Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1464: , The weird forest!

Three days later, at nine o'clock in the afternoon, near a dense forest, a helicopter that made the low-pitched propeller sound of a bee slowly landed on the ground. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Three hours ago, a helicopter sent out by the Self-Defense Forces seemed to have detected Hiruko Yingyin.

By the way, two days ago, the spider gastroenterate that swallowed the remains of Qixing Village had already been resolved.

Moreover, it was resolved by Rentaro and Yanzhu together.

However, after they solved the spider, they were attacked by the sudden appearance of Hiruko Yingyin.

Faced with the combination of Hiruko Kageyin who was originally ranked 134th in IP, there are now only more than 120,000 Rentaro and Yanzhu, and they are undoubtedly defeated.

In addition, Rintaro was seriously injured.

If Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid even Yanzhu would have been hit hard.

Hiruko Kageyin is not some kind of soft-hearted person, as long as it is an enemy, I am afraid that the other party will kill him!

However, Zhang Xiang who rushed to only protected Yanzhu and the seriously injured Rintaro, but did not leave the other party behind.

Because, from two days ago, Hiruko Yingyin had already disappeared with the legacy of Qixing Village.

Until today, it was considered that the other party was caught in front of him.

But as the helicopter propeller descended slowly, Zhang Xiang walked off the helicopter while wearing that silver-white coat that pulled the wind.

And the person beside him is the little Lori Huahuo.

However, Zhang Xiang was not the only one who got off the helicopter. On the other side were Rintaro, who was seriously injured and unhealed, and his partner Yanzhu.

And this same combination, within a radius of several kilometers, there are close to dozens.

Under the temptation of that billion neon coins, most of the police companies that were present at the time sent out their strongest partner.

As for the few who could not send people, they were all killed by Hiruko Yingyin during the last round of hunting.

"Be careful, if you encounter the other party, it is better to inform everyone for help." Zhang Xiang said to Rintaro who came down from the side.

However, in the face of Zhang Xiang's kindness, Lentaro's face was not so good.

"Hmph, I'm not as greedy and fearful of death as you are. If you didn't let them go, we wouldn't have to take these risks now." Lentaro snorted angrily, but turned his head and left.

However, facing the opponent's temper, Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

Little children, having some naive ideas is also forgivable.

"Yanzhu, be careful, you know?" Zhang Xiang said to Yanzhu, who was standing beside him a little hesitantly and had not caught up.

"Well, I see, Master!" Yanzhu nodded seriously.

After the last conversation, Yeonju has become more mature.

"In addition, if you really encounter something impossible to do, you must run away, you know? And when that kind of thing can't persist, you can tear off something like the one I gave you. In that case, you can save you. It's dead." Zhang Xiang carefully warned Yanzhu again.

"Well, I see, Master" Yanzhu showed a cute expression on her face and made a grimace at Zhang Xiang.

Then, after bidding farewell to Zhang Xiang, he ran directly in the direction Rintaro was advancing.

And watching Yanzhu quickly disappear into the forest, Zhang Xiang also smiled.

"Let's go, Huahuo." Zhang Xiang said to the Huahuo beside him.

Then he picked up a backpack and walked into the forest.

And after Xiao Huahuo Lori responded, she also followed.

By the way, because it is the night forest, Little Lori Huahuo is wearing a long-sleeved dress.

Moreover, the style is somewhat similar to ninja costumes.

Therefore, today's fireworks look very heroic.


Ten minutes later, in the forest, Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lolita were moving fast on the top of the tree.

Because they had all undergone strict training in the ninja world, even if the heavy rains in the first two days made the forest full of moisture, some places became extremely slippery and easy to fall.

But none of this has any effect on Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori.

Even the little Lori Huahuo takes advantage of her small size.

However, this forest is a bit weird.

The temperature is obviously slightly chilly, but wherever the light reaches, ferns and shrubs unique to the tropical rainforest extend endlessly.

Among them, there are even some twisted trees that have not been seen before, sticking out their branches and entangled in the surrounding trees, as if they are strangling plants.

Moreover, there are some plants with red and black markings that Zhang Xiang has never seen before.

But the most strange thing is the sound.

The night in the tropical rainforest near the equator would be very noisy under the chorus of insects, birds and frogs, but this fake forest is shrouded in deathly silence.

Yes, forgery, this forest was not a forest ten years ago, but a small county.

However, after ten years of the Gutgut War, most of the area was occupied by those numbers, and even some trees had grown to a height of ten meters.

Such a scene seems normal to people who don’t know the specifics.

But to Zhang Xiang, a person who knew the inside story, it seemed very strange.

But Zhang Xiang is not a biologist. If some strange gastroenterologists appear, then he still has the urge to hack the opponent to death and use some organizations to study it.

The things in front of him are just plants, and they won't interest Zhang Xiang too much.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang felt that the reason why these trees can grow so luxuriantly is that the environment here is really good, and what's more important is that there are a lot of fertilizers-dead bodies buried in the land.

There are not only human bones, but also some residual limbs that have not been digested by the gastroenterologist.

The abundant fertilizer, coupled with the influence of the unknown mechanism, and the long absence of any human influence, allowed this forest to grow strangely.

As for where the ‘fertilizer’ comes from, isn’t it easy to guess?

Here, it turned out to be a county seat!

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