Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1463: ,The third stage!

Two hours later, in the outskirts of the Tokyo area. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In a huge abandoned warehouse, everyone stood on the ground covered in rain.

Although most of the members were already out of breath, none of them sat on the ground, but stayed quietly in place, waiting for the words of their representative above.

"Very well, you all reached here within the specified time. Although there were some waves in the middle and were besieged by the gastrointestinal animals. But those were all irresistible factors. You are very good, the first mission is already perfect The ground is complete." Zhang Xiang, sitting on the high platform, said to the people below.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's praise, joyful emotions emerged in everyone's hearts.

"Thank you for your compliments, your surrogate, all this is what we should do." Lori, wearing a pleated skirt, said politely to Zhang Xiang.

Her face was plain, but there was still a hint of fanaticism in her eyes.

Obviously, her feelings for Zhang Xiang are not only admiration, but have risen to the level of faith.

However, it's no wonder that Zhang Xiang regards the first group of key members of the Angel Church very seriously, and almost uses the method of illusion to cultivate their loyalty.

Coupled with his unique personality charm, and the common goal between them.

If this method fails to train a group of diehards, then he can really hit the wall.

"Then, the third phase of the plan can also be unfolded. I have successfully hacked into the data system in the Tokyo area, and all your data has been modified into it. You only need to reconnect to the computer in the Tokyo area. Enter our specific code to get your identity in the Tokyo area. This, I believe you should be able to do it... As for the authenticity of the identity, you can rest assured that I am not only using the civilian network to identify your identity. Modifications have been made, and even the military's system has already been modified with related data..." Zhang Xiang was slowly telling what happened when he planned.

As for when he invaded, even into the military network that ordinary people don't use.

It's very simple. When he stepped into the inner Tokyo area, he already did it.

Do you still remember that when he entered the Tokyo area through the open passage, what happened when the self-defense officer monitored the ip card and got the shocked expression when he knew Zhang Xiang's identity?

Don't think that Zhang Xiang is really showing off his identity and just enjoying the shocked look on others' faces.

The real situation is that Zhang Xiang wanted to use the other party to monitor the IP card, and when connected to the military database, he used the detector of the intrusion IP card to invade the database and rewrite the data.

Regarding this point, with the super power of dual-line lv5, the computing power of the brain is almost comparable to that of Zhang Xiang, who is a dendrogram computer, and also uses that pure data change, which can follow Zhang Xiang’s thoughts Connected, he can also change the shape at will, turning into a silver USB flash drive with an ip card, he wants to invade the military database of this era.

That's nothing simple!

As long as there is one port to invade, the others are easy.

And that port is the ip card detector in the hands of the self-defense officer.

That's why Zhang Xiang wanted to take the road that he knew would be inspected by self-defense officers.

From the very beginning, he had planned all the steps.

The rest is the choice of which route to follow.

Smart people, but never leave a way out for themselves.

"Then, the task of the third stage plan is, what is our purpose?" Wearing red tights, under the dampness of the rain, it looks very attractive, but the mature woman with two long whips on her waist speaks. Up.

"The task is to guide the military rumors in the Tokyo area when the lv5 gastroenterologists attack the Tokyo area, and increase their dissatisfaction with the government. By the way, accept those who can become our partners and control some of the underlying forces. , To expand our power in the Tokyo area, so that we can find opportunities to establish the church in a legitimate way... Remember, the purpose of this stage is not to destroy the government’s vitality, don’t confront them, just weaken it. In addition, we need to control most of the 39th district before the impact, to avoid knowing part of the information about the existence of the cursed son, and attack the 39th district." Zhang Xiang's hands Putting on his chin, he explained his plan.

"However, if the lv5 gastroenterologists really attacked, it would be impossible for Tokyo to resist it? At that time, we will spread rumors and expand the team of our partners. Isn't it meaningless?" The mature woman in red tight-fitting clothes frowned slightly and said in the voice of the weird and immature boy.

"You don't have to worry about this. If the Tokyo government really can't resist it. I will do it!" Zhang Xiang said in plain words.

However, none of the people present questioned this.

Even the mature woman in red tight-fitting clothes had a frantic look in her eyes.

Because, for them, Zhang Xiang, who is the agent of the angel of judgment in the world, is omnipotent!

These are not only beliefs, but also the truth they have seen with their own eyes many times!

"Then, we all understand it." The mature woman in red tights nodded, motioning to understand Zhang Xiang's meaning.

"Farewell, your surrogate!" The mature woman in red tights gave a salute to Zhang Xiang, then suddenly flashed, leading her part of his men and ran into the rain.

On the other side, Loli, who had red eyes and was wearing a pleated skirt, also offered a gift to Zhang Xiang, and disappeared into the warehouse with the rest of the people.

"Did the gears of history start to turn again? Really look forward to..." Zhang Xiang folded his hands on his chin, watching the dark rainy night that flashed with thunder from time to time, and said slowly.

The night is getting deeper!

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