Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1484: ,task……

However, when Zhang Xiang retracted her sight, Tina, who was going away on her bike, also looked back at Zhang Xiang.

However, what flashed past her eyes was an expression of hesitation.

Night fell quietly.

And in an apartment not far from Zhang Xiang's house, just two streets away.

Tina, who is no longer sleepy in the afternoon, is already wearing a blue-green skirt, her hands are wearing black sleeves from her wrists, and her feet are also wearing black stockings. One of the numbers was pressed.

"Moses Moses..." The girl's voice was slightly stiff, without any personal feelings.

On the other side of the phone, although there was no sound, Tina knew that someone had picked up the phone and was listening.

"Are you going to make a regular report?" A male voice came from the opposite side of the microphone.

In the same way, there is no emotion in the other party's words, just an appearance of business affairs.

"Yes, I have already sneaked into the Tokyo area smoothly, and I have also gained a certain level of contact with the character of one of the target tasks. Very smoothly, I have gained part of the other party's trust...I will locate a part of the equipment , Placed on the other party's body." The blonde girl Tina spoke to the person opposite the microphone.

However, when she said this, there was a hint of hesitation in her eyes.

But in the end, her words were still so calm and flat.

"Very well, the task was completed well. Then, just repeat your task!" An extremely calm voice rang from the opposite side of the phone.

"Yes, my task is to wipe out the holy son and try to put the blame for killing the holy son on General Zhang Xiang when the general of Qi Wu Xuanzong is meeting with the holy emperor. If possible, will fight for it Erase Admiral Zhang Xiang. The above are all my tasks!" The blond girl stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror of the dilapidated apartment, and described her task indifferently, coldly and ruthlessly.

But can she really do this?

None of us knows about these.

Because, in this apartment, there is no light, allowing us to see any face of the blonde girl Tina.

Yes, there is no light.

Even the light on the phone screen disappeared.

——After the blonde girl Tina finished retelling the mission, she hung up the phone for convenience.

Even satellite phones that have been specially encrypted and have taken the military route may be monitored by the military in the Tokyo area.

In order to prevent the leakage of information, it is necessary to minimize the time of the call.

And just after putting down the phone in her hand and standing there and waiting for a while, the blonde girl Tina finally made a move after waiting.

She fully charged the battery of the phone, plugged in headphones full of futuristic style, and walked outside the apartment.

The place she went was a dilapidated place in the outskirts where containers were piled up.

This is a type of storage room called a rental box.

It is said that after the war, many people started their businesses by placing container boxes on the open space.

The chronic land shortage in the Tokyo area has gradually increased land prices, so that you can keep collecting rent and wait until the day the land is sold and then the container box is withdrawn. This is a stable and profitable business.

After a while, the blonde girl came to a container box, inserted the special key in, and entered a series of passwords.

Then, with the sound of a "click", the automatic door slowly opened, revealing something that surprised Tina.

In this area there are six huge container boxes the size of tatami mats, full of various weapons.

Needless to say, small firearms and sniper rifles, the walls and ceiling are full of rocket launchers, recoilless guns, and even anti-tank rifles.

This gives people a feeling that everything that may be used is ready to avoid any deficiencies.

"This?" Tina exclaimed.

However, at this moment.

The other party's male voice with a hint of pride rang again.

"Are you satisfied? This, but I made it specially for your mission!" Although the other party's voice is still extremely calm, it contains a hint of pride that anyone can hear.

"Satisfied...!" The blonde girl Tina grabbed an anti-tank sniper rifle with both hands.

However, the weight of thirty pounds caused the blonde girl to move it slightly.

However, at the next moment.

This one weighed 30 kilograms and was able to shoot a sniper rifle capable of overturning a car, but it was picked up by the blonde girl Tina.

Because, the girl's pure sea-blue pupils turned red without knowing what.

——She is also the cursed son!


At this time, in Zhang Xiang's home, two streets away, there was a chaos.

"Ahhhhhh... let me hack this dead rabbit and the guy who killed my father!!!" Hiruko Kobina's hands were holding two kitchen knives that he didn't know where he got from, and he was pointing at Yanzhu and Rentaro at the door roared.

However, her body was stopped firmly by Zhang Xiang, and her hands were bound by Zhang Xiang.

Therefore, she was only able to yell.

However, the one who was scolded was obviously unwilling to be scolded.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! What are you saying? Ran away.

However, when she rushed over to take a shot, Zhang Xiang finally freed up a hand and used his right hand to resist Yanzhu's forehead, just like she was targeting Little Binay in the morning, but it also made her unable to rush. Up.

"Hey, can't you two get along peacefully?" Zhang Xiang looked at the two young girls who were on the verge of running away with some helplessness.

However, both girls ignored Zhang Xiang's words and continued to stare at them.

On one side, Rintaro stood at the door of the room a little embarrassed.

And Xiao Huo Lolita and Xia Shi Lolita were putting out the food.

Well, Zhang Xiang would definitely not admit it. Seeing Zhang Xiang's suffering, Hua Huo Lolita and Xia Shi Lolita were laughing secretly.

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