Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1443: , The cursed son!

"It's so weak. I'm so weak that I have no interest in killing you guys. Fortunately, I am in a good mood now... However, with such a little strength in Tokyo, it really disappoints me." Zhang Xiang's mouth A smile gradually appeared, but his killing intent was slowly suppressed. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And just after Zhang Xiang's killing intent gradually receded, most of the policemen languished with some lingering fears.

It's just that they were covered by Zhang Xiang's killing intent for less than a few seconds. They were like spending hours in an extremely dangerous and tense environment, their clothes wet with sweat.

In such an autumn season, with the center empty, and sweat that can wet all the clothes, it is really incredible.

Of course, because most of the people are already weakened, the aim of the dozen or so firearms that originally pointed to Zhang Xiang is naturally gone.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, even though most of the people were still aggrieved.

But when they thought of the power perception between the two, they gritted their teeth and endured it.

However, at this moment, the door was opened.

A bald soldier dressed in a military uniform, about forty years old, walked in from outside the room.

However, he didn't seem to see most of the people present, as if they were lying limp on the chairs and their clothes wet with sweat, but walked directly to the main seat of the conference table.

"It's really accurate..." Zhang Xiang said softly with an unclear smile on his face.

Although the voice is small, in this quiet conference room, everyone with some strength can still hear it clearly.

Everyone could hear that Zhang Xiang was mocking the military personnel for whether they were coming early or late. It happened to come out at this time when everyone failed to provoke and was slightly calm after being beaten in the face.

They are mocking the military's actions that they dare not bear.

However, how can a bald middle-aged soldier who can achieve this position and a military member who has undergone many ‘tests’ be retired by such a sentence.

The other party completely pretended not to hear, and started the topic directly.

This made the presidents of the police companies who were used as guns to grab their heads, and the heads of the police companies who were slapped in the face couldn't help cursing the old fox in their hearts.

But what about this? It will not change the current situation at all.

"It's not for anything else to ask everyone to come here today. It is the police who have something to entrust. You can think that this is a commission from the government." The bald military member pretended that nothing happened and said while standing in front of the conference table.

Seeing that there was no objection, the other party continued to speak.

"Before explaining the content of this commission, let me tell you that since this time is a military operation concerning the safety of the entire Tokyo area, those who are to be dismissed are requested to withdraw immediately. After hearing the commission, I cannot refuse." The bald middle-aged man Continue to say.

However, this time he didn't continue speaking, but looked around.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Zhang Xiang also began to observe the scene.

Including Zhang Xiang, on this oval-shaped conference table, there are a total of thirty people sitting on the table, each of whom almost represents a company seat, usually the president sitting there.

And behind them are the employees standing under their hands.

However, their costumes are really strange.

There are women with bright red rider uniforms all over their bodies, even their hair dyed bright red, and bandages on their faces, which are also reminiscent of Jia Kemei

The tall man of the kind of surrealist sculptor.

In short, it's just right that it's all a group of people who walk alone.

Among this group of people, most of them have the initiator with them, that is, the girl who was infected with the gastroentervirus before being born, and was called the cursed child.

(Ingestion of gastroenteric virus during the mother's pregnancy causes the virus to accumulate in the fetus's body, and the child born has a certain gastroenteric ability, so the cursed child is hated and persecuted by most people. The original fetal Gender cannot be selected, but due to a certain impact caused by the gastroenterological virus, all the children known to be affected by the gastroenterological virus are girls. Since the gastroenterological battle began to appear, so now the cursed child They are all within the age of 10. Their eyes will turn red when they use the ability, and when they are liberated or injected into the body fluid, the rate of protoental virus erosion will gradually increase. When the rate of protoental virus erosion in the body exceeds 50, the rate of protoental virus erosion will increase. Therefore, inhibitors are injected every day. Because of rejection, most live in the peripheral area.)

And looking at these immature children, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed softly, without the initial toughness.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang discovered a special existence.

It was a girl who was wearing a plain-colored long-sleeved dress and tights. Although she had a pair of light gray-green, and her eyes, she had a cold feeling.

In addition, her hair is light green, shining with her eyes, looking very soft.

The thing that made Zhang Xiang notice the other party was not that the other party was standing next to General Yi Xiong who was knocked out by Zhang Xiang and almost fell into a coma. It was the opponent's initiator.

But because the other party is rubbing his own belly.

This made Zhang Xiang a little curious.

However, in the next moment, after listening to the hungry sound of Yanzhu in the morning from the other party's stomach, Zhang Xiang suddenly understood.

Even Yu suddenly laughed.

"What a funny kid," Zhang Xiang said softly, looking at each other.

It seems that Zhang Xiang has discovered her little secret, but the other party's face suddenly turns red, like an ordinary girl who has been discovered the little secret. She blushes and avoids Zhang. Xiang's sight.

Of course, because of Zhang Xiang's special status.

Even if he laughed out on such a serious occasion, no one dared to question anything.

However, everyone is still a little curious about what Zhang Xiang is smiling.

This is because they, who lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Zhang Xiang's direction, also heard that Zhang Xiang seemed to have encountered something interesting.

However, at this moment, the bald middle-aged man who pretended not to see Zhang Xiang from the beginning opened his mouth...

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