Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1432: , Horrible!

"Then, let's rush!" Zhang Xiang screamed suddenly, a sharp glow flashed in his eyes, and he flew out all by himself. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And behind him, holding the little Lolita of Kuwu's fireworks in hand, she flew out quickly.

And not surprisingly Zhang Xiang, at the moment they just rushed out of the village, the monsters in the entire forest suddenly boiled like boiling hot water.

They are like a torrent of battles, suddenly from three directions, Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori rushed over.

The first thing that hit Zhang Xiang was a human-faced spider monster with eight long legs, much like the human face spider monster Zhang Xiang had encountered in the world of "Inuyasha".

However, compared to the human face spider monster, the attack power of this weird giant spider is far inferior to the opponent.

The moment the opponent jumped down from the dense jungle, the "Shadow Demon Blade" in Zhang Xiang's hand also moved at the same time, instantly slashing the huge monster that had hit him in front of him into two pieces from the middle. half.

The peculiar purple blood splashed away from its split body.

The figures of Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lolita quickly passed by without hindrance.

However, it was not just a huge spider that launched the attack at the same time. There was also a truck the size of a truck. Even in this dense forest, it was also a rampant lizard monster.

Trees the size of a person's hug were directly struck into two sections by its body, which was about three meters high, about ten meters long, and weighed tens of tons.

It is conceivable how much impact it carries. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, power does not mean everything.

Facing the opponent's body that smashed in at a high speed, Zhang Xiang was nothing more than a virtual slash.

His whole person was already with Xiao Huahuo Lolita, who jumped directly over the other's body, and dropped a lot of the small ones that suddenly appeared from below the ground. spider.

And these were just the offensives that Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Xiao Lori encountered in the first second of rushing out of the forest.

Soon, no matter the direction Zhang Xiang was advancing, or from the two sides, and occasionally, there were more attacks from the sky and the ground.

As for the offensive from the back, because the distance of rushing is not long enough, and Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori are traveling very fast, there is no offensive from the back yet.

However, as the opponent's offensive gradually strengthens, there will always be monsters chasing up from behind.

At that time, whether it's up, down, left, right, or front and back, I’m afraid they will be surrounded by monsters.

In what kind of situation, perhaps Zhang Xiang can still protect herself, but for Xiao Huahuo Lori, the pressure is undoubtedly great.

However, Zhang Xiang seemed to have not felt this, and continued to move forward.

His figure is constantly accelerating, and his figure is still moving at a very fast speed among the dense forests. Between every flash, there will always be a monster cut off by the waist. Or it was split in half from beginning to end.

Because, in the course of the battle, Zhang Xiang had already discovered it.

The vitality of these monsters is extremely tenacious, although the strength of their bodies is very weak, they can only be regarded as similar to ordinary creatures.

However, both the recovery ability and the healing ability are abnormally tenacious.

As long as it doesn't hurt the brain and heart, they will continue to struggle for a period of time, and even heal quickly over time.

Zhang Xiang had seen a monster. After he was cut off by half of his body, it took less than ten seconds to completely restore it to its original state.

This scene very similar to Resident Evil, coupled with the mysterious existence, made Zhang Xiang wonder if he went on the wrong set and entered the village in the animated version of Resident Evil?

However, the completely different development situation of the plot made Zhang Xiang deny this conjecture.

And at this moment, the scarlet light on the sword body of the "Shadow Demon Blade" in Zhang Xiang's hand also began to flash rapidly, and the light became more and more intense.

"Has it accumulated enough? Then, let them taste your power again!" Zhang Xiang felt the right hand, because after killing no less than hundreds of huge monsters, the accumulated amount With the intense scarlet energy, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Although it took less than a few minutes to rush and kill, the feeling of being surrounded by endless monsters was really uncomfortable.

Moreover, the splattered purple-blue blood felt really bad on the face.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang was already impatient.

Had it not been for testing the absorptive capacity of the "Shadow Demon Blade" and for the little Lori Huahuo to exercise a little, he would have already cleared a way out with a big move.

At this time, the time has come!

"Blood Dragon Broken!" Zhang Xiang waved the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ that was condensed in his hand, which seemed to be sticky to the naked eye, and slashed down along a special path.

And just in the next moment, in this dense forest, a blood dragon suddenly appeared.

A blood-red tornado that penetrated the sky and the earth, like an unstoppable dragon, shook his huge body abruptly, and rushed towards him.

Suddenly, a feeling of shaking the mountain passed from the front.

In the blood-red light, hundreds of thousands of big trees began to be uprooted, and the scarlet awns in the blood-red tornado were torn into fragments, and the earth began to whine. A crack spreading hundreds of meters came out, and the soil began to roll away, squeezing everything to both sides.

And all the monsters blocking this road were torn into pieces, turned into a rain of purple-blue blood, carried inside by the scarlet tornado, and continued towards the distance. He went raging, until he hit a mountain, he stopped his progress.

At this time, the one centered in front of Zhang Xiang has a diameter of more than one hundred meters and a depth of about ten meters. If it is not a tortuous distance, but a straight-line distance, there are also thousands of gully. Suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

Even this attack also bombarded all the underground springs in that mountainous region to seep out from the edge of the ravine.

The power of one blow is as terrifying as it is!

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