Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: , Blonde girl

Looking at it from this place, it should be possible to know that it was the girl who accidentally hit the other person while riding a bicycle in a daze. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

But Zhang Xiang also knew that the fault was not entirely on the blonde girl.

The behavior of the girl in circles around the fountain is no longer a time for two circles.

The people around obviously noticed this.

But the other party was still hit by the blonde girl, and there was only one explanation, that is, the three gangsters walked directly without looking at the way, and ran into the past, or they came to the professional to find fault.

But at the next moment, the voice of rage unexpectedly rang from not far away.

"It hurts me! Where are your eyes?!" The furious voice, from the middle of the voice, although it wanted to be dyed golden, it was inexplicably dyed in the mouth of the little bastard. come out.

"Yeah, your bike hit my boss, don't you know?!" Standing next to the **** with shit-yellow hair, he also dyed his failed hair, but it was slightly greener The **** also spoke up.

"Don't be silent, you just said something! Did you know? You broke my foot when you did this. Lose money, quickly lose money!" Standing next to the little gangster boss, the only one who dyed his hair successfully, The little **** with blonde hair also spoke.

Moreover, as if to increase the ‘persuasiveness’ (deterrence), he stepped his right foot on the girl’s bicycle that was turned on the ground, and said it in a condescending manner.

However, the blonde girl seemed to be shocked by what was happening before her eyes, but she opened her mouth in a daze, and could not say anything.

However, the side of the gangster obviously didn't want to let go of this opportunity to slander money.

"Hurry up and call your parents over, otherwise, I'll let you know how good I am!" The little **** standing in the middle with dyed shit-yellow hair pretended to look like a boss, raising his hand to want He slapped directly at the blonde girl.

However, at this moment.

He felt it suddenly, his right hand violently tightened, but he couldn't move it at all.

"Be forgiving and forgiving, not to mention that she is a little girl again, let her go." Zhang Xiang didn't know when, he was already standing in front of the other party, holding the other party's waving hand with his right hand. .

"Which guy are you? You dare to ask me to let her go. Don't I lose face if you just let it go?!" The little **** yelled and began to struggle violently.

However, he obviously underestimated Zhang Xiang's arm strength.

The distance between the opponents was struggling, and he couldn't even break free.

"Then, give me a face." Zhang Xiang said to the other party.

He wanted to use this method to let the other party retreat.

But he is obviously higher than the other's IQ.

"Give you the face of TMLGB, he's ma, I'm **** you! Give it to me, **** him!" The shit-yellow-haired punk boss screamed, but he fisted Zhang Xiang's eyes. Come.

Listening to the sound of the wind, you can know that the opponent used all his strength in this blow.

Moreover, after listening to their boss's voice, the two little gangsters also started to take action.

One took out the beer bottle he carried with him and slammed it directly at Zhang Xiang's head.

And the other guy was even more outrageous, and turned out to directly attack Zhang Xiang's third lane.

Obviously, these three guys are the kind of punks who have experienced many battles.

If ordinary people are hit, they will lose their combat effectiveness in an instant, and then they will be at the mercy of the opponent.

But is Zhang Xiang an ordinary person?

The opponent's seemingly proficient and agile movements, in Zhang Xiang's eyes, are full of errors and omissions!

"Since you say that, then I don't have to give you face!" Zhang Xiang said, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, his right hand slammed hard and twisted to one side, but it made a click.

Accompanied by a screaming scream, the right hand of the bully boss showed a weird curve.

Obviously, it is a fracture.

Then, he took a step back, but his hands quickly grabbed the hands of the two attacking from both sides, pulled the opponent's hand with a sudden force, and pulled it toward the middle.

Then, it was to make those who were passing by and watching, all feel the toothache happened.

The bodies of the two gangsters collided head-on, making a bang, and both of them slumped to the ground.

Both of them had a big bag on their heads, their entire heads were blank, but at least they had a concussion.

However, when they were slightly awake, they saw two silver-white pistols pointing at their heads.

"How is it? Do you want to continue?" Zhang Xiang's face had a playful look, looking at the two punks lying on the ground.

As for their boss, he was holding his right hand on the ground and wailing.

The pain of the right hand being directly broken is not something ordinary people can bear.

"No, dare not, please let us go."

"Yes, please let us go, let us go like a fart..."

The two little gangsters were pale, panicked and begged Zhang Xiang for mercy.

This is not only because of the two guns that Zhang Xiang showed, but also because they vaguely saw that on the inside of Zhang Xiang's clothes, they were carrying a high-level IP card.

That is something that has the right to kill first and then call the police.

As long as the other party kills the two of them, and then finds an excuse at random, I am afraid that this matter can be revealed.

This is what they are at the bottom of society and bullying ordinary people, but they know it very well.

Therefore, they are so afraid.

"Then, don't hurry up and get out of here!" Zhang Xiang yelled coldly, and said to the two people who were kneeling on the ground.

"Yes, it is."

And after speaking, the two of them were like mice that had escaped from the wild, half carrying their boss, and ran away in a panic.

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