Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: ,'Love each other'

After a stalemate for a while, Zhang Xiang finally couldn't help but call foreign aid. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands... well, it was Zhang Xiang who was annoyed by those two girls.

"Huahuo, help me calm down the two of them." Zhang Xiang couldn't help but cried out to Huahuo Lori for help.

"Well, wait until I put this dish away." Huahuo Lori said to Zhang Xiang without turning her head back.

Well, Zhang Xiang would never admit it, he seemed to see a smile flashing across the corner of Lori Huahuo's mouth.

However, fortunately, Hua Huo Lolita did not let Zhang Xiang wait long.

After Huahuo Lori patted the two of them twice, the two of them suddenly felt a little bit weak, and only the strength of their mouths to quarrel.

"Well, half of your strength will be sealed, and see how you are making trouble." Zhang Xiang said to the two people with hands on hips.

"Hmph, she was the first to provoke me. Otherwise, who would be interested in taking care of this dead praying mantis!" Yanzhu glanced at his face somewhat unconvinced.

"Ah, you dare to call me dead mantis, don't worry, I must cut you into pieces!!!" Little Binay was also struggling violently.

Well, even if these two people don't have the strength to fight, they still want to win the battle.

However, this angered Zhang Xiang a little bit.

"Well, since you want this. Then, I will let you'love each other'!" Zhang Xiang said viciously to the two girls in front of him.

And then, the two girls suddenly recovered their strength. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

But the body is beginning to get a little out of control.

"Ahhh, dead rabbit, what are you doing so close? Do you want to lean over and be hacked to death by me?" Little Binay watched as he walked towards him, opened his hands, and was getting closer and closer to him. , Can't help but exclaim.

"Ahhhhh...dead praying mantis, I don’t want to lean over. When I get close to you, the smell of dead praying mantis on your body almost overwhelms me. How can I still get close to you! It’s just that the body is not affected. Control it!!!" Yanzhu, a girl with orange hair, went crazy, and started yelling too.

However, not only Yanju can’t control her body, but even Kohina feels her body as if being manipulated by something, getting closer and closer to her most annoying dead rabbit.

When she was thinking about the countermeasures, the two people had already touched each other and embraced each other together.

"En, you can be considered a good friend like this" Zhang Xiang nodded in satisfaction.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang also used pupil technique to control the two people to start a scene of feeding each other.

The two of them couldn't help yelling, but they also began to hear Zhang Xiang's words.

At least, the two people stopped yelling.

It wasn't until the dinner was over that Zhang Xiang had let go of his control over the two people.

It's just that as soon as the control was released, the two people had a solid state of germination.

The two girls who had been sitting together suddenly looked like a little girl who had encountered a cockroach, and they rushed to both sides.

"Ahhhhhhhh, I was fed by you to eat." Yanzhu spit out disgustedly, and shouted to Binet who was leaning on the other end of the table.

Little Binay is more direct.


However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly cleared his cough.

"Ahem...Do you still want to'love each other' again?" Zhang Xiang put his right hand in front of his mouth, showing a smile but not a smile, and glanced at the two people on the left and right.

But at the next moment, the bodies of the two people suddenly stiffened.

Obviously, the two of them remembered the previous scene where the body was completely unable to move.

But the important thing is not this. The important thing is that two people have to be forced to feed each other. This is what makes two people with ‘deep hatred’ feel sick.

Thinking of this, the two of them stunned all over their bodies, and they suddenly changed from a "bear boy" to a "good boy" sitting obediently at the table.

"Okay, since everyone has calmed down well. Then, Rintaro, just tell me what is going on when you came to me?" Zhang Xiang was hanging out by him for nearly an hour, using various excuses to delay Said Rentaro.

Because Zhang Xiang knew a little about the other party's intention.

At this moment, Rintaro also spoke a little awkwardly.

"That, in fact, I am here to invite you to participate in a meeting in place of the Lord Holy Son." Lentaro gave a clear cough and said his intention.

"Oh, holy son? However, I am a little confused. After the last time, even if the holy son does not hate me, I am afraid it will not be good to me. Why, she would want me Going to the meeting" Zhang Xiang folded his hands to support his chin, but a smile appeared on his face, and he looked in the direction of Rentaro.

Seeing Zhang Xiang's eyes that seemed to see through everything, Rintaro suddenly felt a little restless.

Think about it again, concealing the possible consequences of Zhang Xiang.

He finally decided to tell the actual situation.

"It was a private conversation that Shengtianzi invited you over, that is, it is not announced. Moreover, the content of the discussion is not other, but about the ruler of the Osaka region, Qiwu Xuanzong. I believe that as the other party You, the enemy, shouldn't refuse this conversation, right." Rintaro expressed his intentions in simpler language as much as possible.

"Oh, is that so?" Zhang Xiang's face pretended to show a suddenly realized expression.

However, seeing Zhang Xiang's expression, Rintaro's face showed a wry smile.

"Zhang Xiangjun, don't tease me. I don't believe that, as the Osaka area, you who can compete with Emperor Xuanzong Qi Wu for the right to rule, don't know that your most powerful political enemy has arrived in Tokyo." A wry smile of unbelief appeared on his face and said to Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, is it?" Zhang Xiang also showed a smile on his face.

But it did not admit it, nor denied it.

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