Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1482: , The confused little guy

And after driving off the three gangsters, Zhang Xiang turned his head and squatted to the girl's side. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"How about it, isn't it hurt?" Zhang Xiang squatted down, helped the girl who fell on the ground up, patted some dust off the clothes for the other party, and asked carefully.

However, he did not expect that he had mistakenly thought it was a frightened girl, but he said something that surprised him slightly.

"Hero, justice, hero... for the first time in my life." The rescued girl in pajamas looked at here with a dull expression.

"What, what?" Zhang Xiang asked in surprise.

"Hero, hero!" The girl said twice as if to emphasize.

"Well, the hero is the hero. Where is your home? It's almost night, don't you go back?" Zhang Xiang looked at the confused girl in front of him somewhat helplessly, and asked with some concern.

"Home? Oh, is it home? But, where is my home?" The girl in a daze, tilted her head and asked Zhang Xiang.

Well, listening to the girl's words, Zhang Xiang was completely speechless.

In desperation, he had no choice but to lift the girl up and let her sit on a bench in the nearby park, while he helped the other party to lift the bicycle up.

In addition, he helped the other party get back the handle that was slightly deformed because of being stepped on by that little bastard.

Then, he took out the towel from the space bag and got it wet from the faucet next to the bench that was specially used for washing or drinking, and wiped it off for the other person because he fell. , Some dirty cheeks, let the other side wake up.

Well, Zhang Xiang wanted to let the other party wipe his cheeks by himself. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But looking at the other party's dazed appearance, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to do it to the end, helping him wipe his cheeks clean.

"It feels like you are quite familiar." The girl asked with some doubts, tilting her head.

"Because, in my house, there is a little girl who is a few years younger than you, but who is several times more lively than you, and easily stains clothes and cheeks" Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

While talking, Zhang Xiang remembered Xiao Chi's naughty, or should be described as lively, or full of vitality.

"Oh, then, you must like her very much, right?" The girl nodded as if sure, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

"Well, but how did you know?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"Because, when you talk about her, there is a natural smile on your face, and there is a trace of gentleness in your eyes..." The girl explained to Zhang Xiang, but her head dropped slightly.

"Really? I didn't know I would be like this... But, Xiaochun, oh, Xiaochun is my niece, she, but the cutest existence in the world is there." Zhang Xiang's face With a proud expression, he introduced to the other party.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly discovered that the girl had been keeping her head slightly lowered, and did not lift up.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang slightly surprised, and quickly lowered his head.

However, Zhang Xiang found a dumbfounding answer.

That is, the girl was dozing off, her eyelids almost closed.

"Hey, don't sleep here, you will catch a cold." Zhang Xiang waved his right hand in front of the opponent and called the opponent twice.

"Ah... I'm sorry," the blond confused girl suddenly awakened.

But that awakeness was only for a while, and the blonde girl looked down again to doze off.

But at this moment, the blonde girl took out the English-labeled bottle from her pocket, grabbed a handful of pills inside and threw it into her mouth.

Zhang Xiang gave a slight stroke, but it seemed to contain caffeine, which is a refreshing drug.

"I'm... nocturnal. If I don't eat this, I won't wake up in the morning." While talking, she put a lot of pills into her mouth one by one, chewing and swallowing with a tired expression.

Zhang Xiang didn't know much about this kind of pill, but he knew it was already more than the standard amount for a single dose.

"Hey, don't eat pills, it's bad for your health... Also, where do you come from? What's your name? Guardian? Why are you wearing pajamas and slippers?" Zhang Xiang gave the girl a hand. The medicine bottle in his hand was snatched over, preventing the other party from swallowing it.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the girl just glanced at her attire, and then slowly tilted her head.

"I don't know?" The blonde girl said in a daze.

"I don't know... what about your name?" Zhang Xiang's voice rose by an octave in an instant.

But on his face, there was a trace of helplessness.

"My name is..." For some reason, the blonde girl's eyes flashed for a moment, but she immediately raised her head.

"My name is Tina...Tina Sprandt." The blonde girl solemnly introduced her name to Zhang Xiang.

Looking at the solemn look of the other party, Zhang Xiang couldn't help becoming a little serious.

"My name is Zhang Xiang. Well, it's a name that is more inclined to the side of the sky." Zhang Xiang introduced himself to the other side.

"Zhang Xiang..." Young blonde...No, it was Tina who raised her head and looked at Zhang Xiang with those big pure eyes that were blue like the sea.

"Huh?" Zhang Xiang was a little confused.

"...Ouni sauce" Tina said, tilting her head.

Listening to Tina's words, Zhang Xiang's hand pressing on the edge of the chair slipped, almost not falling under the table.

He couldn't imagine that Tina with a serious face would say something like this.

"What?" Zhang Xiang asked silently.

"No, I just want to try to call you once." Tina nodded as if she had done something serious.

"Well, where did you come from? Do you remember anything?" Zhang Xiang had to start with the most basic question.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Tina drooped down her eyelids wearily, shook her head back and forth left and right, so that she was awake, pressed her index finger against her chin, and then spoke slowly.

"I remember that after waking up in the apartment today, I brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on clothes, and rode out the door vigorously." Tina was talking slowly, her head shook as if she wanted to Fall into that kind of hazy state.

However, listening to Tina's words, Zhang Xiang stared at the other party and stopped talking.

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