doesn't even cost much time.

At least, if he flies toward the sky, the number of monsters that need to be dealt with will be greatly reduced, becoming only a few thousand at most.

At that time, if thousands of monsters annihilate each other, it will only take a few minutes.

If it is hard to break, the time will be faster.

However, Zhang Xiang thought of a strange place.

"Is it because I just killed that group of strange birds and caused them to riot? Or, because we entered this village?" Zhang Xiang suddenly thought of this.

Because, he suddenly realized that when he landed, although there were monsters in the forest, he didn't know why. Perhaps it was because of the fierce aura that Zhang Xiang just released, but it was not. Did not come out to attack.

However, when they walked into this unknown village, it was good to describe it as a small town.

The monsters in the whole forest suddenly boiled.

Perhaps, in a more accurate time description, it started when he picked up a pink phone and a photo frame from the ground.

"Is there any connection between these?" Zhang Xiang mumbled to himself.

At the same time, his brain also started to work quickly, trying to find something he had just overlooked and reason about the whole thing.

But unfortunately, although he has a very smart brain, he is not a superman, nor is he a god.

Regarding these complicated and confusing things that might even be hidden in the torrent of time, it is impossible for him to deduce them.

"Forget it, maybe, the bridge to the bow will naturally be straight." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly, throwing these doubts out of his head.

"The most important thing now is to escape and find where human civilization is. In that case, maybe everything can be solved..." Zhang Xiang made a decision.

However, at this moment, the fireworks who had been watching something next to him suddenly spoke.

"Wait... they, they listened!" Huahuo reported to Zhang Xiang with a little surprise.

And listening to Xiao Huo Lolita's voice, Zhang Xiang also spread his mental power perception to within a radius of 3,000 meters.

But at the next moment, Zhang Xiang felt a strange phenomenon.

That is, the 100,000 monsters that hurriedly rushed along, but stopped their steps along a certain range.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang also discovered a strange thing.

That is, these monsters stopped in the outer area of ​​this destroyed village.

Or, stop using all the places except the cornerstone of the house.

Moreover, looking at it, those monsters seemed to be afraid of something, and they didn't dare to step into any step within this range.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori look at each other a bit.

"Could it be that this is a place where they can't enter, similar to the existence of a forbidden place. As long as they enter, bad things will happen, similar to things that will kill them?" Little Lori Huahuo made herself Guess.

However, after observing for a while, Zhang Xiang shook his head.

"Like, but not like this. I have already observed all the places in and out of this village. However, there is no life reaction here. Even the things needed for human survival, None of them can be found. According to my intuition, I think they are waiting for some existence. Perhaps, they are the existence of their king. Moreover, it is also very likely that this place is occupied by their king. It made them so jealous and didn't directly impact." The more Zhang Xiang said, the more he felt that what he said was not wrong.

No mistake is no mistake, but the whole thing has become more confusing.

"An inexplicable village... an inexplicable monster... a strange reaction... only the pink phone and photo frame are left... what does this mean?" Zhang Xiang frowned and said.

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