Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1433: , Fireworks battle!

But it was this opportunity that Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Xiao Lori flew out quickly. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

For them, the distance of several hundred meters is just a sprint distance of a few seconds.

And just on the ridge of that hill is where the black box fell.

When Zhang Xiang and others rushed to the black box, those monsters who were frightened by such a powerful blow could barely react.

However, this time, there was a disagreement in the entire team of monsters hunting Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori.

The monster that was closer was almost frightened because of the fear of the powerful blow, and it was already afraid to move forward.

The monsters crowded from behind are continuing to move forward.

Between retreat and advance, conflict broke out.

Although, this conflict soon dissipated the monsters that came from behind and continued to rush towards Zhang Xiang.

However, the ten-odd seconds of delay was enough for Zhang Xiang to rush to the ridge and **** the black box out of a fire that still had flames remaining.

"Huahuo, buy me two seconds. If you can't stop it, just call me down." Zhang Xiang said to the little Huahuo Lolita who followed behind him.

"Yeah, no problem." Huahuo Lori made a gossip gesture and nodded towards Zhang Xiang.

Even, because Zhang Xiang trusted her in this way, it made her feel much better after landing in this world, as if she had not helped Zhang Xiang.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Xiang also closed his eyes slightly, and quickly passed his mental power through a port on the outside of the black box, and quickly instilled it inside.

'Start to analyze the structure of the data lock...Analyze the lock type...Unlock...Analyze the running data...Start the data decryption...The data analysis is complete...Start the translation..." The data in the black box is here. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Although, due to the difference in the world, even the language and writing may be different.

However, images will not deceive people.

Zhang Xiang believes that this supersonic aircraft must perform some tasks, such as observing whether there are intruders.

Therefore, there must be some video on the road.

And when Zhang Xiang broke the data lock and decrypted the encrypted data, the monsters that reacted faster also rushed to Huahuo and directly rushed towards Zhang Xiang and Huahuo.

Especially, he leaped directly towards Zhang Xiang standing in place.

However, it is at this time.

Huahuo's figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang, her body sank slightly downward, and her right hand lifted upward.

"Thirty-two palms of gossip!" Huahuo Lori opened her eyes, her hands filled with blue chakras.

And at the moment when she yelled this sentence, a gossip-like array appeared under her feet.

Then, her hands turned into a series of afterimages, which impacted the body of the giant praying mantis.

Before the sharp blades of the giant praying mantis’s hands slashed out, its body was under the blue afterimage. It withstood the impact of thirty-two palms in one second, giving its giant body to Bombarded out.

Moreover, when it flew into the air, its vitality had already dropped to freezing point quickly.

Because the Chakra that was bombarded by the soft fist into its body had already exploded, bombarding its heart to pieces.

However, it's like what I said before.

How can those monsters that are like hordes appear individually?

At the moment when the giant praying mantis was bombarded out, another giant praying mantis, which was hidden on the tree above, suddenly ejected out of the woods.

To make matters worse, I don't know if it was a coincidence or communication between the monsters.

When the giant praying mantis was about to rush out, another disgusting giant insect also fell directly from the sky above the tree.

However, when it was in the air, it suddenly opened its jagged mouth and swallowed it directly.

If it is swallowed in, I am afraid that steel will be digested in an instant.

The crisis is really a big crisis.

If it is ordinary and particularly tolerant, I am afraid that in such a despicable sneak attack, no matter which party's attack is resisted, it will be severely injured by the other party's fierce attack.

However, don't forget, what is the last name of Little Lori Huahuo.

She is a member of the Hyuga clan with white eyes!

Moreover, there is still no bird in the cage, who has the ability to observe 360 ​​degrees without blind spots!

Therefore, Xiao Huahuo Lori had already discovered it long before.

And, there are countermeasures.

"Gossip back to the sky (change)!" Little Lori Huahuo stretched her hands, and clamped a few kunai between her fingers.

Then, in the next instant, she slammed back to heaven.

Whether it was the slash of the giant praying mantis or the huge mouth that gnawed down, all were bounced back by the powerful rotation of Huitian and the chakra shot out.

And, in the next moment.

Little Lori Huahuo is still in the impossible, aiming at the bodies of these two monsters, and blasting the kunai blessed by the power of rejuvenation in her hands, and piercing them through the vital parts of their bodies. Passing through, instantly dying.

However, after performing so many tricks one after another, Little Lori Huahuo started to pant slightly.

Sweat leaked from her forehead, and the Chakra in her body began to run out of supply.

After all, even if she counts her time in other worlds, she is still under ten years old.

And in the forest not far away, the sound like the ocean tide was constantly approaching, and even hundreds of monsters could be seen.

However, looking at this, Little Lori Huahuo didn't have the slightest fear in her eyes, but continued to pose.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang, who had been observing Xiao Huo Lolita, couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Moreover, he stretched out his right hand from the back and pressed it on the shoulder of Little Lori Huahuo.

"Okay, I've already done the analysis. Let's set off, and set off toward the remnants of human settlements." Zhang Xiang said gently to the Huahuo Lori.

At the same time, he also looked in a certain direction.

That direction is from Tokyo.

Of course, before that, they need to go to the nearby Osaka area first...

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