Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1488: , The so-called king!

"Yes, it is because of my personal selfishness that I made such a choice. Look at the hair, line, Chinese, text, and net." Zhang Xiang honestly stated his thoughts.

Because, his attitude can be analyzed by just a little investigation.

"However, if what you say is true and the assumption is correct. Then, isn't what you did a hindrance to the development of the country?" For the first time, the face of Shengtianzi showed impoliteness. He asked Zhang Xiang with an incredible expression on his face.

"Haha... Your Excellency, it seems that you have misunderstood something. I am a person first, and then the people of a country. People, because of all kinds of selfishness, are real. People. Human society, because of selfishness, can compare and move forward. Just like you, you are also selfish..." Zhang Xiang laughed and continued. .

"I didn't..." Shengtianzi hurriedly wanted to refute.

However, Zhang Xiang interrupted her words.

"You want to say that you have no selfishness above the country? Because you have been contributing to the country and hope that the country will be strong, right? However, this is just the opposite. You who have such an idea are considered to be The person with the greatest selfishness. Because of the special inheritance method of the head of state in Tokyo, hope that the country will be strong is your greatest selfishness...!" Zhang Xiang said in a decisive voice as if he had come to a conclusion.

And perhaps it was shocked by Zhang Xiang's voice, or shocked by Zhang Xiang's words that seem to be a bit crooked and heretical, but really tasted quite correct.

In short, Shengtianzi fell into silence, frowning slightly not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until two minutes later that she recovered from the silent state and restored her gentle and gentle appearance again.

"Thank you, Zhang Xiangjun, after listening to your words, I seem to understand something." The Son of Heaven said to Zhang Xiang in a gentle and elegant manner.

However, Zhang Xiang sighed inwardly when he looked at the other person.

Because he knew that the words he thought up temporarily, it was impossible for the other party to truly accept them.

The other party's posture that she had restored to her original position was a hidden reflection that she did not agree with Zhang Xiang's point of view.

However, Zhang Xiang only sighed secretly, but he didn't think it was a pity.

Originally, he didn't have any preparations for meeting the Holy Son of Heaven, so naturally he didn't think about what purpose he would use this meeting to achieve.

The remark just now was only because Zhang Xiang felt that the other party was really naive, so he couldn't help but speak.

However, isn't this perseverance of the other party a cute point for the love of the country's people?

Okay, forgive Zhang Xiang for using "moe" to describe each other.

In such a world where the weak eat the strong, the strong bully the weak without hesitation, and there is such a ‘strong’ who insists on his own principles. Doesn’t it look dazzling and ‘cute’?

Hope that such an existence can persist for a long time. Isn't it what everyone who still has light and hope hopes for?

Of course, because of this, the world will become more exciting, right? !

And not long after, the conversation between Zhang Xiang and Shengtianzi ended.

Under the leadership of a waiter who led him up, Zhang Xiang walked downstairs.

The Son of Heaven also got up slightly and gave Zhang Xiang a ride.

Of course, it just made a gesture and stood up.

After all, there is still a class difference between the two sides.

The counterparty who obeys the royal etiquette will not destroy himself.

During this whole conversation, both parties seemed to be talking nonsense, and even they were all around others. There was only a little bit about Zhang Xiang.

However, it was precisely during such a conversation that seemed to have nothing substantive, the two sides exchanged opinions about themselves.

After all, the reason why Sheng Tianzi organized this meeting is to accompany the "Tian Tong Ju Zhi Cheng" who is known as the old fox.

The purpose is to find out if Zhang Xiang is the same as President Qi Wu, and even if there is a chance for cooperation.

Because, since the entire world was ravaged by primitive gut animals, the exchange of information between regions has reached a very low level.

They are not sure if such a person who does not seem to be the same as President Qi Wu, is it because the other party is disguised as a bitter trick.

In order to swallow the Tokyo area in one fell swoop.

And after such a temptation, at least they had already heard Zhang Xiang's bias from each other's nonsense words.

They have already confirmed that Zhang Xiang is indeed not a member of President Qi Wu's faction.

But at the same time, they also determined that Zhang Xiang would not support them in dealing with President Qiwu.

This result made them both disappointed and expected.

Because Zhang Xiang’s current identity is still the head of Osaka’s admiral that has brought the most help.

It is impossible for him to destroy the forces he can rely on.

Even in the Osaka area, the collision between the two of them has never stopped, and they can't wait to kill each other.

Of course, this is only the information the other party gets from the conversation.

Perhaps only he can truly know Zhang Xiang's real thoughts.

Moreover, who can tell if President Qi Wu is under Zhang Xiang's control?

After all, the side of the Son of Heaven didn't know that Zhang Xiang had the eyes that could hypnotize human beings, as well as the magic arts that could control a person forever.

However, when Zhang Xiang got on the Lincoln car and went away again.

He saw a beautiful blonde girl who had never been far away, but slowly came over, flashing past the car window.

Although it was just a glance, Zhang Xiang felt that the other party had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Oh, is this the little girl who was confused yesterday?" Zhang Xiang showed a suddenly realized expression.

However, when Zhang Xiang reacted, the other party had already disappeared from the car window...

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