Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1462: , Red Lotus Sakura!

However, listening to the words of the red-dressed mature woman, everyone present had no opinion. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Because, the existence of being able to enter this team all put their own life and death outside.

However, everyone knows that they will not give up anyone unless they have to forget it.

Most of the existences who can enter this team have the same experience, or their promoters are killed by the gastroenterologists, or their initiators are felt by the gastroenterologists, and even their family members have suffered misfortune. Hate the gastrointestinal animals.

But there is no prejudice towards the cursed son, but the person who feels pity and even love.

And just when the team was about to enter and had to give up some people, let a severely injured person stay and dock.

A series of horrified roars came from a distance.

"Hold on, I'm here!" A voice that contained powerful power in the plain, but the sound of the rain dripping against the earth and leaves that had penetrated the rainy night was transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

And listening to this voice, it was already a team member who had almost reached the limit.

In those dim eyes of despair, a burst of extremely bright light emerged again.

"Hold on, your representative is here!" Some of the members shouted loudly.

Instead of saying extra words, everyone had already heard Zhang Xiang's voice, and no one was not excited when he heard this voice.

All the people cheered up, bursting out stronger than usual.

The mature woman dressed in red took out another long whip that she had hidden from her waist, and rushed into the densely packed gastrointestinal animal line. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Then, there was a cold burst of shouts.

"red lotus!"

The two long whips in her hands suddenly spread a bright red color.

Then, it was like a real red lotus blooming in this dark rainy night.

Centered in front of her, in a circular area with a diameter of ten meters, there was a huge red lotus in bloom.

In the sound of rumbling lightning, along with the disappearance of that huge red lotus, the trees in the dense forest suddenly collapsed.

And along with the trees that collapsed, they were crushed underneath, and countless welt marks appeared on the body, and inside were completely destroyed primitive gut animals.

And watching the outbreak on this side, Lori, who was wearing a pleated skirt on the other side, was not far behind.

However, she did not directly rush into the gastrointestinal fauna.

But between a few jumps, he rushed directly to the other side of the team.

However, when she was on the forefront of the battle, she did not immediately make a move. Instead, she made a gesture, with her left foot forward and her right foot back, and her hands were pressed to her sides. Above the handle.

He even closed his eyes slightly.

At that kind of emergency, she even closed her eyes, which is no less a death.

Even the primitive gut animal formed by a praying mantis had already jumped its body high, and the sharp blade had already slashed towards her.

The distance is only a mere few meters away.

This distance can be slashed even by an ordinary person with a single jump, let alone a primitive gut animal that far exceeds human strength and agility.

However, none of the people around him supported him.

This is not indifference, nor revenge.

It's just trust!

And as expected, at the moment when the mantis gastrual animal was about to be slashed down, the loli who was wearing a pleated skirt that was already a bit tattered opened her eyes.

A fiery red light flashed from her unabashed eyes.

"Double Sword Flowing Sakura!"

The two blade lights that flashed past like a stream of fire flashed across the air. The speed was so fast that they almost couldn't even leave the retina.

But at the next moment, as if stained with blood, the red cherry blossoms, as beautiful as cherry blossoms, scattered from the forest covered by the heavy rain.

The praying mantis primitive gut that had attacked her, and that soaring in the air, was all unable to move.

Then, slashes crossed one after another, appeared on the body of the primitive gut that was in the air in front of her.

Then, a series of smooth cuts appeared in front of the pleated skirt loli, showing a range of thirty meters fan-shaped.

Under this wave of sudden eruption, the gastrointestinal animal, which was originally under intense attack, was instantly cleaned up.

At least, this is true within a radius of tens of meters.

However, such an outbreak is not without side effects.

At least, the two mature women and Loli who had exploded their big moves are already a little unstable even standing.

However, they are no longer needed.

Because a tall figure appeared in the team with another relatively short voice.

"Thank you, everyone. Next, leave everything to me. You just need to go all the way." Zhang Xiang's figure rang in the middle of the team.

Then, as if ignoring the thousands of primitive gut animals gathered in front of him, he rushed straight ahead.

However, no one in the room had any doubts about this decision.

In their minds, as long as the person in front of them exists, all difficulties will be solved.


A series of neat responses suddenly echoed in this forest full of remains of primitive gut animals.

Then, they all either helped up or picked up their seriously injured partner, and followed Zhang Xiang's figure to set off.

In front of this figure, there are a lot of hideous gastroenterologists.

But at the next moment.

With the eruption of a scarlet tornado that opened up to the sky, all obstacles were uprooted.

This is their Pope, the human substitute for the angels...!

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