Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1444: , A billion reward!

"Very well, does that mean that no one wants to quit?" The bald middle-aged military man looked around for a while, and deliberately ignored Zhang Xiang's direction, and then went on to say: "This adult will give you all Explain. See "Mao. Thread, Chinese. Text, Net"

At the moment when his words fell, a close-up of a woman suddenly appeared on the large screen in the meeting room.

"Hello everyone." A soft voice came from the speaker.

She was about sixteen or seven years old. She was wearing a low-cut short-sleeved pure white dress with a hat on her head. She had light blue (silver) hair and a delicate face.

The other party seems to be connected to the Internet in a Western-style room, sitting on that crafted chair.

Moreover, through the video, you can easily see the expensive painting and the bed with a canopy behind her.

"Holy, holy son?!" Among the people present, someone shouted out the other person's name in shock.

At the same time, almost everyone present stood up in a hurry.

Because the girl who appears on the screen now is the ruler of Japan after the war and its Tokyo area.

And now on the bright side, in addition to the holy emperor, the most powerful, as the assistant officer of the holy emperor, Tiantong Juzhicheng also followed her like a shadow.

"Please don't be cautious, everyone, let me explain." The holy emperor with a gentle smile on his face said to everyone present.

Well, but Zhang Xiang is not included, because he didn't stand up at all.

But at this moment, the other party seemed to have seen Zhang Xiang, and projected his sight.

"However, before I release the task, let me introduce you to a strong man from another region. Look at the 1 woollen 3 Chinese net body in the conference room, I believe I have seen him. Now, let me Let me introduce it to everyone. He is from the Osaka area. As the honorary general of the Osaka area, General Zhang Xiang, who is ranked 99th in ip. You are welcome to join this mission. I believe, this time. With your help, the chance of success in the mission will definitely increase." With a sincere smile on his face, Sheng Tianzi nodded towards Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the words of the Son of Heaven, everyone's faces were filled with shocked expressions.

Especially the two people, Rentaro and Yanzhu, who had come up with Zhang Xiang the longest, were shocked.

Because they never imagined that Zhang Xiang would be such a powerful character.

You know, almost all of the characters who can enter the top 100 are not human beings.

After all, even if they worked hard for so long, they only ranked about 120,000.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a smile.

However, he did not show the tough attitude like just now.

After all, he was here to investigate some things about the Son of Heaven, not to anger the other party.

"Well, no problem, as long as I don't let me face the primitive gut animals in the zodiac alone, everything is easy to say. Of course, my charge is very expensive." Zhang Xiang said softly with a smile on his face .

"Of course, we will not treat people who come to the mission badly. If the mission is successful this time, the bonus will be the same price." Shengtianzi stretched out his right hand on the screen.

At the same time, a series of numbers appeared on the big screen.

"One hundred million... tens of millions, one hundred million, one billion, the prize money turned out to be one billion!" Yanzhu stretched out his little hand and pointed to the screen quietly as he counted.

Then she yelled out in shock.

And it wasn't just her, most of the people present were shocked by this number.

Next, the questioning plot like in the original book appeared. As a member of the Tendo clan, Tendo Mugen, that is, the big breasted girl of Rintaro and President Yanzhu, turned out to directly question this mission.

However, at this moment.

A sharp laughter rang out in the room.

That brazen laughter was full of mockery.

"who is it?!"

The people present not only yelled in confusion.

"It's me!" A weird man in a mask, a tall hat and a tuxedo suddenly appeared on the tabletop.

His feet were crossed, and the tiny yellow eyes under the mask seemed to look at the world with mocking eyes all the time.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hiruko, Hiruko Yingyin. When we first met, His Highness, the incompetent head of state," the other party's words contained a trace of ridicule and undetectable hatred, looking at the heavenly son above the screen.

However, at this moment, Lentaro, who was sitting not far from Zhang Xiang, became excited.

"You, you are!" Lentaro pointed at the other party with a nervous expression.

Obviously, the two have seen each other and the process must not be so friendly.

"Haha... I've met again, Rintaro-kun. It is not easy to come in from the main entrance to see you and Shengtianzi. I had to kill a lot of flies." The other party was like saying a little thing, then A smile appeared under the masked face.

"Oh, my dear little Binet is here to say hello to everyone." The masked man raised his head and turned in front of him, but he didn't know when he was wearing a black dress with trim and two scabbards crossed. Behind her waist, a young girl with short wavy hair was standing behind everyone with two small **** swords.

But behind her, the door that didn't know when to open was covered with several corpses dripping with blood.

"Enemy, enemy!" Some people shouted nervously.

And with the sound of this knife, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Most of the people present raised their pistols.

I'm afraid, as long as people shout out, a fierce gunfight will happen.

However, the young girl completely ignored the tension of the people present, put her little hand on the table, raised her leg, and climbed up.

Moreover, after climbing up the table with difficulty, he ran to Hiruko Kageyin, twisted the corners of his skirt and bowed to everyone.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hiruko Kohina, I am 10 years old this year." The girl politely saluted everyone.

However, after introducing herself, the girl slowly moved her head left and right with a look of sleepiness.

"Dad, I'm so sleepy, can I chop them off and go to bed soon?" The girl asked the masked man with her innocent expression.

However, watching the scene where blood was dripping from the scabbard on her waist onto the tabletop and forming a pool of blood, there was no one in the audience who thought that the other person would be joking.

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