Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: , The coconut tree monster!

Thorny thorny.

"Huh, what is this voice?" Zhang Xiang's ears moved, as if he heard some strange sound.

"What's the matter?" A puzzled expression appeared on the face of Little Lolita, who was following Zhang Xiang.

"Nothing, just heard a strange sound." Zhang Xiang explained to Xiao Huahuo Lolita.

"Do you need me to open my eyes to see what it is?" Huahuo Lori asked.

"No, there are some things that I need to see with my own eyes. Moreover, in this world, I am afraid that only the existence of the unkillable lv5 will be a little dangerous to me." Zhang Xiang's face She showed a look of interest, and said to Xiao Huahuo Lori.

Then, he turned and jumped in that direction.

Perhaps, it would be better to describe him as a bold person in Yigao.

However, it is precisely because there is no danger that Zhang Xiang would do this.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have done such dangerous things with Little Lolita.

And just ten seconds later, Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori arrived at the place where the sound was made.

However, the trees in this place seem to be very luxuriant, and even the luxuriant branches and leaves block the line of sight ahead.

But what is certain is that there should be a water source ahead.

"Well, it should be here." Zhang Xiang said as he opened a huge leaf blocking him.

Then, he saw... what the source of that sound was. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But first, what he saw first was an eye, a big yellow eye with a sharp light.

Looking down again, the slender mouth is densely covered with teeth, and the firm skin covering from head to tail is shiny like armor. Half of the body is exposed from the river and sitting there, plus The thick skin is almost like a heavy tank.

The body that has become huge due to the erosion of the gastroenteric virus is not surprising, but it has five legs and four eyes in addition to the original eye growth position.

This surprised Zhang Xiang slightly.

Because he has never seen such an ugly gastroenterologist before!

Although, most of the gastrointestinal animals look ugly.

But the key is not this, but such a behemoth, it is in the mouth of another creature at this time.

The reason for using the phrase "biology" is because even Zhang Xiang can't tell whether it is an animal or a plant.

It was about six meters tall, with a body similar to a coconut tree, and even the top canopy leaves were similar to those of a coconut tree.

But in the center of the tree, that thing has a reptile-specific hideous face, with bright red tongues from time to time. Small pimple-like bumps covered his entire face.

The bad breath as strong as rotten flesh filled Zhang Xiang and the two who were downwind.

And that animal with an extension of about three meters, resembling a crocodile, was in the open mouth of the opponent's tree.

And more importantly, this tree actually has a pair of wings, one pair is like banana leaves, but the bigger leaves seem to have wings.

If Zhang Xiang's eyes were not good, then he still couldn't tell.

And the sound of "thorn, thorn, thorn," came from the mouth of the archetypal animal that resembled a tree.

In the other party’s big mouth full of foul smell, the lower body of the crocodile-like primitive bowel animal has completely disappeared, covered with a special liquid full of rancid smell, and then the sound of "stabbing stabbing" In it, it turned into a liquid and flowed into the tree.

Such a weird scene caused Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lori to swallow a little.

Not afraid, but disgusting! ! !

"Ahem, since we already know what's going on, let's go...!" Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice and said to the little Lolita beside the fireworks.

However, the time is too late.

"It's late, they are already surrounded." Little Lolita Huahuo rolled her eyes at Zhang Xiang a little bit angry.

Because, I don’t know when, the surrounding ‘trees’ all opened their eyes, revealing those greedy red eyes, and the big mouth that didn’t know where they were hidden when they came in.

"No wonder you just felt that the trees here are too lush..." Zhang Xiang said silently.

And then, Zhang Xiang felt a more nonsensical scene.

The dozens of huge trees that surrounded Zhang Xiang and Huahuo Lolita collectively shook their'heads' (canopy) and let out an unpleasant roar.

Then, a large number of green leaves, which looked like real leaves, shot towards Zhang Xiang like a sawtooth.

"Damn, Feiye Kuaishou, Pokemon enters in chaos!!!" Zhang Xiang was shocked, and then he screamed, hurriedly resisting most of the flying leaves.

What made Zhang Xiang even more speechless was that when the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ in his hand unfolded the leaves of the ‘Flying Leaf Sharp Knife’, he truly felt that they were genuine leaves.

Moreover, it is the most common kind

Using ordinary leaves, you can throw out the "flying blade fast knife" similar to the sawtooth of a chainsaw. Zhang Xiang is really going to call the other party a master.

Because, even he can hardly do this.

It’s good to say if it is to inject energy, but if it is only relying on brute force, it is really "cough cough cough"...

So, in the forest, a long-lost voice rang: "Run...!" something like that came.

It's really gratifying, gratifying

But in the half-truth running around, Zhang Xiang and others came to the edge of a cliff.

But at this moment, in front of Zhang Xiang and others, something miraculous appeared.

It was a gun, similar to a gun magnified hundreds or thousands of times, shining with high-tech light.

A large number of traction chains bound it.

However, Zhang Xiang knew its real name.


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